Save the Goddess System

Chapter 741, a wonderful

Lying in the trough, the god is very good, is the young master?

Made, the magic people, the heads are special!

Ren Xiao Lei is not angry at all, but a smile: "Oh, is it found? It seems that we have to kill people."

Li Feng: "???"

is found, let's do anything, I have been discovered, I have to let Xiao Ling listen to it or not to fight with him!

Qiu Yu is hysterested, and suddenly said: "I didn't expect the Zong Lord to play in the world. I actually gave birth to such a daughter who didn't know how to be shameful, I really felt ashamed!"

Li Feng pupil is shrinking, the face is surprised.

metropolitan? daughter? Ren Xiaole is the daughter of the devil. I am going, this news is too strong!

Until at this time, he remembered that Xiao Ye once said that the existence of Xiaole is a taboo. At that time, he didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, and now he finally understand.

Then Qiu Wei looked at Li Feng and said: "Kid, you are not small, even our Shenzong's holy girl dares."

After seeing Suizu, Qiu Wei got a heart to her. If Li Feng suddenly appeared, he has taken a small bud to the demon to do the lady.

As a result, he was regarded as a bud that was in the capsule, and he was already infected by Li Feng. It was like a thing that was loved by his beloved. How did Qiu ?

Li Feng turned over white eyes and was too lazy to explain with him, and asked: "Why do you come to me? What is it from her?"

He remembers that Liu Wei said that the Devil has been sending people to find a nine charter, and the bud is the daughter of the devil, that will not be in the hands of the buds?

While talking, he used Qiu Wei to read the heart.

"It seems that you are not what is going to tell him." Qiu Wei looked at the eyes of Xiaolei and the taste.

Li Feng's eyes flashed, secretly whisper: "It is really a nine-purpose, that isn't it to say ... As long as I got a nine charter from Ren Xiao Lei, the demon will have been in the internal state, can't generate threat to the ancient weapon. ? "

I think of this, Li Feng has a plan.

"Hey, the old lady needs you?" Ren Xiao Lei did not cool Qiu Yu to see his eyes, and immediately shake Li Feng's arm said: "The son-in-law, this person is too bad, you hurry to fight him, give me a breath."

Li Feng helplessly smiled: "Ren Auntie, you make me play him, but can you stop first, this will hurt you."

Ren Xiao Lei's eyebrows, I really want to say a sentence "You look down on the old lady?"

But I think of her strength between her and Qiu Wei, Li Feng, Ren Xiaole, pressing this impulse, Shen Sheng said: "I know, you must cheer!"

After that, she will release Li Feng and go to the distance.

Opposite, Qiu Yu's corner kept beating, Mad, saying that it is really like a child, this child is very mad!


Angry, Qiu Wei released his own breath!


In an instant there in the back of the gods, this villa has been burst by huge gods!

"Rely, the old mother's villa!"

Ren Xiao Lei was directly angry. At the beginning of the renovation of this villa, she specially learned the decoration design, according to her own heart, and purchased furniture appliances.

This is her heart! The result is so destroyed!

Relying on relying on, the old lady is awkward!

"Haha, Lei, don't be angry, do you want a villa not simple, wait for you to go back to a unified god, how many villa Laozi can buy."

Qiu Wei smiled, then rushed to Li Feng hooked the finger, ridicule: "Listen to Lei said that you are also a half-level strong? I don't believe, do you want to show me?"

Since I found that Li Feng may have always been in the villa, Qiu Wei believes that she is a bud.

Such a young, it is not a disciple, how can it be a half-level power.

"Eight elders, you are too high, I see that he is mostly to be honored." Wang Zhen said.

He is very jealous of Li Feng to tie with the beauty of Xiaipei, and the words must be derogated by Li Feng.

"I also think that it is awkward, Wang Zhen brother, do you want to try him?" Ma Li was laughing.

After listening to this, Wang Zhen's face suddenly rose into pig liver: "This, Ma Shi, I am just guess"

Wang Zhen greets the 18th generation of Ma Lihong, Nima, although Li Feng is unlikely to be a half-level strong, but it is not afraid that 10,000 is afraid of case, in case Li Feng is really a half-level What about? He is not a meat bag to play dogs without a meat bag?

Rely, Laozi is not to break the good thing between you with the seven elders, do you use this to fall?

Ma Lihong is the woman of eight elders, but privately with the seven elders and Wei Bin, it is not clear, and Ma Lihong is hit by him when he is together with Wei Bin.

If Wang Zhen is Qiu Wei's left-right arm, he has repeatedly guaranteed that this is not told, Wei Bin can destroy him at the time.

This time, Marily Red deliberately provokes him to deal with Li Feng, must have a trick to kill people!

"Okay, Wang Zhen, you go to try him." Qiu Wei looked at it and smiled.

The big figure has the same faction of the big figure. Since there is a disciple followed, do you have a disciple that the strength of the enemy is not very?

If the other party is just a small butter fish, he directly shots the other side to kill it very faceless?

Wang Zhenfei, I wanted to make a speech, but I thought of rejection of Qiu Wei's consequences, he could only go to the head, and the cold voice said: "Little son, shot, I will let you first, lest You will say that I am bullying. "

He wants to force Li Feng's initiative to show the breath. Once Li Fengzhan exposes a half-level breath, he has a reason to retreat. If Li Feng is just a supreme or even generous, then he can show great might.

Li Feng lifted his skin and ridiculed: "This is really a wonderful."

"Hey, arrogant!" Wang Zhen was anger, and how he also said that he was also awkward, and he was so humiliated that he was so humiliated: "Let's die!"

With a roar, a long sword of the arrogant is held in his hand, then a sword is going down!


A lingering sword go straight to Li Feng!

Li Feng shook his head and raised his hand. It was a dragon claw to explore it. The dragon claw opened the sword to pinched the sword, and slapped.


A group of young smokes, that is the dragon sword directly packed out!

Wang Zhenpi is shrinking: "Strong, eight elders, I may not be his opponent."

While talking, Wang Zhen will return to Qiu Hao.

On the other hand, Qiu Yu's hippie is picking up, it is going to deal with Li Feng.

However, at this time, the dragon claw suddenly accelerated, pinched him in his hand before Wang Zhen returned.


Next moment, the dragon claws pinched, and Wang Zhen was pinched into a meat cake!

The audience is quiet!

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