Save the Goddess System

Chapter 747 is dancing with me

After half an hour, the hot waves.

"Wow, the atmosphere here is good, you see them jump, more energetics!"

Ren Xiaozui took Li Feng's arm to go into the bar, and looked at the male and female girl who was dancing in the dance floor.

"It's really awkward."

Li Feng is now a bit complicated.

To say the bar, he has been there many times, but it is the first time with the future of the mother.

The key is that Xiao Lei has been holding his arm all the way, this feels ...

"Let's go to dance?"

Ren Xiao Yuyue wants to try.

Li Feng's mouth is suffering: "I will not go ..."

Please, he is a hundred billions of people, half-level strong, make it up with a small young jump.

And ... with Decie, Dance? He always has a bad premonition.

"Then don't regret it."

Ren Xiaozui smiled, loose Li Feng walked to the dance pool.

Silver sequins high heels, hanging tape sleep, white jacket, Ren Xiao Lei entered the dance pool into the most exciting girl in the dance floor, instantly attracted many men's attention.

After Ren Xiao Lei began to dance, some men deliberately went to her.

Among them, there are some people who want to take up the little buds by dancing.

It's just that Xiaole is a peak strong, as long as she doesn't want someone to encounter himself, then these people think about it.

She is like a fish, along with the rhythm of music, walking in a crowded crowd, dancing, watching a man's heartbeat accelerating, dry mouth tongue.

"Rely, this little girl is too slippery, so we can't catch her."

In a hot population, a young man in dyed yellow hair called a few newly-treated peers, and she said with her face.

"What do you say to do?"

"I just tried it, I ran around her side, I didn't give the opportunity at all."

The younger brother sighed, it looked very uncomfortable.

Huang Maoyun laughed: "Good office, we have passed from all directions, put her in the middle, let her cut the wings."

I heard that this is, and the younger brother suddenly laughed.

Soon, Huang Mao won the past eight squares from him.

Perhaps the Trusteet is too investment, and did not pay attention to the approach of Huang Mao and others. Maybe Little Lei did not care about these small shrimp. In short, Huang Mao and others had a stunned, they met a circle, will be a small bud The surrounding is.

Unless the positive breakthrough of the little bud, or directly jumping from their heads, she avoids the results of near Huang Mao and others.

"Pugha, finally let me catch it."

Huang Maoyu laughed and passed the past.

Just when he was about to stick to the bud, he suddenly turned.


A crisp, yellow hair is more palm, and yellow hair is full of people!

Huang Mao's younger brother also stunned.

What happened just now, this woman's hand is quick!

"Do you dare to hit me ?!"

After shocked, Huang Mao's face was shocked.

Ren Xiao Lei joked his mouth and said: "It is yourself to make up."

"I ..." Yellow Mongo is angry, then acknowledges: "It's my own, I just want to jump with you, now ... I am not dancing."

Ren Xiao Lei is afraid of the color, the small voice said: "You ... what do you want to do, I warn you, my son-in-law is here, he can play."

Huang Mao: "???"

What is it? son in law? He didn't listen to it!

This woman looks not big, the twenty is more than 30? How old is her daughter, definitely have not adulthood, the daughter of the minor has a boyfriend, and is also brought to the bar?

Huang Mao's thinking is some messy ...

Huang Mao's younger brother is also in a state of being.

Because the dance music is very high, others have not heard the dialogue of Sui Lei and Huang Mao, otherwise the number of people who will fall into the state will also increase.

After half of the half, Huang Mao and others laughed Qi Qi: "Do you have a son-in-law? Don't be so funny."

"Come and give us a pointer, where is your son-in-law? Which is not a small P child?"

"Will it be a junior high school student?"

"Beauty, you are slightly heavy, hahaha."

"Dark, you are coming over, some people are bullying me." Ren Xiaozui squinted with the big eyes of Water, and looked at Li Feng outside the dance pool.

Huang Mao followed the eyes of Xiaolei to see, just saw the face of Li Feng.

"Hold it? He is your son-in-law? Beauty, how big are you?"

Huang Mao and others asked with a confidence.

Li Feng looked at the twenty-year-old, and the little bud is almost the same, how is her son-in-law? Do you want to say such a lie!

"Ask a woman's age is a very rude behavior, do you have you taught you?"

Ren Xiaozui smiled and continued to rush to Li Feng hook his fingers, and the heart was clear: "Don't want to accompany the old lady to dance the old lady to take you? Dream! The old lady is a way to call you!"

Li Feng sighed, he was obedient, Ren Xiaole is to force him to enter the dance pool, otherwise, there are many ways to have a lot of ways to handle the yellow hair.

Forget it, it is also idle, just accompanied the little bud.

Li Feng shook his head and dialing the crowd went to the front: "Auntie, what do I need?"

Huang Mao and other people's mouth picked up: "Auntie?"

I am going, it looks almost two people, one of them is another aunt ... this picture is too violated!

Ren Xiao Lei is lazy, laughing and saying: "They bullied me, you quickly took them away, then ... accompanied me."

"I have no problem, I am dancing with aunt ..."

Li Fenggang has to refuse. Ren Xiaozui challed his eyebrows: "Why, even if you dance this kind of little thing with me, I don't want to accompany me, and tell me is a family?"

Huang Haishi and others: "???"

What they have always wanted to do in this buddy, this brother refused? Good!

Li Feng's mouth smoked, sighed: "Ok, then I will take them first."

Ren Xiaole said this. He has to refuse to reject it. It is a bit too much. It is not to dance with her. Even if Xiao Lingzhen knows what he will say.

Huang Mao is anger, Made, it's too easy to walk, too arrogant!

"Kid, I am ..."

Huang Yu is referring to Li Feng's nose from the registration number.

Li Feng was too lazy to listen to him, reach out, buckled his neck, throwing the dance pool like throwing rag.


A sudden sound, Huang Mao directly fed directly, and fell a dog.

"Do you want me to personally do it or yourself?"

Li Feng glanced over the brother of the yellow hair, and smiled and smiled.

Huang Mao's younger brother looked at each other, and then turned it.

Nima, a slave who is thrown with people, and they are not opponents together!

Li Feng shook his head smiled and said: "Auntie, get it ..."

It's just that he didn't finish it. Ren Xiao Lei pulled him and stuck him.

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