Save the Goddess System

Chapter 743, I have no evidence

When Qiu Wei broke out, he jumped directly to Li Feng Hui.

Two hands under Li Peak will report her, and then fall into the status.

who am I? where am I? What am I doing?

"Wow, he uses secrets, he uses secrets, hit him!"

Ren Xiaozu hooks Li Feng neck, pointing to Qiu Wei, anxious.

"Call" Li Feng spit out a turbidity, helpless: "Ren Auntie, can you go down, so I can't do it."

"Yes?" Ren Xiao Lei's face, then nodded: "Then I will go to you, you must hit him, win him at night, aunt gives you a good time."

Li Feng nodded at the point: "What?"

"Noodles ... What?" Ren Xiaozheng took a while and said.

Li Feng: "???"

I suspect that Xiaolei is driving, but I have no evidence!

"Don't use this kind of eye to see me, my aunt I will only do a norm, and a noodle." Ren Xiaothi said.

Li Feng was tone, ok, let aunt finally dropped the speed from 120 to 60 ...

"Rely, you have two bastards, dare to ignore my existence?"

Seeing Li Feng followed the buds to be a dialogue, Qiu Wei's lungs were infused.

"Broken! !"

Qiu Wei swars the knife, and the rigor is striking from all directions.

At this time, Li Feng definitely can't throw a small bud, or the bud is likely to be caught by this madwheel. When you get the fragrant jade, he has to use time to return, that is not cost-effective?

It's still in the invincible time. Li Feng directly gave down, and it will be completely covered.

"Ah! Li Feng is dangerous!"

Ren Xiao Lei did not expect Li Feng to protect himself, even empty open, let the knife is on him, which is both urgent and touched.

Li Feng doesn't talk, but it will be more even more than the body.

In the distance, Qiu Wei did not expect Li Shuhui to make this choice, and the heart is full of joy, and the knife is in a hurry!

Strike dance!

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" ...

There are countless knives on the back of Li Feng, send a loud noise.

Powerful shock waves will be more smootted by the broken villa, dust, dust!

"Ha ha ha, hahaha, idiot! I am stupid to protect my attack in order to protect my attack, I don't hesitate to use my attack."

"Even if you can help you, you will save, you are dead, and you can have a second road in addition to me to return to Shen Zong. Hahahaha."

Qiu Yu couldn't help but laugh.

After using the nine, Qiu Wei's realm has increased to the middle of the gods. Under the increase in the war, the power of the break is also increased.

And this wave of attack, he crossed half of the body in the body. Li Feng was just passive defense. This wave of attack is definitely seriously injured.


Just on the occasion of Qiu Yu, a ridicule sound suddenly came from the dust shrouded.

Then, a golden shadow came out from it, it was Li Feng!


Qiu Wei was like a male duck that was held in the neck, laughing time.

The death, why is Li Feng's injury? This is impossible!



"Time hourglass!"

Li Feng opened three top cards, and the breath on the body was soaring, and the realm came to the middle of the gods!


Li Feng swing, a lingering sword was born from the void, passed through tens of meters away, and the moment appeared in front of Qiu Wei.

Qiu Wei was very shocked, and even if you went to swear on it. However, the time of the hour, his speed dropped by 10 times, although he hid the championship, but the sword was still obliquely from his right shoulders.


Qiu Wei's right arm breaks from the shoulders, falls on the ground, blood is full of blood!


Qiu Wei sent a pain, and his face was shocked.


Just then, Li Feng is a sword!


The sword flashed, directly over the left shoulder of Qiu Wei, cut the left arm of Qiu Wei!


Li Feng is low, it is a sword!

This sword is close to the ground, directly in the ankle of Qiu Wei!

"" ""

Qiu Wei's two ankles were directly cut!

In the blink of an eye, Qiu Wei did not have two arms and two feet, directly into the disabled!


Qiu Wei fell to the ground, and the pain rolled back and rolled down.

Li Feng smiled, rushed to Qiu Yu, and raised his hand to go to his Dantian.


A crisp, Qiu Wei's Dantian was shocked by Li Feng!

Under the successful hit, Qiu Wei finally resisted the past, but he fainted, but the blood is still flowing. If you don't stop bleeding as soon as possible, Qiu Wei will lose his blood.

Li Feng took the silver needle to plug in Qiu Yu, and quickly blood stopped.

After you finish these, Li Feng turned around to see.

At this moment, the smoke is just scattered, showing the distant bud, I saw her mouth, full of horror: "I ... go?! Dark, you are too fierce?"

Li Feng: "..."

I am seriously suspicious of Ren Xiaole, but I have no evidence!

"Dishwu, you are really too fierce! Let Qiu Wei will give Qiu Wei so soon. My God, you are really too fierce!"

Ren Xiaozui rushed to Li Feng with thumbs up, and there was even some worships in his eyes.

Li Feng: "..."

Ok, the speed will fall from 120 to 60 ...

"Said ... He is still dead?"

Ren Xiao Lei came to Qiu Yu to Qiu Hao, and kicked his head, curiously asked.

"Well, no death." Li Feng wanted to buy a repair pill from the system mall, helping Qiu Wei went down.

"What are you doing?" Ren Xiao Lei did not solve it.

"He lost his blood, and I was abolished by Dantian, and I will give him a repair pill to keep his life." Li Feng explained.

"Yes, I know that you are in protecting him, but why do you have to protect him a small life, just he is very disrespectful to me."

Ren Xiaozheng said.

"Hey ..." Li Feng touched his nose and smiled: "I still have something to ask him."

"Do you want to go to God?" Ren Xiao Lei Xiu Yisheng, guess Li Feng's intention.

After all, it is the daughter of Shen Zongzong, Ren Xiao Lei, is it used to saying that Jiuhe is Shen Zong.

"There is no such thing for the time being, but I first figure out where the magic's nest is still very necessary." Li Feng said, then looked at Ren Xiao Lei asked: "Auntie, do you know where the devil is?"

Ren Xiao Lei quickly waved: "Don't make trouble, how can I know where the god is."

"Really?" Li Feng suspected s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s

"Of course it is true." Ren Xiao Lei stared at Li Feng, but he was thinking of others.

"Wow, the handsome face of the son-in-law is, the more you look, the better, the performance is also very man, I like what to do ~"

Li Feng: "..."

who am I? where am I? What am I doing?

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