Save the Goddess System

Chapter 748, Yama City

"Brother, are you okay?"

Huang Mao's younger brother came to Han, and he went to help him.

"Rely, Laozi is thrown out, is it like nothing?"

Han Yu said in the earth.

Although Li Feng did not use the extra means to punish him, he took directly to the ground from the hot place, and it was also enough to drink a pot.

Some customers have also noted this scene, could not be greatly surprised, but this kind of thing in the bar often happened, so after surprise, everyone should drink it, don't have an impact.

", what should we do now?"

"The little child is too strong, we are not opponents."

", don't you call a help, don't you talk to another relationship? I saw him with a bunch of friends into the diamond room. It is better to find someone to ask for a little."

A younger brother, you speak from by my words.

"Ren Shao?" Han Yu was light, and then smiled: "This small thing doesn't have to find less help?"

Ren Yixuan in their mouth is Yuxuan, is a young master in the mountain city.

Everyone in the mountain city is like a Wang family in Jiangnan. It is different from the Wang family. Ren Wait is a large ancient Wu Shi, and Ren Xuan is a master.

Han Yu is just a small mix. It is natural that he is not qualified to follow his Xuelhang friends. He said that he is working hard with Ren Xuan, but it is put on his face.

In fact, he has seen a face with Yu Chongxuan. I am afraid that he is in front of him, and Ren Wutuan doesn't remember who he is.

"Brother, this is not a small thing, but a big happiness."

A small brother who compares the machine is smiling in a weekday.

Han Yu is watching: "How do you say this?"


But when the younger brother, you naturally want to think about your big brother, you can't refute the face of your brother.

Han Yu first glanced, then Daxi said: "How do I didn't think of it! I have to help me, I have to find less!"


Ten minutes later, Ren Xiao Lei stopped dancing, and said: "Okay, finally comfortably, let's drink."

Li Feng's mouth smoked, I really want to say a "I am not comfortable".

Ren Xiaraco is really dancing, and Li Feng is different. He is a ten-minute steel pipe, that feels difficult.

Anyway, Ren Xiao Lei finally stopped tortured him, which made Li Feng comfortably tone. It is still unfinished.

Just when Li Feng was so complicated, Ren Xiao Lei took him out of the dance floor and came to the bar stage.

"Come and two cups of Martini." Ren Xiao Zi sat on the high stool, hit the wineman and said, and then said to Li Feng: "Right, do you like to drink Ma Tinyi?"

"..." Li Feng Zhang said, said: "Like."

Rely, you have some point I can say it? Please ask you next time, ask my opinion!

Ren Xiao Lei smiled and smiled: "I know you like it, because I like it too."

The smile on her face is from the heart, because she hasn't been so happy for a long time.

In the years, she created a wind and rain building in order to report her family. When Xiao Ling was still small, she had a lot of hard work, and she had a lot of suffering.

After Xiao Ling, after graduation, she gradually gave the wind and rain to Xiao Ling, the actual decentralization was the matter of these years.

Time, she didn't relax every day.

Even if I gave the wind and rain tower to Xiao Ling, I rarely go out to play, and she did the most of the house to see the TV series, play the game.

Today, she is self-lying, for the first time with a man to dance, drink, but because Li Feng is a half-level strong, Ren Xiao Lei can do the largest relaxation.

"I don't like it, I don't like it." Aunt like it. "

Li Feng shrugged and laughed.

Just when the two were chatting in front of the bar, a young man dressed in blue slim suit, a cigar, a cigar, came out of the private room after a young male or female.

This person is Ren Xuan!

"Han Wei, if you want to give me what the best beauty can't satisfy me, you know."

Ren Chongxuan's gaze walks in the people, and the cold voice said.

"Please rest assured that the beauty is definitely the best of the million, absolutely reminds you to satisfaction!"

Han Yu was behind, patted his chest.

"Yes?" Ren Chong Xuan's brids, some don't believe it.

He is very expensive, and what kind of beauty has never seen it, and it is a small mix. It is a little mixed. It is possible to be surprised by a slightly nice beauty.

But it doesn't matter. Anyway, he is here to find fun, it is good, maybe there will be a surprise discovery?

"Yes, I dare to protect ... Ren Shao, look, the white coat that is sitting in front of the bar is what I said."

Han Yu saw Ren Xiao Lei at a glance, and he said to her.

Ren Chongxuan's hippole, even when I went to the bar, I saw that Xiaolei's moment, he was shining, and his face showed a stunning and greedy look: "Sure enough is the best!"

The voice is falling, and the Xiangxuan will go straight to Ren Xiao Lei, reach out: "Beauty, self-introduction, my name is Yuxuan, I am very glad to meet you."

Ren Xiaole looked at him, didn't shake his hands with him: "Ren Xuanxuan? The name is somewhat familiar. Are you very famous in the mountain city?"

Ren Chong Xuanbei picks up, recover his hand to say: "A little name."

"Oh." Ren Xiao Lei nodded and turned to Li Feng chatted.

Ren Xuan: "???"

No ... What is the meaning, is this a large number of ignore this woman?

I know that we have tenure in the mountain city, and I dare to ignore this big, this chick is in the high-temparchy!


"Beauty, your friend just hurts my friend Han Yu, is you should give me a statement?"

Ren Xi Xuan smiled and sat in the high-end stool next to Xiaipu.

"You said this ... Yes, my son-in-law is indeed playing Han, but Han Wei is rude to me, and my son-in-law will teach him. He is also reasonable."

Ren Xiao Lei turned his head and smiled.

A young master in the district wants to hit her idea, this person is afraid that there are several eyes?

Ren Chong Xuanbei picks up, nodded: "If it is as good as the beauty says, the Han has indeed sinful."

He has listened to Han Wei to say Li Feng is a matter of Little Lai girl, so it is not surprised.

At this time, Han Yu has changed his face: "Nice ..."

"Don't call me, I don't have this friend, hurry to me!"

It is said that he is satisfied with his foot and kicks Han Wei.

Han Wei is still forced in the air!

Lying in the trough, isn't I have a job? Why do you kick me? !

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