The scene first was quiet, then a laughter was loud.

"Human people, what qualifications do you have to swim the sword?"

"Chinese people, who do you think you are, what qualifications are eligible to talk to the sword?"

"In the territory of the Dadong Empire, you dare to do so mad, is it to die ?!"

There is a shadow of a strong force here, and all guests don't fear Li Feng at all, and they directly regard Li Feng as a clown.

Dongpu has a kind of inferiority, that is, you are weak, you can't afford you, but you will hurt them, they will worship you.

Obviously, these guests can't look down on Li Feng before Li Feng did not show its strength.

The Sichuan is a male and two hands, and the guests have closed their mouths: "Li Feng, I have given you the opportunity, I hope you cherish."

Li Feng smiled: "I also give you a chance, do you want to cherish it?"

He is here to do things. Before you do something, you will take a moment of Sichuan Island.

"If I didn't remember the wrong, the battle above the public sea, you are also participants ... no, is one of the bystanders, right?"

At this time, Honda real step suddenly stood out.

He said that Li Feng is bystander is to humiliate Li Feng, a person who is eligible to fight with them, what qualifications are eligible to talk to them?

Li Feng received his intentions, and then smiled: "Who are you?"

On the gun, Li Feng is really not afraid of anyone!

Honda really strokes, and the anger: "Kid, are you challenging me?"

At this time, a shadow strong said: "Hey, Honda is one of the two major shadows, and the respect of the strong, you don't know the qualifications of Honda!"

"Wow, I'm afraid." Li Feng took the chest, just like being scared, then smiled: "What are you going to put me? Do you know that I don't have me to take the initiative to relieve women? Also print, they will keep this state. "

"Kill you will not be released?" Honda really jumped to try.

"You can try." Li Feng shrugged, and he didn't care.

What is the power of the sacred, isn't the small fish that is killed by him?

"Looking for death!" Honda really stepped out of the real fire, and now you have to take Li Feng down.

In the face of the threat of Honda's real step, Li Feng is still relaxed in both hands.

However, his deputy model fell into the guest's eyes, but he became breaks the tissue, and the light is not afraid of wearing shoes.

Think about it, I'm going to go to Dongpu, and I must have a determination to die, and people who are not afraid of death. Do you still expect him to make what fear?

But then come back ... Why is he come here? Don't he want to bring the flowers in China to Huaxia?

Then he is too true. For a woman, it is necessary to put your own life.

There is an old saying in Huaxia called "Wen Fu Township is the hero", this is true!

At this time, Sichuan is suddenly lifted: "Honda, don't be anger by this little person."

"Can ..." Honda really wants to explain anything, but see Sichuan Island is resolute, he can only retreat behind him.

"It seems that you have a feeling of feelings between the flowers, and you can fight for her."

After the two hands in Sichuan Island, he slowly said.

"After all, it is my woman, how can I bear to make her marry an idiot."

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders, and he didn't care.

A male pupil in Sichuan is shrinking, and the anger is once again suppressed.

Made, one sentence, two of his two most petted apprentices, no one can no longer becomes!

"So ... you will bear to watch the flowers in front of you?"

At the same time, while the Kawao is a lot of heroes to grab the neck of the fragrance of the flower, in order to take this.

The flowers in the flower are in place, and there is no fear on the face.

For the master, she is not afraid of death!

Just in the Sichuan Yidion, when I got the neck of the flower, Li Feng whispered: "Time is still!"


A invisible wavelet diffuses around Li Feng.

All personnel covered by optical waves are like a movie that is pressed, still does not move, and even the air stops flowing!

At this moment, the world is quiet as a dead domain!

"Is this time still? Sure enough, the boy!"

Looking at the people like a sculpture, Li Feng can't help but praise.

If he can kill people in time, he can kill, then he can condense the gods behind him, use it in seven steps, just one foot, you can put the Sichuan Island a male and others to step into a meat cake!


"It doesn't matter, I will not cost it anyway."

Li Feng shook his head, a bird that came to the flowers in the flowers, using the group space transfer to send her back to the villa of Ming Weiqing.

Then, Li Feng has relieved the son of Fujita Xiang and the god.

After doing these, Li Feng Shi will go back to the original and wait for the time station.

After 10 seconds ...

"Now, you are still going to ... um?"

The Sichuan Yidong reached a hand, but he grabbed it, which made him say halfway.

Others are also ignorant, not ... I just stood in the flower, how did she blink?

It's not a blink of an eye. It is not a moment. It is really a moment, because many people have stared at the flowers in the flowers!

Just when they saw it, the flowers in the flower disappeared, and they disappeared!

I am a big go, why do this happen? !

On the other hand, Fujita Xiang and the gods are even more difficult.

Why is the flowers in the flower, but the Judan is coming to them? Lying in the trough, who tells them what happened!

"Hey, you seem to threaten my goals? This is interesting."

Li Feng shrugged, his face was very ridiculous.

The Sichuan is a male color, and the anger of the heart will still suppress the outbreak: "I want to shin you!"

While talking, a supreme life is released from him.

The moment of breath, a wind is spread around him, and the guests will blow the West!

This is also the result of the control of the Sichuan Island, if he has no acclaimed the breath, these guests are afraid that they have to hit!

"Li Feng ?!" Until Toy Tianxiang found Li Feng's arrival, suddenly screamed: "You don't die ?!"

Li Feng looked at him and smiled: "It is a teacher who said, it is the same, but I am too lazy to repeat the words, let's see the true chapter."

The voice is falling, exploring the cloud!

Everyone only felt a flower in front of him, and the huge dragon claws rushed to Fujita Xiangxiang. I took him in my hand.


Fuji Tianxiang was pinched into a meat cake!

The audience is quiet!

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