The guests were scared directly!

Lying in the lying trough, the Protection of the Jian Sheng adult, Fuji Tianxiang is still pinched by Li Feng, how is this possible? !

A hero in Sichuan is a loose, and the heart is angry!

This is dead, this is a moving, how can I catch Fuji Tianxiang before he didn't have to reach the reaction?

Until, I didn't take Li Feng as a strong power than him. After all, I didn't have more time to save Fujita Xiang.

At that time, Li Feng was just into the powerful power, even if his martial arts tagged again, what is the point?

Key Li Feng's strange place too much, long-term control of the evil spirits of others, suddenly let a person disappear, plus a killing that can let him not have to react, it seems to be said.


Fuji Tianhao wants to crack, it is necessary to fight with Li Feng.

Today is the day of his son, and the result is a funeral. Who is it?

"Fuji Tianjun, don't impuls, everything is handed over to the sword."

On the side of the three, Qikan quickly pulled him to prevent him to do stupid things.

Fujikita Hao is calm, sweeping: "Swordsman, please ask you to revenge, kill this fierce!"

Chuandao is just to talk, Honda is really can't help but say: "Don't use the swordsman to shoot, I will die!"

The voice falls, Honda really steps to grasp the right hand, and a warrior of the throne is held in his hand, then sword!

"" ""

A black cross imprint appeared in the air, then rushed to the Li Peak in the direction of lightning.

" !"


"Honda people are mighty!"

Honda really stepped into a hair, and the shadow member made him loudly.

Other guests also finished their fists, as if they saw Li Feng by a black cross into a four-petal scene.

When the black cross came to Li Feng in front of Li Feng, Li Feng stretched out his finger on the black cross.

Next moment ...


The black cross exploded in front of Li Feng, stirring a large dust, covering the positions of Li Feng.

At the same time, it shocks the waves, and the guests will fly all out, and there is a soldiers in the event!

"Stupid goods, my black cross is what you can resist?"

Honda really took a laugh, scattered the long knife in his hand.

Although the dust covered, he couldn't see the situation, but he can conclude that Li Feng has died.

By, a strong powerful, how can it be resistant to the full hit of this supreme strong?

Although the guests of the waves overturned are very wolf, they can't stop their enthusiasm for the Tama's true step.

"It is a big man, a knife, enemies, powerful!"

"Honda people are mighty!"

Honda really stepped proudly, and his mouth was slightly tight, and he was soaring that everyone praised.

Others, Sichuan Yidion suddenly poured a strand: "Be careful!"

I haven't waited for him to fall, and a true gas-treated dragon claw rushed to Honda and stepped into his hand. He gave him in his hand in Honda.

"Damn, how can you be so strong ?!"

Honda really tried to break away, but no matter how he struggled, the truth of the dragon claws did not move, which made him more frightened!

"If I have not remembered, when you design the ambush dragon soul last time, it is to hurt the purple dragon?"

Li Feng came out of the dust, and the face was cold.

Why did he have not directly rescued the flowers in the flowers last night, but not to wait for her to hold a wedding with Fujiki? Just revenge for Shen Zikai!

In that battle, Shen Zi was seriously injured. If he didn't save it, it may sink the Zikai at the time.

Although Shen Ziyi has not admitted that he is a woman of Li Feng, since Li Feng comes to Dongpu, naturally, it is necessary to find a chance to report her hatred.

Li Feng is too lazy to go to Kawago, one male and others, and let them go to the wedding, this more provinces!

"go to hell!"

At this moment, the Aoi Xiang suddenly slammed a knife from the back of Li Feng, and he immediately slammed the back of Li Feng.

At the same time, the Sichuan is also thorn from the side of the sword, and the fierce sword is straight to Li Feng's temple!

The timing of the two people is very good, just that Li Feng's attention is all in this Open.

The reason why they dare to shoot Li Feng, one is that Li Feng did not release his own half-level breath, and second, Li Feng was only a powerful.

Now that he is using the cloud hand to grab the Honda real step, there is no two people, when do you not show up?

" !"

Li Feng smiled, and his fingers took him the beginning of the meat cake, and then the body flashed in the same place.


The knife, the sword gas is almost standing on the same time, and the two collided with a roaring!

Air waves!

The guests are directly blown to the sky!

"Shadow members, save people!"

A heroes in Sichuan are screaming, and the orders of the person who have dropped all the guests, and he regards his vigilance to the surrounding, nervous to the hands of the sword.

When I kneaded Fuji Tianxiang, I didn't think much about the Kawao Yidong, but now Li Feng immediately stepped into ants as an ant, which has completely beyond his imagination.

Damn, how long does Li Feng increase the strength to this place?

"Seeing your own hand in front of you, are you very painful?"

At this moment, a floating voice rang behind the Sichuan Island.

The Sichuan is a male color, and it is a sword.


The sword is in the air, and the god judge on the way forward is.

Next moment, the body's body is divided into two from the waist!

"You kill the wrong person."

Li Feng shook his head smiled and refers to a knife, and I will take an innocent to Aoi.


When Aoi Xiang is too late to respond, this is the true gas through his chest, bring a plaque!

"Do not!"

In just a minute, his fantawa Tiantian is dead, and the two supreme hands are also tragic. This result allows the Sichuan Island a male to be mad!

The surrounding guests are more crazy and escape!

Even Honda is really going to die with Aoi Xiang. They stay here can only slaughter!

The person who can't look down on Li Feng at this time, even the intestines repent, Nima, I know that the other party is so powerful, they just say what fart!

"There is only yours yourself now."

Li Feng put his finger in his mouth and blowing, looking at the Kawao Yiong said.

"Damn, what is the realm of you, how can you be so strong?"

The Sichuan is is pale, and the sound is slight.

"Do you think I am a realm?"

While talking, Li Feng releases its own breath.

Suddenly, a giant shadow appeared behind him.

"Half-level powerful ?!" Sichuan Island a male noodles, then he turned and ran, and yell: "Master saves me!"

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