, you can gather a lot of true gas to the swords, condense into a small star, then burst out, can cause triple damage to the whole force!

Heyuan Yangren is changing, hurriedly holding a knife!


The sword collided with a ray, just like a super new star broke out, and the whole gods were white!

Powerful energy fluctuations are shocked forward in front of the past, just cover the river .

Heyuan Yilian quickly fell out, in this energy touched his moment, the whole person did not enter the rinative, the next moment, the broken Heyuan Yili appeared after Li Peak.



Li Feng's body disappeared, violent knife rosted from Li Feng, and did not enter the neighborhood, swaying a circle.


Heyuan Yili is angry!

The impact of the violent energy did not only break his samurai service, but also made him suffering from the skin injury, although this injury did not have any effect on him, but he could not accept such results!

He is the master of Jian Sheng, and the teacher who has admired the east, how can I get a person who is less than him in the case of the main battle?

What makes him feel uncomfortable is that Li Feng's body law is too surprised, and he has not been able to build a continuous attack several times.

This is a shame!

"Outbreak, black inflammation!"

Under the wild, the Heyuan Yilong fingertorian, one layer of black inflammation appeared around him, while the breath on him skyrocket!

Originally, Heyuan is a strong middle-aged strong, and his realm has come directly to the late stage after hearing!

This breath is strong, even the space around the body looks some distorted!

Not only that, but the sacred god behind him is also covered by Blackfish, which makes it look more!

"Do you can't help but use the bottom card?"

Li Feng flashed, from the void.

He has always been to use violent, the end of the rush, etc., that is, Huiyuan Yilian first. If Heyuan Yulian is not used, he will open all the cards, then it is not good.

"I want to shin you!"

The Heyuan is roaring, and the body disappears from the place.

At the same time, the god of Heyuan Lei will raise a long knife in his hand, and go to Li Feng!

This knife is cleared, just like a mountain peak, it is directly covered with Li Feng!

Li Fengbei picks up, and control the gods to use the cloud hand to stop this knife, but at this time, a madness suddenly appears after Li Peak, a knife down his neck!

On the blade, burning the bears black, and you can feel the horror energy contained in the distance!

What kind of harm will such a knife be built? !

Outside the gods, because of the barrier of the necropsy, no one can see what happened, but the energy fluctuations from the inside have made all the guests are very palpitations.

Kawao Yidong stood before the knot, the double fists, the expression was slightly dignified.

For this long time, the Master has never gone out, it seems that Li Feng has to be strong than he imagined.

"Swordsman, do you say that the Heyuan Sheng Nie can kill the Chinese people?"

A actress in an executive industry couldn't help but ask.

"Eight Ya!" The Sichuan is anger and angry, the cold channel: "Are you questioning the teacher ?!"

The actress was shocked, and he went down and said: "Don't dare, I just ... Just ask."

At this time, the three talents came: "Don't ask, ask questions!"

Fuji Tianhao also cold tang: "Young people, you don't know anything about the horror of Heyuan Shengshi!"

"The Heyuan Shengshi is the strongest in the last generation, it is because the guardian of the Holy Shengshi, the Chinese talents do not dare to Chain Tong!"

"The Holy Shengshi is shot, the Chinese people will die, and what we have to do is patience and wait for the Heyuan Holy Normal University!"

Other guests have called Call for Your River.

"Come, warm wine, wait for the holy teacher, we respect the teacher with a cup!"

Three Qleshi is a big hand, loudly.

After Suddenly, I went down to pour, warm, and soon, I was in the event of a glass of wine. She only waited for the Holy Shengshi, they would come toast together.

I think of this picture, I can't help but excite the guest!

In the gods, the virtual god behind Li Feng used a knife that blocked the clouds in the sky, and the huge knife stopped at the top three meters from Li Peak.

However, the knife of Heyuan Yilian did the solid, and I was on the neck of Li Feng.


A loud noise! The violent energy impact wave four!

Heyuan Yilong is happy, when you want to laugh at the moment, you can suddenly turn around and laugh at this time.

This smile is so ridiculous, let the river directly !

"How can this be?!"

Heyuan You Ren can't believe your eyes!

That is his strongest knife, or on a fragile neck, I can't kill Li Feng? See ghost!

"Invincible, everything is possible." Li Feng laughed, then secretly whisper: "Time hourglass ... open!"



Li Feng station opened three top cards in the same place, and the breath on the body has skyrocketed, directly to the middle of the god!

Heyuan lean face has changed, and he will take it back.

Under the influence of time hourg, his movements have fallen ten times in Li Feng's eyes, almost when he is a moment, Li Feng will sway the sword!


The gods suddenly violently violent white flames, the temperature increased by the temperature in the gods, and the temperature was still rising at a speed over time!

This sword is the third style of the Tiansjian method - bursting!

Prama, converting the gas into a temperature of 3,000 degrees, and then bursting the enemy in addition to the three-fold damage outside of the sword.

Shenwu sword is the use of the heart metal from the fire burning forge, and this stroke burst has strong fire properties, with the increase of 30% injury in Shenwu, and the damage is incremented!


With Li Feng's low, the Shenwu sword covered by the white flame is on the chest of Heyuan Ren.


Shenwujian left a long to ten centimeters at the chest of Heyuan Lei, deep up to one or two centimeters, and wounded over the two sides!

More terrible is that the flesh and blood on the wound becomes more flesh to the 3,000 degree high temperature burning!

"Ah! I want to shin you!"

Dramatic pain let Heyuan Yulian directly fall into a crazy state, countless black cherry blossoms fall from half-air, and the virtual god behind him is also violent, and the long knife of the sky is broken. hack!

At the same time, Heyuan Yili swirls, violent knife, such as the bullets that the agency guns are like to go to Li Feng mad!

It is just that the attack of Heyuan Yilian violent looks in Li Feng's eyes, but there is no threat.

" - !"

Li Feng lifted the Shenwu sword and looked down.


Void tremble!

A sword that can be reached at almost a thing is born in the void. After passing through the void, they directly appear in front of the river Level, from his right shoulder to the left waist, along, passing through, and disappeared in the void Among them.

Time is in this moment as static!

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