Save the Goddess System

Chapter 737 dares?

To say this time, who is the most powerful in the pearl of the pearl, then it is not the genus.

Rebuilding Osville, launching a series of products of Tong Yan, moistening, and red, becoming the youngest millions of China.

Killing Fengrui, Feng Jun, presses the top of the pearl, Yang, Huang Bin can't lift your head, and then help the future group president Wei Shiqing smashed Feng Wei Yan and Zhou Nansheng's conspiracy.

And there is a rumor that Song Yujun is also a woman in Li Feng.

One piece of these things, which is not a big news?

People who can do these things are definitely a big figure in the big people, even if they are Sauhui, his old dad, but even a fart in front of this big person, but even if you have mentioned Shao Hui himself.

Xiang Shaohui is not good, it is not allowed to get Li Feng, this is not a lantern in the hunter, looking for death!

It is necessary to blame, you can only blame the identity of Shao Hui, have not had a chance to see Li Feng, which will cause today's situation.

"Li Lee, I am wrong, I have an eye, I don't know Taishan, I don't know if Li Shao, please ask Li Shao to this time."

After the initial shock, Xiang Shao immediately immediately rushed to Li Feng.

Li Feng looked like Feng Jun said that he kills, and his little person will make Li Feng still have it?

I knew that this person was Li Feng, and I didn't dare to be pair with him.

"My man who hates women in the woman is very pity that you just hit my muzzle."

After saying that Li Feng gave him a look, He Nen will pulled the pain, and went to the background.

He Yuan's younger brother took Aron Ahu and Xiang Shaohui's women with a backstage.

As for what I will do next ... I can know it from the previous sentence of Li Feng, but no one dares to say anything.

The shadow of the human famous tree, whoever feels that he can be wrist with Li Feng, then go out.

Since Hevenm, Xiang Shaohui took it away, a system prompt sound suddenly sounded: "Hey, congratulations, the task saves the goddess, the plot (2) is completed, the task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 200,000 experience value, 1 million system points reward."

Then, Li Feng walked to the fragrance in the flower in the eyes of a customer, and asked: "Can you move?"

"I ... don't ... you manage."

The flower is incense and is angry.

After this period of fermentation, the drug effect has begun to play, and the flowers are incense and weak, and they speak.

"Don't worry if you can't."

Li Feng shook his head and sighed, leaned over and helped her.

"You ... do you want to do?"

The flowers in the flower have a little flustered, but it is strange that she didn't exclude Li Feng in her heart.

Why is this this? !

Li Feng stared at her for a while, and said: "Take you to the hotel."

Flowers in the flower: "???"

What is it? I didn't listen to it, Li Feng wants to take me to the hotel? What?

After saying that Li Feng did not wait until the flowers and fragrances made a react, helping her out of the bar.

After 10 minutes, Li Feng came to a five-star hotel near the Smoke Rain Bar with a flower, and opened an executive suite.

"What are you doing, I will warn you don't mess."

There is a little scared in the flower.

"Is it afraid?" Li Feng hooked a smile: "What do you think?"

"You ... I ..." The flowers in the flower plot in the rock.

Yes, if Li Feng wants to do what she do, I will wait until now? I did what I did when she was still in her body.

"Sleep well, I am looking at you here."

Li Feng put the flowers in the bed to the bed, and then pulled a chair to sit down.

Flowers in the flower: "???"

What is it? I am sleeping here, he is looking at it? How can this!

"If you don't worry, I can give you an anthemode. After you eat it, you will not worry, then I will give you a money to add your ID."

At the same time, Li Feng took a hundred from his arms, as well as the wallet used before the flowers in the flower, and Li Feng inside her certificate, as well as a bank card.

"There are tens of millions of Huaxia coins in the bank card, the password is six six, these money should be enough for you in China."

"Of course, if you want to go back to Dongpu, there is no problem, have these things you can go at any time, I will not stop."

After that Li Feng put these things in bed.

After listening, the face of the fragrance in the flower is a little change.

Li Feng is not only willing to let her go, but also give her money, why is Li Feng so good?

"The things are here, you sleep well after you eat the medicine, I am gone."

When I finished Li Feng got up, I had to leave here.

Just when Li Feng went to the door, the flowers were suddenly said: "Wait!"

Li Feng couldn't help but smile, then pretend to be angled and asked: "What happened?"

Rely, Xiaoye is doing this, I don't believe you are not moved!

In fact, when he received the mission of the inquiry of the inquiry, Li Feng was considering how to complete this mission. After all, he is too complicated with the relationship between the fragrance of the flower.

Thinking, Li Feng felt that it was more reliable with the informing flowers.

If you can't email the flowers in the flowers, then this task he has only give up ...

It seems that his actions have taken effect.

"Nothing, I just want to ask you, you can't help people enhance the realm."

The flowers of the flowers and the incense are said.

Li Peak is a weird, "Why do you ask this?"

He used to mention this in the flower, and the flowers and fragrances were still in the flower, but they would help improve the realm, but they were rejected by Li Feng.

The fragrance of the flowers and the fragrance: "I want to recover the strength as soon as possible."

"What?" Li Fengbei picks up, you have to do something.

"Then?" The flowers were ridiculed, and then they rushed: "Of course, I have to revenge! You controlled me so long, I can't wait to kill you, but you are so powerful, I don't restore strength as soon as possible. If you have a chance to find you! "

Li Feng: "???"

No ... Let me help improve the strength, then find me to revenge? Does the flowers in the flowers do not think that Xiaoyan is stupid!

"Is it afraid?"

See Li Feng not talking, the ridicule of the inner face in the flower is more concentrated.

Li Feng smiled: "Do you think I will be afraid?"

"Then do you dare to help me recover strength?" The flower is swallowed by the fragrance, and there is a picture of a hundred .

No matter how Li Feng will choose, she must first recover the strength.

Li Feng smiled more: "Dare, there is no dare, you can't cause any threat to me even if it is restored."

"That is not saying bad." The flowers of the flowers and sneer: "Do you dare?"

Li Feng brows kept beating: "Are you giving me a general law?"

"What do you think." The flower is shrugged in the flower, and the face is challenging: "Dare, still dare not?"

Li Peaks changed several times, and finally biting his teeth: "This is your forced me!"

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