Save the Goddess System

Chapter 739, my son-in-law is Li Feng

Ren Xiao Lei's face!

She hasn't heard the word of Shen Zong for a long time, she never heard someone called her own sacred girl, but she knows the meaning of the two words!

The death, those people are still alive, but they still find themselves, things are struggling!

Although Xiaobei is frightened in his heart, he revealed his face and said: "Shen Zong? Qiu Wei? San Daughter? I have never heard of it, I said that you didn't recognize the wrong person."

While talking, she rapidly opened their minds and thought the way.

The other party can quietly enter the villa, she also refers to the realm of the other party, which means that the realm of these three is above her.

If she doesn't hurry, I want to leave here, and the consequences are difficult!

"The saint is laughing, we have a good job to find you, how can I get a wrong person?"

Qiu Wei glanced, and he went back and forth in Xiaipei, and the greedy color in his eyes became more and more concentrated.

The intelligence said that the long-term phase of the young lady mother is very ordinary. It belongs to the woman who will never want to see the second eye in the crowd, but now I have seen Qiu Wei, I found that Xiaole is a beautiful woman!

This long phase, this section, this temperament, it is a daughter of the host!

Two young people behind Qiu Hao also looked at Ren Xiao Lei, and the man's eyes were even some.

Qiu Wei's eyes let Ren Xiao Lei have been offended, and her face is ugly: "I look at the old lady again, the old lady digs your eyes!"

Qiu Wei smiled at the sky: "The sacred girl is laughing, we are all a family, and it is not good to kill, let alone ..."

Speaking of this, Qiu Yu is sinking, and the half-level breath is released.

Although it is just a release, this breath is still deeply shocked.

"You are not my opponent."

Speaking here, Qiu Wei smiled and rampant.

"Are you a half-level powerful ?!" "One of the hearts of the bud directly sank to the bottom of the valley.

She is just a strong man in the Shengfeng peak, it is half-step to the respected look. I encountered the half-level half-level than the supreme look. Where did she have a resilience?

"The Holy Woman is good." Qiu Wei smiled and slowly walked to Ren Xiaozui, and said: "Saint-Daughter, this time Qiu visited the saint to borrow something."

Ren Xiao Lei wanted to retreat, but immediately, she was forced to stop the footsteps.

Rely, when you refer to it, she is afraid of Qiu Wei, losing people don't lose, she is really not afraid of the ancient Wujie for so many years!

Thinking of this, Ren Xiao Lei picks up the chin, asked uncomfortable: "What?"

Qiu Wei is a glimpse, then laughs: "Is there a person who said that you are very cute?"

"I also think that the sacred girl is very cute." The young woman behind him smiled.

"It's really cute, at least in line with my aesthetics." The young man is quite first, satisfied with satisfaction.

Ren Xiaole: "???"

No ... whether the old lady is cute with you with a yarn relationship, it is also in line with your aesthetics, don't do it, you can't do it!

"Call!" Ren Xiao Lei spit out a turbidity, pressed the heart anger asked: "I said that you can quickly explain the intentions, then hurry away."

"My daughter and my son-in-law will soon come back. Their temper is still violent than me, I don't want to die, I will hurry."

Qiu Wei is a glimpse first, then laughing in the sky, laughing is a contemptuous and ridicule.

"Leaning, laughing, what is funny, my son-in-law is also a half-level strong, he wants to pack you three, don't believe it?"

Ren Xiaole is really angry, you can't think about her, I dare to look down on her son-in-law?

Rely, now who doesn't know that her son-in-law is the first person in the Huaxia ancient military, even the four top ancient Wu Shi people have to listen to her son-in-law?

"Yes?" Qiu Wei stunned: "Who is your son-in-law?"

Since it is the son-in-law of Xiaolei, then his age is definitely, in addition to the Shenzong, which family can have a young half-level power?

"I am afraid that I am scared to be scared." Ren Xiaole snorted, some arrogant.

"Nothing, I have no heart disease, you talk about it." Qiu Wei smiled, all of this time, Xiaobei, I still want to use words to intimidate him, Ren Xiao Lei is not only cute, there are some innocent.

"My son-in-law is Li Feng." Ren Xiaozheng squad, said: "How, are you scared?"

Qiu Wei did face each other, and he went to the head after half of it: "There is nothing, we don't even know if he is."

Ren Xiaole: "..."

No ... The name of the son-in-law is now like a thunder, I haven't heard Mao Qiu?

Ren Xiao Lei knows that although Li Feng is shocked by Xiao, Zheng, Lei San, I can know that this matter is only the parties and Li Feng's women.

Li Feng can't see other people to promote their glorious records. As a result of the defeat party, it is more impossible to preach.

"Ren Xiaole, I call your saints to give the face of the passion, if you don't know how to know, you can don't blame me for you."

Qiu Wei lost his patience and step by step.

Ren Xiao Lei's color change number, bite the teeth: "What do you want?"

"Originally, I just want to take a nine peace from you, now ..." Qiu Wei stared at Ren Xiao Lei for a while, greedy: "I still want you."

In this way, the heart of Renzi directly sank to the bottom of the valley.

Pearl, Xinghui Community 6 villa.

Ended a round of cultivation, Li Feng, sitting on the sofa chatting with a woman.

Just then, a system prompt sound suddenly sounded: "Hey, host, you have new tasks, do you see it right away?"

"At this time, will it be related to anyone?" Li Feng is tight, and it is busy watching.

"Task: Save the goddess Xiaole (1)"

"Task Objective: Saving the goddess of Kui from the magic eight elders, Qiu Wei, ensuring the safety of the goddess, the safety of Xiaobei, if the task fails, deduct the 2 million system points for punishment."

"Task Reward: 3 million experience value, 10 million system points, 20 conquest points."

After reading the task, Li Feng directly caught in the state.

No ... save the goddess of Xiaobi? Ok, Li Feng admitted that the bud is a goddess, but she is Xiao Ling's mother. Is it necessary to have something to have in Defei?

Daughter-in-law with his mother? What is this show!

See Li Peak, and Wei Bingqing and others are so busy to ask.

Li Feng first said that there is nothing, then makes it easy to take out the mobile phone, this said: "I have something to do, oh ... may come out for a long time, you don't have to wait for me."

Although Wei Yingqing and others are doubts, since Li Feng said that there is something to handle, they don't ask, they can only send him out of the villa.

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