Save the Goddess System

Chapter 733 is also free

At this moment, countless past memories have emerged in the mind of the fragrance between the flowers, she finally knew who they were.

Not only that, but the memory that Li Feng's girls and the memory did not eliminate, and the complete reserved.

When the flowers were in the flower, they did they have been controlled by Li Feng. It became his woman, and the sham immersed the flowers and the flowers in the bed, and then raised his hand to Li Feng.


Li Feng took her hand to pinch her wrist, smiled: "Although I guess it will be such a result, it is still unacceptable when things really happen."

A woman who once sticking to him without stopping his master, suddenly played his hand, this contrast is really a bit.

"You mean!"

The flowers of the flowers were struggling, and they didn't break away and couldn't help but angry.

"It seems that you didn't lose this time."

Li Feng sighed and laughed: "I don't think I am despicable, you want to kill me, but more than once, I left your life, just let you become my woman, is this despicable?"

"Moreover, in this time you do my woman, I didn't have anything to do for you, and I was still repairing Dantian after you were abolished by the Tantian by the Sichuan Island.

"Do you know how much money? 100 billion Huaxianda! Although it is a good time, sometimes money is a good measure."

"When a man is willing to spend money, it means that the woman has a certain position in the man's heart, isn't it?"

Dantian repair Dan price 1 million system points, according to 10 points to exchange 10,000 Huaxia coins, just 10 billion, so Li Feng really lies.

The flowers of the flowers were slightly changed, and then the anger: "What is it, you still can't cover up, you will turn me a woman, I hate you! I can't kill you!"

Every time she said, she raised another hand to Li Feng.

How can Li Feng be hit by her? Don't say she is just an ordinary person. Even if she is still a martial artist, it is impossible to hide a half-level power of the whole god.

"Flower, I think you need cool now."

Li Feng directly pinched her wrist, Shen Sheng said: "It was because I didn't want to kill you, and I turned into my girl. If I kill you, do you have a chance to hate me? ? "

"Now I have given you free, you don't want to happen, don't you hate me? After all, you want to kill me first."

In this way, there is some stylus in the flower.

Seeing, Li Feng said: "If you think about what I said, if you want to be friends with me, I will welcome my hands, of course, even if you don't want to be friends with me, as long as you don't escape me, don't hurt me. Family, you can not commit well between you. "

After that, Li Feng Song blooms in the hands of the incense, turned to go to the door.

Just when Li Feng was about to go to the door, the flowers and fragrance suddenly rushed out of the bedroom before him, and then rushed out of the villa in the eyes of Wei Yingqing and others.

Looking at the flowers of the flowers, Li Feng couldn't help but smile.

Seeing, Wei Siqing couldn't help but ask: "What is the situation, do you bully people?"

Song Yujun and others also watched Li Feng and wanted to know what they did in the bedroom.

"No, it is ..." Li Feng hesitated, or said: "I put her woman again to release."

The living room is first quiet, then it is a doubt that people don't understand: "Why?"

"Before it is still good, you still have to run to Dongpu to save her, why did you suddenly be released?"

"We have joked with you before, don't you do this with us?"

Li Feng has some helplessness, and the idea will be said in the moment.

"I have been controlling people's hearts, I don't have some unusual, I support you and give her freedom!"

"I also support you!"

"You are great!"

Duuo is a person who knows people. After knowing the reasons, Li Feng is understood, and is proud of Li Feng's decision.

During the flowers, the fragrance is a perfect woman in all aspects, replaced by other men, there will be other ideas in the situation in the flowers in the flowers, and put them into practice.

But Li Feng is committed to the heart, but also take the initiative to print the women in the flowers in the flowers to the lifetime, and the high morality is amazing!

If Li Feng knows that the ideas of the women will definitely be blushing, he is a noble character, obviously is to complete the system task!

After coming from Xinghui Community, the flowers of the flowers rush all the way, and they will stop going for a while, and then rank again.

Fortunately, she returned to the villa for the additional effect of space transfer, Wei Bingqing and others changed her a professional dress. If she is still wearing a white suit, she is afraid that she has already caused passers-by.

Despite this, her behavior still caught some passers-by curiosity, and even there is no sense of people secretly follow her.

It is completely unrestricted, not, not, but not noticeable to the surrounding situation.

She is now very chaotic, very chaotic, I will showcase her in Dongpu, and I have a little bit of the little bit when I am getting along with Li Feng. I will remember that Master abolished her Dantian, and Fujita Xiang Ugly face.

These pictures are not interlaced, and her head is close to her head!

Later, she was tired, and the mind also recovered a little calm, and then she found himself now.

She is Dongpu, her home is in Dongpu, her Master, the brothers and sisters are in the east, and Dongpu has everything she is familiar with, she is not here.

However, Li Feng said that her Master died, Fuji Tianxiang was also dead, she was saved by Li Feng back Huaxia, indirectly became Li Feng's help, she had returned.

"I can't go back ..."

During the flower, the scent of the scent of the sky looked at the dark sky, whisper whispered.

At this moment, a thunder rang from the high altitude, and then the heavy rain was poured down.

The rain came suddenly, the rain was still larger than the scholar left the Temple Temple, and the clothes of the flowers were wet by the rain.

"Oh, even God is playing me."

The flowers in the flowers laminated, turned to the shop of the eye, and found that there was a business called the smoke and rain bar, and she didn't want to run in the moment.

When the flowers were in the bar, they immediately caught the attention of customers in the bar. When she sat in the bar, she immediately had a middle-aged man and said that she would ask her to drink a cup.

The flowers of the flowers looked at him, cold and cold spit out one word: "Roll!"

The middle-aged man was scored by the flowers of the flowers, and hurriedly retired.

"This girl is very spicy, I like it."

In a VIP box, a luxurious young man saw this scene, suddenly the eyes shouted, got up and went to the bar.

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