Save the Goddess System

Chapter 728 Walking Treasure

"Hey? What is this?"

Heyuan Yayiren saw Li Feng to disappear in the void, couldn't help but shocked.

Space and time have always been the field where the martial arts is unable to touch. Only after the half-disorder can be exposed to a little fur, such as a shot of the Demon Seven Elders Wei Bin, such as the river of the river. .

Only everyone's space rules are different. Wei Bin can't create the junior that can be trapped like Heyuan Yayiren, and Heyuan You Ren can't pierce the space. gun.

Only if the space rules of the other person's comprehension are likely to learn the opposite movement.

Li Feng disappeared in the void, indicating that he also touched the space rule and could use the rules to the body.

If you can ask the corresponding space rules from Li Fengkou, can he also create such a legal law?

For a time, the Heyuan is a bit hot.

"Virtue, is it?"

Although Li Feng felt something trouble, the mood is still very easy.

He said, clearly saving the task of saving the flowers in the flower, so high, how can it only encounter a monk in Sichuan, Honda really?

"Hey, tactics, you can't talk more, to focus on the comprehension of space rules, or my gods have a better competition."

The Heyuan is hot, but there are some disdain on the surface.

"Yes?" Li Feng shrugged and didn't care.

What is the tricky stronger on your mouth? "Who can laugh at the end is really strong!

"Hey, of course, if you will tell you about your body, I can spare you."

Seeing Li Feng not in a sleeve, Heyuan said his own purpose.

Li Feng smiled: "The body of the eyes said straight, but also to play with the young master, you don't know that the 36th is what we have created by our Chinese people? Mandarin, our Chinese people are Dongpu people Grandpa! "

"Eight Hey!" Heyuan Yilian Angeng: "Human Chinese people, you think that you will escape from my life? Dream! I will let you know what is desperate!"

The voice is falling, the Heyuan Yulian waves long knife and counted several times!

"" "" "" ......

There is a dramatic arc line of the plunger, and pursue from all directions to Li Feng.

Li Feng smiled, his right hand, and Shenwu Jian was taken in his hand, and it was also a few times.

"" "" "" ......

The priest is placed in the ground to go straight to the river, and the moment is close to the moment, suddenly picking up, Zhenhe River Yuanyou chest!

At the same time, Li Feng showed the void, escaped the number of dramatic.

Those knives are again lying on the neighborhood, sweeping a circle of ripples.

On the instant of the river, he suddenly broke out in the moment, he suddenly fell out, the body did not enter the knot, and the next moment appeared in the comic.

And that a few swords gathered after the knots, they disappeared, and they did not cause any hurt to Heyuan Lei!

Heyuan can't help but laugh: "Hahaha, this is the knot in my cloth, I am invincible in the nation of the gods!"

In the rumor, he can pass any place in the junior, any attack in Li Feng is impossible to hurt him!

Confused Li Feng, the more struggling, the more the real consumption is, the more quickly, when he is exhausted, he can play Li Feng at the time.

The victory is already!

"Do you think you have won?"

Li Feng once again came out from the void, and the smile on his face was a taste.

I have just a few times, but I haven't worried.

"Otherwise? Do you think you have a chance to defeat?"

Heyuan Yilian feels that everything is inheriting, he doesn't mind how many nonsense with Li Feng.

"Of course, I didn't think you can win me from the beginning."

Li Feng snorted, and he directly called the gods to wear it.

"Well?" Heyuan Yilian pupil, and then said that the color of greed is: "This is a complete set of equipment? Humble brilliance, I didn't expect you to walk a treasure, it is really a helping me!"

After all, Dongpu is a land of the poppet. Even if there is your own martial arts, there is no shortness of the world, the corresponding weapon, equipment, and practice this piece is less.

Today, Li Feng not only has used the body of the space rules, but also took out the complete weapon equipment. If you take these things, is his strength? Isn't his strength?

Moreover, it is clear that there is a space storage equipment on Li Feng, and maybe it can improve the realm, prolong the birthday.

If Li Feng's space storage equipment is robbed, these things are not his?

Thinking of this, Heyuan Yi Ren is a few sounds, then shakes the right hand: "Since you come here, leave the good things on your body, the cherry is coming!"


A black cherry blossom suddenly fell from Li Peak, and the process of falling fell seems to be fast, almost in the instant, and came to the top of Li Peak.



Black cherry blossoms all over!

At this moment, Li Feng drew the past with the void.

The impact wave produced by the explosion will directly blow a deep pit under the foot of Li Feng!

"Hide again? I see when you can hide!"

Heyuan Yi Ren is a smile, the finger is connected, and a petal cherry blossom falls from the sky, giving together the place where Li Feng has disappeared, and these cherry blossoms have fired!

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" ...

Air waves!

The impact wave generated by the explosion even shocked the .

"Qingshan Guardian!"

Li Feng did not choose to avoid it, but used the defensive technical Qingshan guarded, suddenly his body appeared in the vivid shadow that slowly rotated cyan peaks.

Qingshan Guard can resist ten times with the same level of strong, although Heyuan Lengren is higher than him, you can don't forget that he is also wearing the same level of powerfulness, the gods of 30% attack power. armor!

Under the double protection, these black cherry blossoms did not cause much damage to him, just a few black stains on the golden armor.

At the same time of Qingshan Guardian, Li Feng's feet, the body appeared in front of Heyuan Yili, and a sword talled to Heyuan's chest!

It is one step between the - squares of the 100 meters!

The Shenwu Jianjie looked up with a star, then this star became brighter and brighter, and the last thorn, the river is not open!

More terror is that this starry energy has a little heart!

It is the second style of Tiantianjian method - !

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