Save the Goddess System

Chapter 727 Heyuan Shengshi

At the moment of "Master Saved Me" in the Sichuan Isle, I went out of the underground of the Jacquest Society.

Then, the ground of the backyard of the Jingchuo Society suddenly crackled, and the large mud is like a volcanic eruption.

Then, a middle-aged man wearing a black warriors rushed out of the ground and came to the Sichuan Island!

After this middle-aged man, a hand holding a warrior, wearing ancient shadow of ancient Dongpu armor is between heaven and earth!

It is the symbol of the half-level power, the god!

The moment of this person, the guests who are running away are stopped, and they will be fell to the ground, and they will call: "Meet the Holy Shengshi!"

He is a common color of Sichuan Island, directly falling to the ground, Tou said: "The apprentice welcomes the teacher to pay off!"

"Heyuan ... Holy teacher?" Li Feng's face suddenly died, and bowed to this middle-aged man.

This person looks four or five years old, the height of about 175, simple black warrior, the waist is hanging on a samurai knife, stepping on a pair of wood on the feet, and combing the baud after the brain, there is some spending white.

This middle-aged man looks quite ordinary, but the breath that is emitted by him is not ordinary, and it is better than the Qi Zhen Qi Di Wei Bin, and the three old ancestors of Xiao Zhen, Lei, Zhengshanhai.

"I have a little old, and there is no such thing as a little, my little sister."

This moment, Li Feng has some hearts.

He thought that he was a half-level strong, and he had the ability to get in Dongpu, and the result of the net escapement has not overturned it.

Looking at him, it has always been an alien, so it's hard to join the dragon soul, and it is still so unreliable to the ends.

Hey, this is a faint sadness ...

"Are you a Chinese man?"

After the rivers, the Heyuan did two hands, staring at Li Feng, and asked the eyebrows.

Dongpu Jian Sheng is the exclusive title of the Dongpu Wudao Dynasty. Before the Sichuan Island, Yang Yuan is the strongest person in the Dongpu Wudao, and he is also the first generation of Dongpu Jian Sheng.

Ten years ago, in order to pursue the legendary gods in order to pursue the legend of the legend, I will enter the depths of the Jincai Society, and as a hero of the Tao Island, the Tao Tao, who has become the first person in the Dongpu Wudao, became a new generation of Dongpu Jian. San.

Most of the guests have seen the Heyuan Lei Ren, and will recognize him and respect him from the Holy Master of Heyuan.

Li Feng shrugged: "Is there any relationship?"

What he didn't see is that the two hands behind Heyuan behind him are not going to play the mysterious printing.

As these printed, the Caship of the Caise House is slowly covered by a black halo.

This level of halo is very thin, and if you don't look carefully, you will not find it at all.

"Are you a four top ancient Wu Shi's person?" Heyuan is not in the attitude of Li Feng, continue to ask.

"No, why, you want to make a relationship with me, then let me let me let me let me go?" Li Feng hooked a smile and said.

"Dental toughness!" Heyuan Yangren is cold, killing hidden: "You should know, here is Dongpu, not where you can learn."

While talking, the two hands behind him faster, and the black halo surrounded by the main hall is clear.

Li Fengbei picks up, noticeable: "Is this black halo?"

"Did you find it?" Heyuan Yilian's face revealed a tauntful smile, slowly said: "Yes, this is my goddess, in this juncture, I can control all the world energy."

"In other words ... You can't restore our infurism in this junior, use a little less, but I will not be affected."

"So hang?" Li Fengbei picks up, then mock the road: "But why should I stay here to play with you, I don't do it directly out this juncture?"

This necropolis can be covered by the Half Soccer Size of the Naja Society, which can be said that this point can be said to Li Feng is just a flicker.

After listening to the words of the River, I was very excited, but they immediately poured a pot of cold water after he heard Li Feng.

Yes, Li Feng is not stupid, how can I stay like wood?

Heyuan Le Le Ren smiled: "Do you think that the nation in the gods in my cloth will be so simple?"

At this time, he has completed, and the black halo surrounded by the main hall of the Caise Department, it seems to be a black egg shell from the distance.

At the same time, Kawao, Kawao, who is squatting in front of Heyuan Le Le Lende, is also cold, and can't stand the ridicule: "Li Feng, you are so true, this is the juncture of the teacher to study countless day and night. If so How will obvious flaws give it a mighty name like a nation? "

"Although I don't know the specific ability of this comic circle, I guess you can't easily get out of this knot!"

Li Fengbei picks: "Yes?"

"Of course!" Sichuan is very confident.

Heyuan Yili put his left hand in front of the body, right hand pressed on the waist of the samurai knife on the waist, and said: "My Sichuan Island is good, this combo can not let me control the energy of this world, and Trap the ability of the half-level strong, in other words ... You can't leave this junior! "

"Now ... have you prepared it by me?"

The voice is falling, and the Heyuan is kicked in a footnower, and the Sichuan is like a ball. It is generally kicked out of this comment.

In this way, only the Qi River is only two people in the gods and Li Feng, and the Heyuan can let the hands and feet kill Li Feng!

"You are so confident that I can do it?" Li Feng's expression slightly downs.

This kind of thing is not the first time he heard, but it is the first time, but he is not alert.

"Not confident, it is certain."

The voice falls, and the rivers are rivers and pull out the samurai knife, and they will be over the past!


A mastrokeper scratched a strange arc, and turned to Li Peak.

Li Feng did not dare to hard, and the body was flashed out of the junior.

Just he just passed through the knot, the body returned to the interior of the comics, and the knife was like a missile with tracking features, such as the bones of the bones, usually chased!

"Sure enough!"

Li Feng browned micro-wrinkle, using the empty air before the knife is coming, directly hiding in the void.

Next moment, the knife is lost to track the target, directly in the knot.


There is no drasty explosion, but it is like a stone falls into the lake, and did not arouse too much water. This knife disappeared, only leaving a circle of ripples on the neighborhood.

After 0.1 seconds, Li Feng flashed from the void, and the colors were more concerned.

In fact, as the Heyuan said, he could not get out of this junior, and he did not absorb the surrounding energy, and he will be exhausted in the past!

Some trouble!

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