Save the Goddess System

Chapter 736 does not have a clever?

Lying in the trough!

Lying in the trough!

A slap is less than the fan? This brother is too violent!

The flowers are chapped in the flower, and the eyes flashed on a shining, but she immediately turned his head, whispering: "The Half-level strong person actually bully one ordinary person, honest ! "

Li Feng's mouth smoked, the old face was slightly red.

Indeed, he is a little saying that he is a common person's slap in the face of a general person, which is more exaggerated than the adult.

Is there such a sentence in the vegetarian? I can't humiliate, and humilians can die.

If you say the words of Shao Hui, Li Feng does not have to kill him!

"Lying in the trough, do you dare to hit me? Aolong A Tiger, you are still stupid to stand there? Give me him!"

Xiang Shao climbed up from the bar and shouted with the cheeks.

This slap is very big, it is also very painful, but the strange thing is that this slap has not played his mouth. However, Qing Shaohui now went to consider this. He now only wants two bodyguards to fight Li Feng. A meal.

Aolong Ah Tiger has seen a bit of timidity from the eyes of each other.

Nima, a slap slap in flying, they really didn't have much to grasp, but the items were raised, they did not grasp it.



Aron Agah took a drink, put it in the posture to pull Li Feng.

Just just waited for two people, Li Feng pulled out two feet.

"" ""

The two skeletal breaks of the bone break, Aron Aga should be shouted, and it is hugging naked.

This scene made the customer in the state!

Lying in the trough, this brother is so fierce, and even two bodyguards are not his hambly. Is he sold in the champion?

Behind the bar, Xiang Shao's face has become a pig liver.

Lying in the trough, this person looks more than him, why can you play, who is he?

At this moment, Li Feng turned to Touxui.

Xiang Shaohui hit a machine, and it was shocked: "You ... don't come over, I am Xiang Shaohui, my dad is Xiangcheng, the boss of this bar is my sister, you dare to come to me to ensure you can't walk out This bar! "

On the side of the flower, there is a taunt on the inner face.

Threat a half-level strong, this item Shao Hui is afraid not a fool?

Just when she was secretly ridiculous, a dizziness suddenly came from her mind, and this dizziness was so fast that she fell softly on the bar.

Li Peak is slightly changed, and it is necessary to go to the flowers to draw the fragrance.

Who knows that the flowers are directly screaming directly: "Don't touch me!"

Li Feng brows smashed, and it didn't come forward.

Then, the flowers in the flower, the fragrance of the fragrance, see Xiang Shao, behind the bar: "That cup is taken by you?"

Li Feng has become difficult to look hard, killing in his heart quickly gathered!

"I ..." Xiang Shaohui's face is slightly changed, and then the wineman Anan shouted: "Call people!"

Made, in his plan, he will drive Li Feng in the shortest time, then after the drug effect, he took the flower to the hotel.

Who knows that Li Feng is so able to play, even his bodyguard Aron Ah is not an opponent, the plan is disrupted!

However, he is very good with the boss of this hotel. People who see the venue can play more than Aolong A Tiger. As long as these people arrive here, they can play Li Feng!

At the time, I only had a weak woman in the flowers, not let him put!

Ahn did not dare to delay, and quickly pressed a red button after the bar.

This button is connected in the background, and the security personnel who press the background will receive the news, and the first time rushes to the control.

Li Feng smiled, it was at this time, it was still not dead. This item Shao Hui really didn't see the coffin.

In this case, then he will wait for someone to call people, let Xiang Shaohui know what is desperate!

Soon, there is a group of black people rushed here from the background. They listen to the leader in the head of the lead shirt. "Hey, who dares to be in the smoke rain bar? Eat Xiong Xin Leopard Yes, I don't want to listen to who to listen to this bar. "

"Come, which mixer is doing things, stand out, give you He Esta, let's see!"

Listening to this words, Li Feng's face has become weird.

What is the hat? What is the autumn wind? What is the hatred?

Isn't this? This is not!

He Veader arrived, Xiang Shaohui is like finding the main bone, and the waist is tall: "He big brother is my top Shao Hui, I was hit, He Big Brother must help me with the revenge!" "

He Enemy, Micro-Wrinkle: "Is you? Are you caught here again?"

Obviously, why of Hen is a more understanding of Xiang Shaohui.

"He big brother, this time isn't I actively picking things, he first shot me, and I also played my two bodyguards."

Xiang Shao Hui did not refer to Li Feng, and the anger said.


Until this incident, he saw the back to his own Li Feng, and when he will jump, I feel that this back is a bit familiar.

The brightened flashed, why, why he enjoined the back, shouted in the mouth: "He Yu met Li Lee!"

I didn't wait for him to bottom the bottom, and a softness trocked his knees and then tied him up.

Li Feng turned into the body, and smiled and smiled: "Your kid is eye-catching, so you can be recognized."

He Enshi, two hands, one said: "Li is not my eyes, it is really your back, such as the mountain, in addition to Li Shao, I can't think of anyone who can have such a back."

Xiang Shao: "???"

Other customers: "???"

No ... ,,,, ,, , Is he going to buy an orange? Still how to drop, shoot the fart is not so shooted!

Now the problem is coming, what is Li Feng, why do you want to take this trip?

"Your kid." Li Feng has already habits why the way of feng fart. After all, it is a man who is "why, the autumn wind, the hatred of the feast".

"Hey." He Yuan smiled and smiled. "" "Li Xia, is this Skin Hui to sin?"

Li Feng nodded: "He gives me the medicine, intention is not the track, and I will ask for it to know which hand under the hand, after the things don't teach you?"

He enjoys, holding a box: "He Yuan knows!"

Then he stepped into Xiang Shaohui.

Listening to this words, Xiang Shaohui's face change: "He big brother, Song Dao is my sister, you can't eat other people to deal with me!"

Li Fengbei picks up, Song Yujun is the sister of this person, why didn't he hear it?

Just when he was confused, He Nen Cold smiled: "Hey, the people who make our boss are more, do you make a few a few? Also, Li Shao is a man of our boss, even if our boss is here, the same Packing you! "

Xiang Shao is a glimpse, followed by the face: "He ... he is the legendary Li Feng?"

The customer in the bar is very shocked!

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