Save the Goddess System

Chapter 735 doesn't have to manage

"Hey, host, you have new tasks, is it right to see?"

Li Feng browned micro-wrinkle: "Is it related to the fragrance of the flowers?"

When you are in the flower, you have no texture, no documents are not, no martial arts, such a big beauty is still dangerous in the pearl.

So after she came out of the villa, Li Feng has been secretly followed by her.

"View!" Press the heart doubt, Li Peak is in the system to see the task introduction.

"Task: Save the goddess flower to draw the fragrance (2)"

"Task Objective: Save the goddess in the hands of the gods, rescued from Xiang Shaohui, to ensure the safety of the fragrance between the flowers, if the task failed, then deduct the 2 million system points to make punishment."

"Task Reward: 200,000 experience value, 1 million system points."

"So?" Li Feng brow wrinkled, secretly whispered: "So what kind of text is a small role?"

Now that Li Feng is talking about Li Feng, the experience value of one task has not been less than a million, and the corresponding, the task requires that Xiang Shaohui is definitely not a big person.

"It is the beauty of the shackles of the fragrance, is it going to hit the same?"

Li Feng is a cold, and the umbrella will go quickly into the bar.

At this moment, the bars, Xiang Shaohui looked at the flower darts and fragrances on the bar, and the expression on the face was very proud.

"The stink, you dare to hit me, play again!"

Xiang Shaohui took the face to the incense in the flower, pointed to his face.

The flowers of the flowers were ignorant, and they said: "Garbage!"

Even if she lost a true gas, she still has enough to grasp him to the pig, and Xiang Shaohui is two bodyguards.

, rubbish!

"?" Xiang Shaoyuan is angry, do this time this girl dare to junk? I really don't know how to live!

"No. Shaoba, since this woman doesn't know how to be, why should you waste time on her? Shame her a meal."

Xiang Shaohui's female companion persuaded it.

She is really afraid that the flowers have suddenly succumb to Xiang Shao, so she will immediately lose, which does not meet her interests.

Although Xiang Shaohui is, it is not stupid, how can I see the intention of the women's companion?

When he took the face of the woman, he smiled: "You are so small to play the heart in front of me, how to do it in front of me, I don't want to come to you, give me to stand."

After that, he pushed the women's companion to the side, then ended the cup of Margaret to the flowers in the flowers, and smiled: "Drink this glass of wine, I can take the previous thing never happened, how?"

The flowers of the flowers snort, spit two words again: "Dream!"

During the flower, the incense is very mood, it is very bad, come to the bar, want to drink, and have been tied, and the mood is even more likely.

At this moment, I was made by the bodyguards of Xiang Shaohui. The fire in my heart is like the rolling volcano, if she restores the strength at the moment, I will definitely kill the Sauhui with his bodyguard!

"Hey, give your face! Today, let's let this, you have to drink it, you have to drink it, don't drink it!"

Xiang Shaohui is anger again, and the mouth of the flowers and fragrances will be hard to put this glass of wine.

The flowers of the flowers are struggling, and she is made by two Kongwu's powerful bodyguards, which cannot be broken.

Just when Xiang Shao is about to put the wine into the flower, a high glass suddenly flew from the distance, hit the Thunder's ward in the wrist.

Xiang Shao Hui called, and the painful joined.

And that high cup also fell to the ground and broke.

This sudden scene allows the bar to be in the bar, everyone is like a stadium, which is generally stunned on the spot.

Then, everyone looked at the direction of the high-hearted cup, just saw a young man holding an umbrella slow through the crowd.

It is Li Feng!

"Hey! This person is very bidding, dare to take a high cup to lose less?"

"The method is very hanging, so far distance is still lost, practice?"

"It should be Moven? So far, too exaggerated!"

Xiang Shaohui also saw Li Feng, when he is, he just said: "Hey, do you dare to take me with a wine glass? Do you know who I am ?!"

Li Feng dials the crowd before coming to the bar stage, looked at the flowers of the eyes and painted in the bar, and there was a killing in the eyes, and the cold and said: "Let her go."

"Lying? Do you dare to ignore me?" Xiang Shaohui is more anger, and when he will let the bodyguards go to Li Feng.

Just at this time, the flowers in the flower suddenly said: "I don't need you to manage, you will go!"

Li Fengbei picks up, Shen Sheng: "I will be dangerous."

"Is there anything in danger? Don't be in this fake, you hurry, I don't want to see you!" Said the floral painted in the flora.

Just if you pay attention to it, you will find that it has just flashed a struggle color in her eyes.

On the side, Xiang Shaohui smiled: "Haha, hear it, people don't want you to do this, do you have cat cakes?"

Li Feng didn't talk, just turned cold and glanced at Xiang Shao.

This eye, let Xiang Shao gave a cool man in his heart, let him screw the head under the fear, and did not dare to look at Li Feng.

You can do this, you can do this, you will be a bit shackled, and you will be busy: "Beauty, what person is you? This is not a former boyfriend, what do you come here?"

"No." The flowers of the flowers snorted and said: "Let your people let go."

Xiang Shao Hui's hippie, rushing two bodyguards waved, they immediately released the flowers and fragrances.

The flowers were swayed in the flowers, and then picked up Magaret: "I put this glass of wine, do you take this person, ok?"

I heard this words, Xiang Shaohui is full of expectations, and I am busy shooting the chest means no problem!

Li Fengbei picks: "Between the flowers, if you don't want to see me, don't you need your own safe joke?"

He didn't know that this wine was added, but it was a general person in the flower. It is not a good person at first glance, and he is definitely a flower in a flower in a piece of wine.

"I don't need you to manage." The flowers were ridiculed in the flower, and then took the cup of Margaret.

Xiang Shaoyu is ecstatic!

What is the break of iron shoes, there is no way to come, don't worry? This is a good!

He did not let the flowers in the flowers of the flowers, and Li Feng took the fragrance in the flowers, and he helped me!

After the excuse, Xiang Shaohui looked at Li Feng and ridiculed: "I am happy now, you have rushed, or I am abolished ..."


After the words, Li Feng raised his hand, it was a slap in his face, and the Xiang Shaohui took out.

When I arrived behind the bar, Li Feng said that there was no expression: " !"

The audience is quiet!

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