Save the Goddess System

Chapter 746 Nine Clear

"50 years ago, other families of the four top ancient Wushi jointly in the ancient military bians, launched the largest encirclement in Shenzong."

"Father's adults can not be in the eyes of his two hearts, and I will take the gods in my hand."

"After that, the Devil was destroyed, and I was brought to a small county, and I have lived the life of the buried name, and the two of the two hearts of the father became my parents."

"After more than ten years, I am going to school, study, cultivate ..."

Ren Xiao Lei's colored colors and slowly said.

Li Feng: "???"

No ... other children seem to have only to study, where is it?

It's just that Xiao Lei is in a state of recall, Li Feng is not easy to interruption, can only continue to listen to her.

"When I was 18 years old, raising my parents said my life, then they sent me a university, I met Xiao Ran in the university ..."

"At that time, I didn't know that he was Xiao Jiazi. After I was pregnant, Xiao Ran took me back to Xiao Jia, let me feel relieved, I only know his identity."

"Xiao Ran's family is welcome, but he seizes people to investigate my life background. My parents were discovered when they were working with Xiao Jia people."

Speaking of this, the face of the bud is revealing the color of hatred.

"What?" "Li Feng is tight in his heart, with an unique premonition.

"What can I do, these famous gates are a person who is our gods. It is naturally a killer. My porny mother is in this tragic death in the hands of Xiaojia people."

"However, they did not say my true identity. Xiao Jia thought I was their biological daughter. Of course, Xiao Jia still wants to remove me and faster."

"It was Xiao Ran asked for love, Xiao Jia only decided to let me."

Speaking of this, the face of the bud is revealing a ridicule.

If she is pregnant, if she is not her parents do not say her true identity, I am afraid that Xiao Ran wants to kill her.

Although Xiao Ran is arguing with her home, she is still abandoned by Xiao Ran. She was a little bit to kill their mother and daughter.

Ren Xiao Lei has had no feeling of Xiao Ran, and even a little hate.


Listening to the story of Jeru, Li Feng's mood is a bit heavy.

The Devil is very disgusting, but it is not evil, and Xiao Jia actually treats Kedu, which is evil, hate!

However, saying it back, the psychological ability of Xiaobei is very powerful, change alone after going through these hits, or if they have been stunned by hatred, become a cold blood of only avenge.

Ren Xiao Lei looks great, every day, I have been very happy, I have to say that Little Lei is really a big heart.

"Ren aunt, the past is let it pass, everything looks at, anyway, Xiao Yu has been killed by me, and it is indirect to aunt."

Li Feng spit out a turbidity and said with a smile.

Ren Xiao Lei nodded, smiled: "Yes, listen to Ling Hao, after you have done Xiao Yu, I don't have much happy, just like a child."

"At that time, I would like to thank you, I have never been saved again tonight. How can I thank you?"

When I said, I made a little bit of gentleness in the eyes of Xiaolei.

Li Feng's mouth smoked, and quickly twisted his head, did not dare to pay attention to Xiao Xiao.

Wow, what is the meaning of Xiaobei, don't do this, you are the mother of Xiao Ling, although I look like some sisters ...

"Dishwu, can you mean what I mean?"

Just then, the horn of the small laundry evacuated a smile of playing taste and said.

"Ah? No." Li Feng quickly turned his head and laughed: "What ... aunt, we are all family, thank you, you don't have to."

"That ... Qiu Wei came to aunt this time, is it necessary to ask aunt going back to the Jiuhe?"

Li Feng is really afraid of Ren Xiaole, only forced to transfer the topic, by the way, to try to be a bud.

"No, I have to use it, I don't want to be this person, but a token."

During the speech, you took a gold token and lost it on the table.

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... If he didn't guess the wrong, this is the nine chanting of Wei Bin? Ren Xiao Lei took this out, and I still lost it on the table. really!

Say ... Is there a spatial storage equipment? Otherwise, where is she brought from this token?

"Take it up, don't you always want it?" Ren Xiao Lei said with laughing.

Li Feng is hysterested, then a laughing: "I don't even know anything, where to come, I have been wanting ..."

Because of your guilty, there is no bottom at all this.

"Oh." Ren Xiao Lei smiled and said: "When Qiu Wei is coming to me, I know you know that I know the nine-purpose things, line, we are all a family, nothing can't say, Take it up and take a look. "

Li Feng touched his nose, did not explain anything, and lick the token.

It's a lot of gold, which should be a lot of gold in the same volume, which should be a material that Li Feng has never seen.

The token is simple, a bit like ancient troops, with a red paint in red paint, and the font is quite ancient, it should be a sigma.

Then ... no then, Li Feng did not see this token has other strange things, maybe this is a symbol of Jiu Hanzong? Is it like ancient jade?

After playing for a while, Li Feng has to put the token to the bud.

Who knows that Little Lady didn't care about it: "This nine confused me studying for decades, I didn't study anything, you have to accept it."

Li Feng faces the color, this is something that the magic nine elders have been looking for. Let's give him this to him.

"All is a family, I am you, you are mine, don't be so clear." Ren Xiaozui smiled, then said: "What else do you have?"

Li Feng did not resontiate, and the next momentum will return the system backpack, which is said: "I gave aunt to find a hotel?"

This meal they took two hours, now 10:30 in the evening, and it should be rest.

"Ah, are you so worried?" Ren Xiaozui got his mouth and asked very beautiful and surprised.

Li Feng: "???"

, I am anxious, aunt, you don't want the car to soon so fast, my little heart can't stand!

Ren Xiaozui smiled: "Long night is a long sleep, we are not as good as going to the bar."

"Bar ...?" Li Feng faces a stagnation color: "The left hand draws a dragon, and the right hand painted a rainbow?"

Ren Xiaozuyou hit a referring to: "" Covering your brain shaking your aroma, it seems to be worn ~ "

Li Feng: "..."

Ok, let a aunt really tide!

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