Save the Goddess System

Chapter 744 Storage Ring

Ren Xiaole's exceeded Li Feng's expectations, which made Li Feng feel a little afraid.

It's just that Li Feng is read from the mentality. Ren Xiao Lei did not say that it would fall into an abnormal situation between the two.

"Well, then I will wake Qiu Yu first."

Li Feng spit out a turbidity, picking out a bottle of mineral water from the system with your backpack, screwing the cover, all poured on Qiu Yin.

Under the stimulation of cool water, Qiu Wei quickly woke up, then the scream of a long time.


Li Feng raised his hand and was pushed on Qiu Wei's face. He went to a smile: "Tell me the specific location of the space channel, I can give you a happy, otherwise ... You will have a pain."

"Don't think that I am scaring you, I have the ability to keep you remained, and even the silver needle will make you more than ten times the pain now."

On the one side, Ren Xiaole is a little cold.

The two arms were cut, two feet were also hit from the feet, such pain is very strong, and then zoom in to ten times like this ...

My day, the son-in-law is terrible!

"You ... you are not a person, you are a devil!"

Qiu Wei's fear is trembling.

Jiu Guzong is already awkward. If you can't help you, you have to use the true gas to dry before killing. Compared with Li Feng's behavior, the action means of Jiu Huanzong members will appear gentle.

"Devil? Just say, I just want to know the specific location of the space channel."

"You said, you can die, maybe you can revenge for yourself, why not?"

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders, and he said.

Since listening to Liu Hao, after the experience of her in the demon, Li Feng is completely hateful about the people of the demon.

Like Wei Bin, Qiu Wei, this kind of person, it is really dead, and there is no more bitterness before dying.


Qiu Wei is a glimpse, then understand Li Feng's meaning.

If Li Feng knows the specific location of the space channel, there is the possibility of going to Shen Zong's old nest. At that time, Li Feng would break out with the remaining people.

Qiu Wei ranked eighth in the nine elders, and several long-elder strengths in the past, how horror, I would like to know that if Li Feng is arrogant, it is very likely that the killing is very large.

"Haha, hahaha, kid, I have to admit that you have a set of grasp of your heart."

"Well, since you want to send it, then I will tell you."

"The space channel is in the south of the Gu Fengshan, the ancient peak town of Xishan Province, there is a stone monument, the stone monument is the first word in the ancient peaks."

"You need to crush a pattern after it, so that the space channel can be made."

After Qiu Wei laughed, the location of the space channel said.

Li Feng brows smiles, doubts: "Stone? What?"

Qiu Wei first glanced, then acknowledged: "You are all cultivated to the half-king, and even the stone is not known, is it as stupid ?!"

Ren Xiao Zi also picks up the eyebrows, facing the color of the doubt.

"I really don't know." Li Feng shrugged, and then laughed: "How, do you have to use a stone?"

"It's not to say that it is not necessary to use the spar, but it is almost no possible to step into the half-life without the words." Qiu Wei's expression is a bit weird.

He can see that Li Feng is really do not know what the stone is something, but this is not scientific, and the energy required to practice before the world can also transform the energy of the heavens and the earth.

It is too large from the energy required to break through to the half-life, and it is hard to succeed.

Therefore, Li Feng did not absorb the energy of the crystal stone, completed the breakthrough from the supreme and half-disorder?


"Don't say half, hurry to tell me." Li Feng is a bit impatient, relying on, he is most annoying about half of people.

When Qiu Wei will tell a middle reason.

"It turns out this ..." Li Feng's eyes flashed, and finally understood why Qiu Wei would not believe that he did not know why CD stones.

"Wow, son-in-law, you won't really use the stone?"

At this time, he asked a small bud expression.

Two hands of Li Feng: "It's really used."

"Wow, the son-in-law, you are really fierce!" Ren Xiao Lei rushed Li Feng with thumbs up, and he said.

Li Feng: "..."

No ... Can you use the word "fierce" to praise me, I will think that you are driving, aunt!

"If you say this, you have a crystal stone?"

Li Feng did not dare to look at Xiaipei and turned to see Qiu Wei.

"Hey!" Qiu Wei stiled his head.

"Hey." Li Feng sighed, pulled out the silver needles from the arms, and tied a few times in Qiu Yu.

Suddenly, Qiu Wei only felt that the pain increased, and it screamed: "I have, some, don't take me!"

Originally, Qiu Wei was used to the pain. After the pain suddenly increased several times, Qiu Wei didn't hold it directly, and now he is a heart.

"You see you, ask you, you don't say, don't let me use it, what is it?"

Li Feng puts up the silver needle and tastes.

"Dark, you are really fierce!"

At this time, Ren Xiao Lei rushed to Li Feng with a thumbs up.

Li Feng: "..."

Wow, why do he think that Klei is deliberately driving in front of him? Do you want to repeat him very fierce!

"My spar is in the storage ring, let's take it."

At this time, Qiu Wei said difficult.

"That big gold ring?"

Li Feng looked at the disturbance arm and doubt.

If he has not remembered, there is also a big gold ring in those items of Wei Bin, so the big gold ring is Wei Bin's space storage equipment?

I have said that Li Feng has never found a trick to open Wei Bin's storage equipment, so Li Feng is not sure which is Wei Bin's storage equipment.

"Yes, you have taken it, I tell you how to open it."

Qiu Wei gasped his breath and said.

Li Fengqiang worshiped the big gold ring from the broken arm, got Qiu Wei.

Qiu Wei said: "Open it take a piece of mouth, I teach you."

When Qiu Wei taught the mouth, Li Feng learned, and then opened this storage ring.

This storage ring has a 10 cubic-sized space, a bunch of brown crystal items, a rough one is full of hundreds, I think this is the spark of Qiu Wei.

These sparsons are almost the same size, and each piece has a baby fist size.

There is also a small pile of colorful gold next to this stacker, see the volume of 1 cubic meter, which is 19 tons!

19 tons of gold, according to the current gold price of 350 Huaxia coin, the value of these gold is about 6.7 billion!

6.7 billion, even if it is not a small number for Li Feng!

Next to this bunch of gold, there are some jewels, and it is very valuable to look at it.

In addition, there are some flowers that Li Feng have never seen, the fruit, it is necessary to be some Tianmou.

Seeing this, Li Feng knows yourself!

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