Save the Goddess System

Chapter 742, Nine

"Yeah! It's a son-in-law that I serve, good!"

After the silence, he couldn't help the voice.

The supreme peak is strong, just put it first by Li Feng, it is really a strong!

Opposite, Qiu Wei did not dare to believe his eyes.

Relying on, this is a moment, his left right arm is pinched by Li Feng? He is not coming to make a rescue?

Damn, Xiao Lan Li Feng!

"Wang Zhen Brother!"

Ma Li's red is speaking, but the heart is queen.

Wang Zhen guess, she really wants to kill people, although Wang Zhen sent a vicious vowed not to say her with the seven elders, and Kao Zhen live a lot of life, and the risk will be added more.

Dead people are the most insurance!

However, Li Feng's strong is indeed unexpectedly, can the eight elders can play Li Feng?

In the ecstasy, Mary's heart also covered a shadow.

"Kid, you really have a little unexpected, but you can only go here, because I have to seriously."

Qiu Wei is deeply sucking, and the right hand is a trick, and a long knife is held in his hand.

"Jiukki?" Li Fengbei picks and whispered.

"Well?" Qiu Yu's hippie: "Have you seen the nine glacors?"

"No, but I have seen the nine sessions." Li Feng, who said, from the system with his own backpack, took out the Jiuqian used by Wei Bin.

After killing Wei Bin, Li Feng took this nine kinetile and Wei Bin's portable items to the system carry-on backpack.

The nine glacors are the best equipment, and Wei Bin's belongings are space storage equipment, which is treasure, and it is a pity.

However, there is a corresponding skill in the use of space storage equipment, so far, Li Feng has not found the way to open Wei Bin's space storage equipment.

Qiu Wei pupil, exclaimed out: "Nine quiet guns ?! Have you seen Wei Bin ?!"

Later, Ma Lihong grabbed his mouth and was shocked.

The nine stove is the sign of Wei Bin, the gun is in the person, now the nine criminal is taken in the hand by Li Feng, is it not explaining that Wei Bin has suffered? !

"I didn't see Wei Bin, I also saw Liu Wei and Ma Chao."

Li Feng played a nine quiet gun, and smiled and smiled.

"What about them?" Qiu Wei guess, but this guess is too terrible, he is not willing to believe this is true.

"All dead." Li Feng shrugged, and said relaxed: "If you don't want Steps Wei Bin's rear dust, you will accept the surrender, self-discusted Dan Tian, ​​then tell the space of the space connected to the Magic Nest, I Can you spare you, how? "

I know that only the nine elders of the devil's specific location, Li Feng wants to explore the specific location from Qiu Wei, one is curious, the second is that he wants to share the pressure for Shen Zikai.

Although he exited the dragon soul, it was a purple dragon of the dragon soul. Once the devil is engaged, the dragon soul is the first barrier of the defense.

To find out the location of the space channel, you can let the dragon soul account for a part of the opportunity!


Qiu Biao is angered, although Wei Bin's death makes him feel a little frightened, but he thinks it is stronger than Wei Bin.

What's more, Wei Bin is dead, and it is not necessarily death in Li Feng. Maybe Li Feng will kill Wei Bin with others.

In short, if you make him up with Li Feng, he can't do it, even if he can flee it, don't you escape?

Thinking of this, Qiu Wei swars the knife: "Broken!"


A sharp knife passed through the void, and I came to Li Feng in an instant.

"Void flash!"

Li Feng did not dare to hard, and the body disappeared from it.

After 0.1 seconds, Li Feng appeared, the nine sessions were gone, and the golden gods were also put on the Golden Sparkling God.

"Wow, the son-in-law, you are wearing something, good, outbreak houses are a bit too strong?"

Ren Xiao Lei is full of exaggeration.

Opposite, Qiu Wei's same complexion: "This is a complete set of equipment? Ok, okay, after you kill you, the nine glasses are all mine."

This is the case, you like something, you can grab it, grab it is your own, equipped, Tianwei land, woman ... all rely on grab.

Li Fengbei picks up, it is necessary to speak, and you can say that Xiao Lei is first step: "Rely, you will want to kill my son-in-law? Do you dream! Women in-law Come, kill him!"

Li Feng's mouth is a bit weird.

It's already a hit, there is a cheerleading to cheer, it is really a very new experience.

"Lihong, you go to the bud to catch me!"

Qiu Wei is very uncomfortable. It is a woman who looks at him. How can I give some men?

"Yes, eight elders!" Ma Lihong sounded, and the body flashed around a large circle, rushing from behind the back direction.

"court death!"

Li Feng snorted to stop Ma Lihong.

Can Qiu Wei be willing to prevent Li Feng, when he will laugh, waving long knife to Li Feng.


A stunned air scratched a strange arc line, just before Li Peak.

On the other hand, Ma Lihong has already rushed to the young bud, if Li Feng chose to avoid it, then this delay will let Ren Xiaole will be caught in the hands!

Although Qiu Wei is arrogant, his calculation is extremely precise!

Ren Xiao Lei's face change, want to avoid it, Nai Maryhong has been locked by her, and she actually moved her way!

At this moment, the heart of Xiaobei is a bit cool.

"Invincible Glu ring open!"

"Between the square!"

Li Feng smiled and opened the invincible, and then took this knife directly, then took a step, the next moment came to the front of Little Lei.

At this time, Ma Li smiled and explored his right hand to grab it.

It can be followed by Ma Lihong, I feel that there is a huge fist in my sight.


A sudden sound, Mary's head disappeared.

Blood spray!

Li Feng recovered his fist and smiled and said: "Rely, want to take off the auntie? Dream!"

In the distance, Qiu Wei looks at the desire to crack: "Li Hong!"

The relationship between Qiu Wei and Ma Lihong is like Wei Bin and Liu Wei. .

On the side, Ren Xiao Lei is very excited: "Wow, you are really great! Wood, wood ~!"

Wow, just really amazing, fortunately, Li Feng arrived in time, otherwise she is going to be controlled by Ma Lihong!

Li Feng touched a bit of cold face: "???"

who am I? where am I? What am I doing?

After being "wood", Li Feng, the whole person!

This pair makes Qiu Wei who wants to crack more furious: "I also said that there is no situation between you? Jiuyou!"


As Qiu Wei's burst, his breath suddenly rose, and came directly to the middle of the god!

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