Save the Goddess System

Chapter 740 Qiu Wei's suspicion

"I warned that you don't mess, my son-in-law is now."

Ren Xiao Lei was afraid, and she was not rare. This person wanted to take her to take her hands. Anyway, she never thought about what she would like to produce himself with Jiuzong.

Can Qiu Wei dare to hit her mind, which makes her can't endure.

"Don't say that you are just lying, even if your woman is really returning here? I am a half-level strong, no matter who comes, this is the life of me."

"Ren Xiao Lei, I have long heard that you have, since you were driven out of the Xiao family, you have never married, and even the boyfriend is not looking for, I have been alive, this is why."

Qiu Wei came to the front of the small lace, and the face of the face was.

After the king took a step, the calf was posted on the sofa, and the eyebrows wrinkled: "What is the reason?"

"The reason is that you are waiting for a man, and that man is ..." Say here, Qiu Wei deliberately paused.

"You hit, don't say, I am disgusting." Ren Xiao Lei directly refused to three.

I rely on, this person does not scouring the urine mirror, but also wants to be the true life of the old mother, is it because your face is thick enough?

At this time, two disciples after Qiu Yu were just right: "Of course, you are old!"

"Only eight elders such as excellent men can also match the sacred girl!"

Qiu Wei nodded and smiled: "Yes, it is me, Lei ..."

"I rely on, can you shut up, want me to spit out overnight, are you happy?" Ren Xiao Lei really had to vomit.

This Qiu Wei does not look at what is the model, where is the face saying this?

"Hey, Lei Lei, I am telling the truth, I am the gods of the eight elders, and they follow people, and you are the daughter of the host, and there is nine hypoders in the hands. "

"As long as you follow me back to Shen Zong, I am a new host, and you are a lady, when we led Shenzong members to go to the mountain, a tribute to the ancient martial arts, is it not beautiful?"

Qiu Wei is more likely, it is like this.

"But I don't want to be." Ren Xiaole's two hands, completely defeated Qiu Wei.

"It doesn't matter, you are willing to be unimportant, the important thing is that I am stronger than you, you can only serve me, let me go."

Qiu Yu smiled and reached out to take Ren Xiao Zi.

Just then, Li Feng just ended the transmission and happened to see this scene.

When Li Feng, Li Feng also can't take care, directly, "time is still", then the body flashes, and will be a little bud.

Then I stayed in 10 seconds, Li Feng took out the clothes.

Wait until all packages are properly, the time still effect is over, and everything is restored.

"Haha ...?"

Qiu Wei has just issued a few madness, suddenly found that there is no trace of Xiaole, which is already in front of you, and it is forced to be on the spot.

On the other hand, Ren Xiao Li sent a scream, just hide, who knows that one hand suddenly pressed on her shoulders, and a gentle voice raised her ear: "Don't be afraid, I am me. "

Ren Xiaulu turned to the head, seeing the person who pressed his own is Li Feng, it can be said to be surprised: "Li Feng? Is your kid really come true?"

Li Feng: "???"

No ... What is it? One face!

"He is Li Feng?"

Qiu Wei found Li Feng's arrival, and it was unpredictable.

In his perception, Li Feng has no sound, and no one is here before, and there is a sudden thriller in this moment.

What makes Qiu Wei feel surprised that he does not wear Li Feng's realm. What does this explain?

"Eight old, this person has a weird."

The male disciple said Wang Zhenzhi.

"This person seems to be young than I have to be young, the realm should be high?"

The female disciple said that the red face was confused.

Ren Xiao Lei held Li Feng's arm and kept shaking: "Dark, you are just, this person is bullying me, you quickly help me play him, hurry."

Ren Xiao Lei is now too lazy to manage Li Feng, she now just wants nausea to her Qiu Wei to pay the price!

"Auntie, don't worry first, let me talk about this." Li Feng is a little crying, he just came, I still don't know if the specific situation, I don't want it to do it? "

Also ... Ren Xiao Lei, why hold his arm, this is a bit too intimate?

In other words, what perfume sprayed on Xiaipei, tastes good.

Ren Xiao Lei willow eyebrow: "What is the situation, these people want to bully the old mother, do you have a son-in-law?"

"Revenge, must be revenge!" Li Feng said his chest, and he didn't bring his arms without traces.

Ren Xiao Lei is a sling sleeping skirt, and she has always been strange by her arms.

"Hey, surnamed Qiu, my son-in-law is coming, you will be mad." Ren Xiao Lei retreated Li Feng's arm and said.

She is not deliberately accommodating Li Feng, but this will make her feel safe.

Li Feng's mouth smoked, didn't pick it back to the arm, forget it, anyway, Xiao Ling is not, Ren Xiao Lei wants to pull it.

Qiu Yu is weird to watch her with Li Feng: "Do you make sure he is your son-in-law, isn't a lover?"

This Nima ... When he is eye, do you have such arms between the mother-in-law?

"Rely, what is it, Li Feng is a man of Ling Hao, isn't the son-in-law?"

It is a bit guilty.

Why is Xiao Ling? It is completely affected by the little bud!

Ren Xiaole is a person who is awkward and even Xiao Yu, if it is, she will not be so fast.

Because of the budness, it has been a single year, while Li Feng has saved her once. This time she appeared in time when she was in danger, so she was a bit strange to Li Feng.

For a long time, Xiaobei felt that her things were daughter's things, her daughter's things were her things, their daughters were ... cough.

What's more, she also listened to Xiao Ling, and she practiced with Li Feng could improve the realm. Li Feng, Li Feng, who was a small Lei, is a big fat meat that I want to eat, but I am embarrassed!

Where did Li Feng know that K a bud as a fat? Otherwise, he must leave for Xiao Lei to hide far.

"Your surname Qiu? Magic people?"

Li Feng looked at Qiu Wei, the more weirded it, the more weird, but he didn't have face blindness, otherwise he can really regard Qiu Wei as Wei Bin.

Almost exactly the same dress, is the elder of the demon? Is this virtue?

"Well?" Qiu Yubei picks up, the face is getting better: "It turned out that you have been here, you have two ways to talk about Xiao Ling ?!"

After the body, Wang Zhenli Ma Lihong suddenly realized!

This can explain why Li Feng can suddenly appear. It turns out that there is such an unfair relationship between served as Xiaipu!

Li Feng: "???"

Ren Xiaole: "???"

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