Save the Goddess System

Chapter 721 You can go

Fuji Tianxiang is slightly changed, and then the cold channel: "Sakurai, open the door."

Soon, a beautiful woman wearing a jade opens the door from inside.

The woman's appearance is very amazing, even if the thick kimono can't cover her good body, but compared with the fragrance of the flowers, she is still a little less than.

Her name is Sakurai, is the same as Fujita Xiang, the flowers in the flower is also the disciple of the Donglu Jian Shengchuan Island.

When I saw Fuji Tianxiang, the Sakurai was a smile in the nah: "Fuji Tian Jun, before you come here every day, you can come to the flower sauce tomorrow, can't even wait for a night. ?"

Fuji Tianxiang sweeps her body, and the evil smiled: "Yes, I can't wait a night, now you have no matter, I will wait for me next door."

Sakurai gave him a eyebrows, then twisted the waist, before, she was deliberately smashed into the shoulders of Fujita.

In the eyes of Fujiyu, the evil is more evil, then he looked at the flowers sitting in the bedside.

Compared with the previous, there were a lot of the face of the fragrance, and she still couldn't cover her color. She wore a white cherry blossom and suits, and Anan sat quietly like a fairy.

At this time, the fragrance in the flower painted in Fujita Xiang, cold and cold spit out two words: "Nausea!"

Even if she lost his previous memory, it can also be seen that the relationship between Fujita Xiang and Sakurai is not just that the teacher is so simple.

"Is there a vinegar in the flower sauce?" Fuji Tianxiang smiled, went to the flowers in the flowers, just took her chin, and said: "Please rest assured that the flowers, I will only like you in this life. A woman, with other women, is playing. "

"Don't touch me!" The flowers were in the painting and twisted, but did not stand up.

"Well, I don't touch you, anyway, let's we have to be friends, I have been there." Fujita flashed a smell of evil and play.

The flowers of the flowers were "", and the cold frost said: "I want to marry me? Dream! I will die, you will not be friends with you, you will die this heart!"

Because of the loss of the past memory, she revealed the flaws after she was brought back to Dongpu, and she found that she was controlled by Li Feng by Li Feng.

Sichuan Yishang tried many ways to lift women and print, but he ended.

And in the body, there is a very loyal loyalty to Li Feng in the flower, and the relatively lax, she has been trying to escape, even when she hurts the shadow, which makes Kawao One is very angry.

After that, the Sichuan is a lot of people abolished the Dantian in the flowers of the flowers, and the Fuji Tianxiang took the initiative to make the flowers of the flowers.

Originally, the flora is a favorite apprentice in Sichuan Island. He is not planning to make the flowers in the flowers, but let them be able to pursue breakthroughs on the vision.

After this, he had completely disappointed the flowers in the flowers, and agreed with Fujita Xiang's request.

After that, the flowers in the flower were trapped in this villa. In order not to let her commit suicide, some people had a 24-hour guard who didn't leave her 24 hours a day, even on her teeth, a soft teeth.

Tomorrow is the Huangdaoji Day, which is the Chuan Isle, who is selected!

As the pro-disciple of Dongpu Jian Sheng, Fuji Tianxiang is the son of the second largest shareholder Fujian Hao, and there will be many heavy capacity guests.


However, for Shen Ziyi, this upcoming wedding is a nightmare, because everything is owned by the owner, this is the most serious betrayal for the owner!

Fuji Tian Xiang eyebrows, then shake his head: "Hey you, play a little child, you can't die, your fate is my wife."

"Oiss, tomorrow, in the wedding, otherwise, if you are, you may make some inefficient things that night."

While talking, the evil light in Fuji Tianxiang is even more.

If Master is the Master Richmond, I will warn him again. He will never leave the flowers in the dress, but it doesn't matter, good things are worth waiting, and one day, he can dream.

If the flower is inserted by the fragrance tomorrow, then he will be very violent!

The flowers in the flower are shrinking: "The owner will find you, kill you revenge for me!"

I know that I have no hope, the flowers are in the heart, but she believes that the owner will give her a revenge after this matter, will be!

"Yes?" Fujita Xiang heard the laugh: "Forget to tell you, Li Feng died, was killed by the strong people of Xiaoxia, Zheng, and Lei Three, I heard this news, are you very happy? Haha, hahahaha. "

The flowers in the flower, the fragrance, the face did not dare to confuse the color: "No, no, the owner will not die, absolutely will not!"

"Letter don't believe you, in short ... this is a fact." Fujita Xiang showed a relaxed shrug, then smiled: "I look forward to the arrival of tomorrow, the flowers, we will see you tomorrow."

The voice falls, Fuji Tianxiang will come to this side by Nai, and then turn it away.

Soon after the team left, the team came to the back door position of this luxury villa.

"Black Zeping, you have determined that the flowers are in the flowers,"? "

Li Feng, who worked on the human skin, asked in this luxury villa in front of him.

The same is nodded by Li Feng's black-skinned mask: "Yes, I last listened to Yixianjun ... ah, it is Fuji Tianxiang's bastard.

"You have to know, if you say something, if you have a mistake, I will pinch your head." Li Feng turned his head to Heze, the cold voice said.

He Zeda was hit, then shook his head: "Mr. Li please feel relieved, I am telling it is absolutely true."

I am pinched in Li Feng in my hand, and I don't dare to lie it to the ten courage of Black Ze Ping.

"Very good." Li Feng nodded and then said to Heze Pei: "You can go."

Blackazing is just nod, then he is on the spot: "???"

No ... I didn't listen to it, Li Feng actually let him go?

"Don't want to go?" Li Fengbei picks it, it is like laughing.

Heze is busy: "I want to go, thank Mr. Li let me let me, I will remember your moir!"

"Well." Li Feng nodded, and then smiled and said: "You will not tell others if you are gone."

"No, of course!" Black Zeping almost patted his chest.

However, his heart is full of Li Feng silly 13, but also to order your mind, as long as he leaves the threat, he will notify the swordsman in the first time. If you can catch Li Feng, it is definitely a big job!

Li Feng's eyes flashed and terminated his mind: "Okay, let's go."

Blackze Pei looked at Li Feng for a while, then slowed down, leaving it at a little bit.

When he turned into the street corner, he fought in the future, he felt that his head rose, and then lost awareness.

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