Save the Goddess System

Chapter 745 is reluctant to have a wolf

"Dishwu, what is there."

Ren Xiao Zi curiously came to ask.

Because she made a little laperse to Li Feng, she said that Li Feng smelled a fragrant wind, which made Li Feng couldn't help but have some ripples.

Then Li Feng is tight, laughing and saying: "Sluttest, gold, jewelry, there are some Tianmoubao, I will take them out, the aunt should look at what is going to take it."

"So big?" Ren Xiaole was a bit surprised.

Don't say that the stone, the Tianwei Bao, that is, gold, jewelery is some very valuable items, Li Feng actually will take it out to let her choose?

Rely, this kid shouldn't you be interested in her?

Li Feng wants to know that the idea of ​​Xiaolei will vomit blood, it is that she is old in front of himself!

"You are the mother of Ling Xia, with me is a family, and something is of course to share it."

Li Feng said with a smile.

I can't bear the child, I don't have to be happy, how did he say how to open it?

"Wow, the son-in-law, you are true ... excellent!" Ren Xiao Lei once again rushed to the thumbs up.

Li Feng: "..."

Wow, fortunately, Kui turned in time, otherwise, he really will think that Xiaole is driving!

The next time, Li Feng took out the big gold ring belonging to Wei Bin from the system backpack, and I tried it with Qiu Wei, and I found it.

Perhaps it is the taste of the elders of the devil, and Wei Bin's storage rings are almost whites, gold, jewelry, and Tianwei Diwu, but the quantity is slightly more than Qiu Wei.

With these things, Li Feng came to the mountain city this time.

"Li Feng, killing me!"

At this moment, Qiu Wei couldn't hold it.

He has a full-time in the limbs, and Dantian is abolished, even if it is also the waste people in the waste people, and this pain he really doesn't want to bear.

If it is not the case, will the Church Jiuzong eight elders?

Li Feng puts the storage ring, sigh: "Be a good person next life."

The voice falls, he raised his hand and played a true gas and directly crushed Qiu Wei's Tianling cover.

The devil eight elders, half-level strong, Qiu Wei ... fallen!

"Hey, congratulate the host, save the goddess of Xia Zei (1) The task is completed, the task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 3 million experience value, 10 million system points, 20 conquers some rewards."

Host: Li Feng

Level: Half God

Experience value: 11.82 million 20 million

System score: 73 million

Conquer point: 927

Skills: "Shen Wei", "God", "Talking Seven Steps", "Treasure Sword Law", "Void", "Fang", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", " "" Exploration "...

Waiting for the task: no

After reviewing the personal properties, Li Feng is dark and whispering: "Experience value is finally over half, it is not easy."

"Dish, how do you suddenly come here, I am really curious."

Just then, Ren Xiao Lei asked.

Li Feng quickly quit the system, and he said: "I want to be Ling Hao, so I want to give her a surprise, I didn't expect this kind of thing."

"Really like this?" Ren Xiao Lei did not believe it.

Ling Hao left the mountain city yesterday. Is this a thing that she didn't mention Li Feng?

Li Feng shrugged: "Otherwise?"

He did not contact Xiao Ling, so even if Xiao Ling is coming back, you can't dismantle him.

"Ok, I believe you."

Ren Xiao Lei shrugged and believed in Li Feng said.

Then, Xiao Lei looked at the ruins of the villa, saying slightly helplessly: "I have wanted to give you the past, now I haven't played."

"It doesn't matter, I have had dinner." Li Feng shrugged and relaxed.

"..." Learned Li Feng at a glance, he said: "I haven't had dinner yet."

Li Feng: "???"

No ... Now it is 8 o'clock, she hasn't had dinner yet?

"Playing the king is playing, I want to eat again, I have never thought of this kind of thing, suffocating."

Ren Xiao Lei sighed, then the eyeballs turned, holding Li Feng's arm said: "Dark, do you ask me to eat a big meal?"

Li Feng is stiff, you have to pick it up.

Who knows that Xiao Lei will take him tightly, not satisfied: "How, aunt is just holding your arm?"

Li Feng: "... OK, Of course, the one ... Please aunt's eating, there is no problem, but I have to give the dragon soul before going to eat."

It's a lot of moving and spicy just now, I have already attracted the attention of nearby neighbors. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, you should notify the dragon soul to handle it.

Because Li Feng withdrew from the dragon soul, there was no special watch directly contacted by the Dragon Soul, and only allowed to call a call to Shen Ziyan, explained the situation.

"Then I will avoid it first." Ren Xiao Lei referred to his sleep, you must first hide a distance.

She wore a sleeper sleep, let Li Feng see what she still doesn't feel, but there are other people who are present in Little Lei.

"Wait a minute." Li Feng cheered her, said in the doubtful eyes of Xiaolei: "I have a suit, new, if aunt does not mind, I can put it first."

Room Li Feng took a white jacket from the system's backpack.

This jacket is bought by him to Song Yujun. It has not been sent out, and the body of Xiaucui is similar to Song Yujun, just a small lace.

Ren Xiao Lei's weird looks at Li Feng, and wear it after picking up the jacket.

"Good look?" Ren Xiao Lei turned a circle and laughed.

Li Feng nodded: "Good look."

"Why look good?" Ren Xiao Lei asked.

Li Feng: "???"

Why do you look good? Do you need a reason for it?

"Say it." Ren Xiao Lei asked.

Li Feng said on a light, there is an answer: "Because the auntie has a good look, so we don't look good."

"The little guy is very sweet, it is no wonder that our family Ling Hao can look at you." Ren Xiao Lei smiled, and he accepted this answer from Li Feng.

Soon, the colleague of the Dragon Soul Mountain City has arrived here. After a handover, Li Feng leaving him here.

After half an hour, a high-grade western restaurant, served as the food in front of the food.

After waiting for the small laugh, Li Fengbu, a real air barrier, asked: "Auntie, are you really a daughter of Jiujingzong?"

Ren Xiao Lei is hiked, and the elegant taken napkin is wiped with a napkin. This is said: "How, want to listen to my past?"

"If aunt is intentional, even if it is." Li Feng shrugged and didn't have much.

"In fact, there is nothing to mind, and this thing is still a long time in my heart, saying it."

Ren Xiao Lei smiled slightly, and the face was revealed.

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