Save the Goddess System

Chapter 722 playing a play

When Fuji Tianxiang did not see, when he had just turned over the corner of the street, a true gas rushed into his head, and brought his head to open his head!

Suddenly, the pedestrians on the roadside were screaming by this scene, and the crowd fled.

And all of this starter Li Feng, just like a dull person, went to a dark corner, using no one to pay attention to it, then skipped the villa wall.

In fact, Li Feng originally thought that he didn't cherish it, and a set of hearts in the face. Since reading is to see that he wants himself, don't kill him still stay in New Year?

After entering the villa, Li Feng opened the eye and found the figure of the flower.

"found it!"

Soon Li Feng found the figure of the flowers in the flowers in the middle of the second floor, and then he wore the wall and quickly walked into the room.

"Sister, little sister is really envious of you can marry Fujijun, but why do you not happy? Is there any place in Fujikun?"

Sakura is sitting in the flower dress in the flower in the flower, like two sisters like her.

The flowers of the flowers lifted their eyes and spit out the words: "Oh."

Sakurai was slightly changed by Nai, and then acknowledged: "The flower is in the flowers, do you think that you still have a flower that is deeply loved by Master? Isn't, you are just a trash that is discarded by Master, is a teacher Shame! "

"If it is not the love of You Yidian, you have been sold to the dance hall now, it is a good thing for people!"

The flowers in the flowers are in the cold, and the double fists are clarified. The nails are nearly meat, and the angry flames are ejected.

"Is it very angry?" Sakurai hooked a tauntful smile by the Nikkah: "It's just an ordinary person, but I am a master, I have to humiliate you. Any resistance of any resistance. "

"Just as before, I am so hard, you will be able to live, but can only be biting, isn't it?"

Scholams are needed to reach out to the armored arm.

In the past period, this kind of thing sakura well was made many times, and the arms of the fragrance of the flowers were then slammed. Seeing her anger and there is no choice. It is definitely a kind of enjoyment.

No way, who makes the dress that have been incense so good? Excellent to make the brothers in the Division like, even the Fujita Jun, who has always liked, is deeply fascinated by the flowers of the flowers, which makes her jealous!

The imagination of Sakurai is more than once, and the flowers in the face will step on the feet. The sky is pitiful, and her wishes come true!

Looking at the somewhat twisted pretty face, the flowers of the flower showed a strong resentment, she wants to come, but is it an ordinary person who is a martial artist? Once it is still a self-sufficiency.

At this moment, the flowers of the flowers hate the Sakurai!

Just at the hands of the Sakurai, the hand of the flower is about to paint in the arms, and the hand that is shocked from the side is pinched with her wrist, and then slap!


Bone fracture sounds!


Sakurai is screaming by Nair, then alarmed: "Who is it ?!"

She didn't hear the footsteps, and even didn't even hear the sound, but someone walked to her and shredded her wrist? !

At the same time, Sakurai looks forward from Nairun, but I saw a flattening young man looking at myself with an unusual icy gaze.

What a terrible look is, if you can kill people, then she has already died thousands of times!

Opposite, the fragrance of the flower is vigilant to look at the person who appears in the room.

Although he shot his hand of Sakurai, let her avoid the insults of Sakurai by Sakura, and she will not give him any gratitude.

"The flower is me."

At this moment, this person turned into the floss and laminated, and then reached out and took off the skin mask wearing her face.

"the host?!"

In an instant, the flowers of the flower did not dare to hold the mouth, and the eyes were full of exciting tears.

God, the owner is not dead, the master will save her, she is not dreaming? !

Sakurai is more fear, and people are actually the owner of the flower, which is the legendary Li Feng? !

The death, Fujita Jun said that Li Feng is a strong strong, and what is the difference between her partner in front of Li Feng in front of Li Feng? !

"I can't afford the flowers, I am late, this time will make you suffer."

Li Feng said with the color of his face.

When he saw that the Sakuraki went to the flower, the murder of the heart was really inhibited.

This is just what he saw. When he is not there, how does Saksui have to treat the flowers in the flower?

"The owner who doesn't matter, as long as you can come, the flowers are very happy."

During the flower painted in the heart, wipe the tears of the corner, caught laugh.

Under the influence of women, even if Li Feng doesn't come to save her, she will not hate Li Feng, she will only feel that she is useless, now Li Feng is coming, it is an accident.

"You this little fool."

Li Feng took the hand and took his hand to the head of the flower.

When the flowers in the flower, the face was red, and the eyes closed his eyes, and the face was all satisfied.

This scene made Sakurai from a nah.

Not ... this is the big flower in the greenery, such as the peacock. She is so tame in front of Li Feng. If the Fuji Tianxiang will not be angry?

"Okay, some words, let's talk later, you tell me first, how do you intend to deal with this woman."

Room Li Feng turned his head and looked at Sakurai by the nail, murderous!

Here is already in the air barrier, no matter what happens, there will be people outside.

Sakurai was trembled by Nail, whichever: "I am the disciple of the sword, you dare to hurt me a sweat, my teacher will tear you!"

"Oh, really."

Li Feng lifted his skin and then grabbed another wrist!


It is also a crisp, and the Sakurai is screaming by Nai, almost distorted!

Opposite, the flowers and fragrances only feel refreshed.

This vicious woman has this day? This is the retribution!

But immediately, she is a micro-change: "The master, you will go alive, the Sichuan is very close to this place. If he knows that you will be dangerous."

In her heart, the security of the owner is always the first.

"The district is a supreme late power. He dares to kill him."

Li Feng's eyes flashed a cold light, then laughed: "There will be many shadow members in the flowers."

During the flower, the fragrance is unconditional trust in Li Feng. He said that he can knead the Kawan Island, you can do it.

Therefore, there is not much to say that there are many inquiry in the flower, directly nod: "Yes, the two major shadows in Chuandao will be present."

"Oh?" Li Feng said on a bright, smiled: "Then you will play with me tomorrow ... Can you?"

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