Save the Goddess System

Chapter 730 San Shang Xiancian?

In the gods, the black cherry blossoms continue to fall, but there is less beautiful, it is as if there is no soul.

The violent knife is no longer chasing Li Feng, but it is like a headless flies, and finally did not enter the gods, and disappeared after a circle.

"How can you be so strong?"

At this time, the river's long and tough raised his head and looked at Li Feng and said.

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders, leaving Shenwu Jian Road: "Because I have a system."

"What?" Heyuan is a bit awkward.

"Nothing." Li Feng smiled and played: "If you say it back ... You hurry to die, is this hard to support it?"

Heyuan Yilinen suddenly violent: "Huaxia kid, I am ..."

Without waiting for him to finish, his upper half is like a landslide, suddenly slipping, and ridiculous to the ground.

Blood spray!

Heyuan Yangren maintains an angry expression before dying, death!

At the moment of the river from Yan Rynard, the nation of the gods dissipated, the cherry fell, but did not explode, but the ash after the burning of the white paper, it was blown by the wind and blown into crushing.

The black powder is filled in the air, and Li Feng and Heyuan Yailian are covered.

In the case of the outside world, the neighborhood dissipated, the Sichuan is a male and other people staring at the inside, but the black powder is filled, they don't see the situation in the field, and everyone does not dare to come out for one time.

Just then, a slap came from inside.

The Sichuan is a magical body, and the small sound asked: "Master?"

Li Feng at the outside of the righteous is stopped, and the face suddenly became weird.

Then Li Feng learned the voice of Heyuan Yili "um".

I heard this words, the Sichuan Island is a happy face, directly fell to the ground, shouted loudly: "Congratulations to the victory!"

Other guests also brushed into the ground, and shouted in Qi: "Congratulations to the returns of the holy teacher!"

At this time, Li Feng came out from the place where the black powder was covered, and he saw the Sichuan Yidong and other people who were in the ground.

Suddenly, Li Feng's face became more weird: "It's so grand ... Not very good?"

Nima, he just killed so many east people, Sichuan Yulian and others not only revenge them, but also pour themselves, the picture is inexplicably funny.

Although this is his intention, he didn't expect that the Sichuan is waiting for a lot of people.

This is a matter of confidence in Heyuan Lei Ren to make this kind of thing without inspection?

Li Feng guess, Sichuan Yulian and others have never thought about the Heyuan Le Le Ren will lose to him, and even the Sichuan is a "teacher" that I just shouted out, the "Master", which is already opposite the Heyuan. .

It is because Li Feng imitates the sound of Heyuan Le Le Le Le Ren. After all, he imitated, it is not a real river source, and the Kawao Yidong's understanding of Heyuan, carefully Under the distinguishment, it will definitely hear the difference.

When I felt down the ground, I waited for a long time. This voice didn't seem to be the voice of the Holy Shengshi, but the voice of Li Feng?

Following the Hengdao, a male looks forward, just see Li Feng proudly standing.

In an instant, the Sichuan is like a lightning strike: "Damn, why is you, what about my teacher ?!"

Other guests have also discovered that they are not right, they have looked up to Li Feng, like Kawao Yiong, see who is in front of the eyes, these guests are all like lightning strikes, the whole person is on the spot.

"Because he is dead, I am still alive."

Li Feng shrugged, put Shenwu Jian, Shenwu all put into the system backpack, and said relaxed.

"It's impossible, the master is invincible, you can't overcome him, this is an illusion, this is an illusion!"

A hero in Sichuan shakes his head into a sharp drum, and he is not willing to believe it all.

"This is Dongpu Jian Sheng? To tell the truth, you make me a little disappointment." Li Feng sighed, some disappointed.

In the beginning, the Sichuan Island Yidong Joint Mi-Board will give the Dragon Soul, and it is almost hoped to the end of the world.

But now, even the reality of Heyuan Lei is unwilling to accept, and the performance of the time can be described as two people.

Of course, this is also a big relationship with Li Feng, into the sacred level to see the honor, naturally need to look up, and he is now half-gammon, and then look at Saw Island is just overlooking.

"Li Feng, you don't be too arrogant, our Dongpu Wusijie is not so simple, you think you can defeat the Heyuan Holy Master, you can walk in Dongpu? Dream!"

Speaking here, the Sichuan is a male got shouted: "San Shang Xian teacher, please do this!"

Li Feng: "???"

No ... There is a immortal on the emotional holy teacher? The immortal is still awkward, the deceased? God king? Xian Di? Xianzun?

This Nima, don't be so embarrassed, Xiaoye just wants to give Shen Ziyi!

"You give me a chapter!"

Li Feng raised his hand directly to the Kawan Island.

Just then, anger came from the southeast direction: "Duedy!"




A roar, in this world, the world has echoed, echo!

It's just that this roar did not have any effect on Li Feng. He shot, the huge dragon claw appeared, and the Sichuan Island is shrouded to take a shroud.

One male in Sichuan is only a miserable scream, and it was taken into a meatcake by this dragon.

A generation of Supreme post-strong, NO.1 ... false!

"Ah! The sword is dead, escaping!"


One of the deaths in Chuandao brings great impact to other guests, these people are panicked to escape.

At the same time, a horrible breath appears 5 km from the southeast direction and comes from this extremely amazing speed.

Li Fengbei picks, secretly whispering: "This breath is strong than the Holy Sheng Sheng, who has just been, is he half-god or a half-god?"

"Whether, Xiaoye is already exhausted, but I have to give them a mark before going to go!"

"Stepping on the sky!"

Li Feng snorted, behind the gods raised the big feet, stepped on the guests of the four sieves.

At the same time, Li Feng used the spatial transfer, and the body flashed a bright light.

In the first moment of his disappeared, the big feat of the gods stepped down, and the guests who fled the spectats were directly stepped into a meat cake, and the guests who escaped a life ten!

After Li Feng disappeared, the old man wrapped in the wind rushed here, when he saw the huge deep pit on the footprint in the ground, the face of the old man became incapacitated.

After he saw the bodies of Heyuan, he was divided into two half of the body, the murderous murder was bursting out: "No matter who you are, no matter where you escape, I don't kill you, ah! !! "

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