I don't know how long, the cultivation ends.

"Hey, congratulate the host, get all the hearts of the flowers, rewards 100 conquers."

"Hey, congratulate the host, the progress of the fragrance in the flowers, the current is 100%."

"Hey, congratulate the host, just serving the goddess flower, the mission is completed, the task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 2 million experience value, 10 million system points reward."

Host: Li Feng

Level: Half God

Experience value: 8.82 million 20 million

System score: 64 million

Conquer point: 917

Skills: "Shen Wei", "God", "Talking Seven Steps", "Treasure Sword Law", "Void", "Fang", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", " "" Exploration "...

Waiting for the task: no

A series of system prompts the audio, let Li Feng are a little bit: "Task ...?"

This result is really that Li Feng can't believe that after all, the flowers in the flowers also express themselves not to be two, which is too awkward.

Will n't she be a patient with Stockholm syndrome?

"The system will not be wrong, so ... female also printed although it is released, it is still in the influence of floral in the flower?"

Li Feng also wonders the more weird.

Li Feng guess, although the woman was released by him, but the memory kept in the mind in the flower.

This is like smoking people to quit smoking, the smoke addiction has left in this person's heart, even if it is a month or even half a year, the psychological smoke addiction is still existed.

Because these memories, the feelings of the flowers in the flower, the feeling of Li Feng is very complicated. Sometimes I feel that I should hate Li Feng, and sometimes I have some dependence on Li Feng.

In addition, she returned to the unfair treatment after Dongpu, and she was almost collapsed under the mood.

After that, she ran to the bar, and she was controlled by the bodyguard of Xiang Shaohui. At that time, she didn't resent again. At this time, Li Feng appeared in time, like a light of the dark clouds, let her see hope.

Although she said that Li Feng doesn't take her, but it is just a feeling. In fact, she doesn't know herself, it is just Trial Li Feng.

Later, Li Feng's performance made the flowers and fragrances, especially after coming to the hotel, Li Feng prepared for her, really touched the flowers and fragrances, so there was a shortage method.

However, there was a bursting on a broken tank that broke the impulse.

After the end of cultivation, the flowers of the flowers were in love with Li Feng.

In the case of Li Feng, the flowers were suddenly surprised, and they can improve the realm. "

After this cultivation, the flowers of the flowers can already feel the real gas flow in Dantian, although there is a lot of time when she is peak, but this is just a result of cultivation!

If you practice more times, can she recover the peak strength?

"I have never been believed before you feel like you?" Li Feng's mouth smoked, and the face was more likely.

"Not the Lord ..." The flowers of the flowers in the flowers are to call Li Feng owner, and they will be returned by her by her, then the color is rising.

Li Feng double glimpse: "What are you calling me?"

"Nothing." The flowers of the flowers were busy with the incense, and the pretty face was red.

Oops, I haven't said that I have to kill Li Feng, and now I am also called Li Feng owner, ashamed!

Li Feng's eyes flashed, and smiled and smiled: "So you don't hate me, right?"

"Who said, I ..." The flowers of the flower dodge, I want to say "I hate Li Feng" but I can't say it.

"What?" Li Feng smiled, pulled up the small hand of the flower and the fragrance: "When the news is reported, let's follow your heart."

The flowers of the flowers were swatched and the nodded was slow.

At this moment, she finally thoroughly thoroughly thoughts.


Three days later, the flowers and fragrance succeeded in the help of Li Feng with the help of Li Feng.

And the loyalty of the flower in the flower, the loyalty of Li Feng is also rising straight, and it is incompatible with her body in her body.

Generate this result, on the one hand, in the flower, the same is related to the Dongpu people. After all, the legend of Dongzi woman is very loyal to her husband.

On the other hand, it is because of the impact of women.

Anyway, the things in the flowers of the flowers are done, and Li Feng can make an angry.

On the next few days, Li Feng has been leaving the Pearl to help Wei Sibiqing and others to improve the strength. Under his efforts, Wei Yingqing, Song Yujun, Su Wei, Xu Man, Liu Shihan, Jiang Yunzhu, have stepped into the respect.

Even the flowers in the flowers are also rapidly become a strong master.

After Li Yuan took the Tianshuobao, Li Feng received Li Feng's cultivation method purchased from the system mall. The realm is also a flying, and now it is a superior force.

However, Li Feng will not be satisfied, he wants to take advantage of the realm of Wei Yingqing and others to increase the peak!


Huaxia, Mountain City, a luxury villa.

Ren Xiaozizheng is playing with the king's glory on the living room sofa.

Since Li Feng has done Xiao, Zheng, Lei San family, Ren Xiao Lei and Xiao Lingzhen's life and death crisis will also be released. Yesterday Xiao Ling took Gao Jie to leave the mountain city, and went to the wind and rain building to inspect, and only the family left. One of the buds.

Because it is at home, Ren Xiaozheng wears a white sling sleep, a long hair is scattered, and the air is a beautiful face.

I said before, although I was 51 years old, but she maintained like a woman in about 30, especially after drinking Tong Yan, her skin is young, saying that she is twenty. The big girl has a letter.

What is even more is, it is a mature side of the bud, and there is an ancient spiritual side. Under the integration of a variety of temperament, it has created a unique charm of Xiailde.

After all, I have let Xiao Ruran and the family who want to make faces!

"Rely, this bastard will not play, there is a battle in the wild, the old lady, my backhand is a report!"

After another lost, the young larage called a teammate, then exited the game and threw the phone aside.

Just then, a giant sound came from the door.

Ren Xiao Lei is shocked to see, just see a middle-aged man in front of the living room from the broken door.

This middle-aged man is not needed, the five senses are still, wearing a gray in Zhongshan dress, stepped on a pair of black big shoes, and wear a big gold chain in the neck.

If Li Feng is here, it will find that this middle-aged man is almost exactly the same as that of the magic seven elders Wei Bin!

After this middle-aged man, I also followed a young woman in two young people.

"Who are you ?!" Ren Xiaole stood up from the sofa, and asked the face.

The middle-aged man has a smile, and the hand said: "Shen Zong's eight elders and young Qiu Wei have seen the sacred girl!"

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