Save the Goddess System

Chapter 724 East Time

Fujita Xiangli, the flowers in the flower threatened him?

Although their dialogue is very small, the shadow of Kawao is a shadow, and I heard the dialogue of the two, and they suddenly browned slightly.

However, they didn't think much. After all, the flowers and fragrance were controlled by people, and they said that some breaths were also able to do it. As long as the wedding is normal.

"Flower sauce, you have a little bit of a child. Soon I am your husband, you have to be very loyal to the husband, do you know?"

Fuji Tianxiang also guessed that the flowers were talking, and they didn't be true after shaking their heads.

"I will only be loyal to the owner." The flowers of the flowers did not express their expression.

Opposite, the gods heard the dialogue between the two, and the next brow was smashed, some were not Yue: "!"

This is a ceremony in front of God. The bride you have to be extremely valid. How can I say whispers here?


Fujita Xiang quickly responded, and then slammed the flowers in the flower.

Made, I still talk about what owner, loyal, and the brain of the fragrance, but ... this will be very interesting.

Women who have other men who are in their hearts, only have their own women than in the heart, will get more accomplishment, isn't it?

Soon, the gods will give two people to make two people, but at this time, he suddenly threw the gods and threw the hand.


The porcelain bottle is broken, and the god is sprinkled.

This scene directly gave the guest's guest of the gods.

However, this is only the beginning, only listening to the gods: "Fuji Tianxiang, I ask you, are you willing to marry the flower?"

A guest: "???"

Not ... this is the traditional wedding, not a Western-style wedding, you are an anger, not a pastor, the wool is "Whether it is willing to marry the flowers of the fragrance"? " !

Fuji Tianxiang is more pushful!

Nima ... Who can tell me what happened, why is the ceremony changed?

Just in Fuji Xiang, he did not want to say it. His face suddenly retired, and then he said: "I don't want to."

The guests are directly forced!

Lying in the trough, they didn't listen, Fuji Tianxiang said unwilling? Since you are very unwilling, why do you want to marry a flower?

You don't want me, look at the flowers in the flower, how is it, how is your body!

Ordinary guests are really believed that Fuji Tianxiang does not want to marry the flowers, but Kawao is a male with Fujihao, but it is not that simple.

They all know how deep the obsesses of Fujita Xiang's fragrance in the flowers, he can't be reluctant to marry the flowers.

And the situation of the gods is not strong, the selection process of the god is very strict, and each of the gods is loyal to God, because he is the medium between God!

Such a person cannot commit such a low-level mistake in such a grand occasion, and a traditional wedding is ready to make a Western wedding!

So there is definitely what problems!

In this way, the Sichuan is a lot of words in the flower face in the flower, and he suddenly took a picture, and he was not right.

The expression of the fragrance in the flower is too quiet, and the calm is like this happens.

"The death, the gods and Fujita were controlled by people!"

At this moment, the Kawashimao is completely wanted to understand!

"What?" Aoi Xiang Taizhong has changed: "How come? It is our people!"

For this wedding, Shadow can be described as a kung fu, and the security work is extremely, except for the invited guest, no one is present.

Prior to this, the performance of Shenshi and Fujita Xiang was normal. Who did anyone controlling their hearts on the spot?

"Damn, there is certain that some people will pretend that guests have mixed into this."

Honda really stepped up and forth to go back and seemed to find suspicious goals from it.

At this moment, the gods asked: "Why don't you want to draw a flower?"

Fuji Tianxiang turned to the people in the people in the people in the people, anger: "Because I was forced by the dog thief, I liked the woman, the woman is Sakurai, Bifuo, not the flower, the fragrance!"

"Sakurai, I can't make love with you this life, then come to come again!"

The voice falls, Fujita Xiang raises the right hand and takes the right hand!


The guests have sent a swing, and some landscaps don't dare to look at your eyes.

In the crowd, Sakurai was a mouth, and some did not reply.

God, she didn't listen to it, Fujita Jun actually made this kind of words, but also to ly? God, Fujijun is really too ... silly 13!

She likes to gather in Fujita Xiang, but not a man who is insulted, and even a man who commits suicide!


Fuji Tianhao wants to crack, a arrow must rush to stop the Kids Tianxiang committed suicide.

However, someone is more faster than him!



Everyone only felt the front of the eyes, and the Kawashima is rushing to Fujita Xiangxiang, and then put his wrist.

"Fujita, you have a little, you just have been controlled!"

The Sichuan is a hero.

Listening to this words, the guests understand that the Ontario Tiantian will make such abnormal moves.

At this moment, the gods suddenly raised their hands into the Kawao to shoot.


Fuji Tianxiang turned over, directly pushed the goddess, then he glanced, anger: "Who is here, I will come out!"

The strong in the late post, it can be described as a sound roof, let everyone only feel a hunt next to the ear!

However, no one came out of the crowd, all the guests were pale and pale, and they didn't move.

"Can't you come out? Then I will kill the flowers of the flowers!"

The voice is falling, and the Kawashima is to raise his hand to shoot the flowers.

In the face of this amazing palm, the flowers in the flower are calm, and the mouth does not even have a tauntful smile.


At this moment, a figure suddenly walked into the Naido Society from the door.

One of Sichuan is now putting down the right hand, then a smile: "Li Feng? The rumor said that you die, I didn't expect you to live, I really surprised me."

He has never seen Li Feng, which can appear here in this situation, and can control the hearts of the gods with Fujita Xiang, who can also have anyone else?

A group of guests were surprised, this Huaxia people controlled Fujita Xiang and the gods of the gods? Huaxia people's evil is also terrible!

Honda really stepped, Aoi Xiang is too useful to distinguish the shadow of the shadow, and secretly surrounded around and prevent Li Feng from escaping.

"Nothing is so surprised, you can't die,"

Li Feng two-handed bags, said that he didn't care about what he was surrounded.

"The kid of the tip of the tip! In addition to the disgusting with evil, what can you do?"

"If you know, I will relieve their evil, I can still spare you, otherwise ... I will put you into a slag!"

The Sichuan is a male and noodles, and she said.

If you are not worried that Li Feng is also unable to relieve the evilness of Fujita and the flowers, and the Kawao is a long to help the Li Peak to kill it on the spot!

Li Fengbei picks up, it is like laughing, saying: "Oh? I want to relieve their women again? Yes, as long as you are self-discussed Dan Tian, ​​I will give them release, how?"

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