Save the Goddess System

Chapter 723 Wedding Start

After 10 minutes, Li Feng left here.

Before leaving, Li Feng spent 10,000 system in the system mall, purchased a white jade albicon, put the two broken wrists of Sakurai by the nails, and spent a lot of points to modify the memory of Sakurai.

In fact, when I just arrived here, Li Feng plans to put the Sakurai from the nacher, and then eliminate her memory when he is walking.

However, after seeing Sakurai, he went to the flowers of the flowers, he couldn't help but knocked the two wrists of Sakurai by the Sakurai.

Although he spent 10,000 system points for this, Li Feng did not feel bad, and never regret.

If you have money, it's too happy!

Wait until the next morning, the Sakurai was woke up by Na, and she was first horrified to look at the bed, and found that the flowers were still in the flowers, she was relieved after she was asleep, and she was in the words: "How do I sleep?" "

She only remembered that she had been sleeping after the flowers and fragrance, and then she was sitting on the sofa and wanted to take a break. She once thought she had slept.

Fortunately, there is no accident in the flower, or her sins can be big.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, there was a maid to come in to help the flowers, changing the incense makeup, changing clothes, 7 o'clock, the team of welcome to the villa, wearing the highest specification of the twelfth single flower, the fragrance of the sakura, Sakura, Sakura Black Bentley Muduki for his head.

In this process, the flowers in the flower are like a general, and there is no expression, but it is very cooperated.

The team then leverages the villa and slowly drives the net fruit.

The traditional wedding of Dongpu is held in the society, hosted by the gods, and the Nairo Society is the largest agency, which can hold a wedding in the Jincai Society, the true upper class.

After all, the two disciples of Dongpu Jian Sheng married, the man is the second largest shareholder of the three groups, the son of Fujian Hao, which was a few days ago, they got the traffic control.

Starting from the team, even a carriage is not connected along the way, all the way green light, unimpeded!

At this moment, in front of the Gate, the Sakura has two sides of the two sides, and the name of the people, the people, the body, and the art circles are gradually present.

After they came here, they did not enter the Naido Society in the first time, but the three five complex stations talked in the door, and the eyes were not going to see, it is like someone.

At this moment, the Binli Muji, who was in front of the three consortium, slowly came to the door, stopped, the black bodyguard came out from the car, and after the respective position, the two wearing black and suits The middle-aged man came out of the car under the protection of the bodyguard.

One of the middle-aged men is short, and the hair is white, and the left sides of the black and suits are embroidered.

At the scene, guests didn't even need to know this middle-aged man, just seeing these three kinds of cranes can guess his identity, because these three cranes are the sign of three families!

And this middle-aged man is the family of three families - three talents!

Another middle-aged man is embroidered in a fairyna. This person is the old dad of Fujita Xiang, and he is behind the three talents, walking together in front of the Zhenquarium.

The guests before the NG Fruit Society rushed to welcome it, and the enthusiasm of the two people took the gardit.

These guests do not lack the high relations of the East, and there is no shortage of billionaires. They can write "please" in front of the three thousands of people.

There is a saying in Dongpu, and the three consortium sneezes, and the whole East will have a cold.

As the largest consortium in Dongpu, the revenue of the three consorters accounts for a lot of proportion in Dongpu GDP, and the Dongpu people have died from birth, and they are traded with three consortals.

And the three Queo Yan is the actual helm of the three consortia, and his status is imagined.

At this moment, there was another team to drive, and the front of the front of the team was in front of a black vain banner.

"Dear VIP, Jian Sheng people arrived, let's have a past welcome?"

The three Qleshi flashed and turned into a guest.

The guests are naturally full, and the Sichuan is the first person in the Dongpu Wudaojie, and the status is much lower than the three talents. They naturally want to welcome.

Soon, wearing a white martial arts service, a male, two shadows, and the shadow of the shadow, Honda, I realized the car.

Three Qikan and Fujita Hao led all the guests to welcome the past, smiled: "Three Qikang, welcome the swordsman!"

A male in Sichuan is busy, and I will support the three Qikan and laugh: "Three presidents, thank you for giving a wedding, I thank you two."

Three Kaikan Haha smiled, this asked: "What do you think about it today?"

The Kawao Yidong touched his mouth to show a smile, slowly sigh: "Some disrespectful, there are a few points to be happy."

The flowers in the flowers are orphans, and they will be in the door from the small door. It can be said that he is in the flower, the masters are a father.

Nowadays, there is a lot of flowers in the flowers, and the Kawao is a lot of emotions.

At this time, Fuji Tianhao said: "Please rest assured that the Swordsman is married to our Fujian family, we will take her to treat her, will never let her have been worried!"

The Sichuan is a lot of light, smiled: "Fuji Tianjun doesn't have to be so nervous. Since the flowers are married to Fujita, he is the lady of Fujita, and it should comply with the family rules of Fujita family. If she is in the process of caught in Fuji, you Just punish, there is no need to ask me. "

I heard this, Fujiyu Hao is in the breath.

He is really afraid of the marriage life between the Sichuan Isle of Yixiong in the flower, the marriage life between the incense and Fujita Xiang, once in this, the Fujijia family should take the flower in the dress as the princess, and everywhere must look at her face everywhere.

Fortunately, I am enough to Kawao!

Everyone said that the laughter, the Sichuan is a male and three Qikan walk into the Naishe, others followed.

After another ten minutes, the team of welcome came to the door of the Jingchuo. Under the leadership of the company, wearing embroidered Fujita Xiangxiang, with the pure white kimono, and walked into the shrine. .

When the flowers in the flowers, they appeared in the flowers, and they were amazed, followed by the host of the gods, and the wedding ceremony began.

The traditional wedding ceremony of Dongpu is very cumbersome, with a total of 10 steps, guests admitted, the bride is admitted, then it is a trim, I wish the words, the three offerings, the swear on, and then the rhizo is exchanged, and the jade is served. Finally.

After the god official appeared, it is necessary to give the bride bride, which is to wash your body with god.

At this time, the groom bride is going to the ground. Fuji Tianxiang first slammed down, but the flowers of his body did not respond.

When Fujita Xiang suddenly became anger, secretly hit a three-handed effort to paint incense in the flower, forced her to kneel down.

After that, Fuji Tianxiang said: "Between the flowers, you'd better cooperate with a little, otherwise I will be very violent at night!"

The flowers in the flower, the shadow, the eyebrows, the same whisper: "Oh, is it, then do you know that you can't live this evening?"

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