Save the Goddess System

Chapter 734 Right

This young man just came out from the VIP box, caught the attention of other customers in the bar.

"Is less!"

"The item is rare, others have no play."

"There is money and color, it is really enviable life."

Xiang Shao, Xiang Shaohui, Pearl Examined Flower Mon.

Why is he famous? There is no more than three points, one is that he is born in a good family, Dad is a high-rise of a multinational pharmaceutical group, and the mother has opened a beauty chain store with more than 1 billion family assets.

The second is that he gave birth to a good skin, even if it was a blind, it was not falling in a red fresh meat.

The third is that he likes to mix in the entertainment venue, each appears, always around the different beauty, and throw hundreds of thousands of millions in the bar in the bar.

Although Xiang Shaohui's famous martial arts in the pearl society, Huang Bin is big, but his name can be loud in ordinary people.

Soon, Xiang Shao Hui took a beautiful woman, with a cup of cocktails, with two tiger's back bear's bodyguard, slowly went to the bar.

Because of the arrival of the fragrance between the flowers, the bar will be filled with customers. After the middle-aged man was scared by the flowers in the flower, there was a middle-aged man with golden glasses.

The middle-aged man wearing a monkey's slim suit, wearing a green ghost, taking a golden tie, wearing a pair of Fragra's shoes, dressing up the price is not feet, and it is a successful person.

"Beauty, are you alone?"

The middle-aged man puts a self-think of handsome smile and asked.

The flower is cold and cold, I looked at him and spit out a word: "Roll!"

The middle-aged man is hidden, but it is not as scared like before, but continues to squeeze a smile that I think is handsome. "Beauty, don't be so big, I have a good time, I invite You have a drink. "

After that, he did not wait for the flower to make a react, and he hit the wineman and said: "Waiter, come to a cup ..."

"And slow!"

At this moment, Xiang Shaohui raised his hand and smiled: "Brothers, I look at this beauty, you can flash."

Middle-aged men's faces are slightly changed: "The lady is so good, even if you are interested in this beauty, always pay attention to it first?"

"What?" Xiang Shaohui exaggerated smile, turned to see the customers around: "You have heard no, he is telling me first, I'm going to go, hahaha, this brother should not be a fool ?!"

Customers who know that Net Shaohui have a lot of face: "Xiang Shao, it seems that this brother doesn't know you."

"Buddy, this is a small number of Xiang Shaohui, our pearls have been famous, you are gut, fat, dare to grab people less?"

"If you know, you will hurry, so you can avoid trouble."

The middle-aged man is in a white, looked at the flowers of the flowers, seeing she has already twisted the head and no longer look at himself, and suddenly some heart is cold.

"It turned out to be less items. Since I have intentionally, the brother is not buddy."

After that, the middle-aged man got up and took a briefcase and left the bar.

"Still planning."

Xiang Shaoi ridiculed and sat next to the flowers of the flowers: "Aun, give this Miss a cup of Margaret."

The bartender nodded and started to transfer Margaret.

In this process, the flowers of the flowers are like a general, continue to drink vodka.

When the bartender, Ah Nan, who sent Margaret to Xiang Shao, Xiang Shaohui talented: "Beauty, with your temperament should drink Margaret, come, taste, uncomfortable craftsman in Aun "

The voice falls, Xiang Shao pushes the wine glass in front of the flower.

The flowers of the flowers are cold and cold. I still see a word: "Roll!"

It seems that it has already been added to the flower to draw in the flowers. Xiang Shaohui is not angry: "Beauty, although the bodies are somewhat stupid, but he said is good."

"See you, I just want to ask you to drink a glass of wine, don't you have to be so refused to be a thousand miles?"

The flowers of the flowers and the shadow were picked up, staring at Xiang Shaohui.

Xiang Shao Hui's mouth hook, revealing a handsome smile, with flowers and fragrances.

During the flower, the fragrance has given two people to the two, and Xiang Shao also dares to come to this naturally not because of his head iron, but he has sufficient confidence in himself.

He wants to be happy, want to have money, meet the woman control woman, he can use the color to make the other person bowed, and when he encounters a woman, he can use money to her.

What's more ... This cup of wine is added!

During the flower, the fragrance looks cool, but he will definitely get it as long as it is multi-prix.

And each other is a very good start. Next, the flowers will be able to answer him a cup with him?

Just on the occasion of Xiang Shaohui, the flowers were in the flower, and the fragrance was lighter, spit out two words: "Silly 13!"

Xiang Shao: "???"

Not ... He just had an illusion, this woman dares him to be stupid 13? !

Lying in the trough!

I have a lot of Shao Hui, and the female companion brought, I have been a step: "Relying on, don't face the face? I can see you is a blessing in your life, I dare to be less?" who do you think You Are!"

At the same time, she is going to push the flowers.

She just climbed that this high branch is not long, but she can't let this fox struggled to grab the limelight.

The flowers of the flowers are cold, and they raised their hands before pushing her to her.

After the recovery memory, the flowers of the flowers were in the cold killer, and they did not take a speech before playing people.


A crisp, this woman's face has more red fingerprints!


Onlookers can't help but take a breath!

I am going, this woman can, 13 13

Xiang Shaohui also stunned: "Beauty, you dare to play me, you know that I am ..."


Failure to wait for Sauhui, the flowers in the flower are also a slap in his face: "Let's say it again, roll!"

That is, the flowers of the flowers have fallen into TM from the masters. Otherwise, this slap will have to have the life of Yauchi.

Xiang Shaohao suddenly stunned, then I feel that my face is hot!

"! Give me a lot!"

Under the surprise of Xiang Shao, he also cares for a gentleman's style, and the two bodyguards will ordered directly.

His two bodyguards are practicing family. After getting orders, they will immediately rush forward to control the flowers.

The fragrances in the flowers and the fragrances, they will fight with the two, but she just repairs Dantian, some move remembers, but there is no reason.

After a dazzling hand, the flowers of the flowers were buckled with one arm by the two bodyguards, pressed on the bar.

Xiang Shaohao is proud of.

At this moment, a young man is supporting a black umbrella standing outside the bar.

Just when he considered to enter the bar, a system prompt sound suddenly sounded in his mind.

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