Save the Goddess System

Chapter 749 Guess the reward


Han Yu is free to fall, and then shoot on the ground again, this is screaming.

Han Yu's younger brother wants to put him from him, but it is afraid of the anger of Chongxuan, standing in place is very entangled.

Li Feng's eyes flashed, secretly said: "In order to discuss Xiaozuo happy, simply praise the definition of Han Jian? The means is quite high."

On the side, Ren Xiao Lei is unveiled.

Rely, you can ask the old lady, I am worried. Too naly!

"Ren Sha, I ..." Han Yu climbed up, and his face was called.

"You are you, don't hurry?" Ren Chong Xuan turned his head and blinked.

Han Yu understood, even busy: "It is Ren Shao, I shouldn't be rude to this lady, I will roll, this will roll."

The voice is falling, Han Yuzhao has made a look, and a group of people fleeted to leave the bar.

After finishing these, Ren Xuan also said to Su Zai: "Beauty, I really don't know Han Wei, I have rude to you, so, I am here to set a private room, there are good drinks, as a lift, I invite you Drink a few cups with your son-in-law, how? "

Ren Xiao Lei wants to refuse, but she changed his mind after he looked at Li Feng: "Is your package big enough?"

Li Fengbei picks up, and looked at the eyes of Xiaolei.

Ren Xiao Lei directly ignored Li Feng, and his eyes looked at Ren Xuan and waited for his answer.

Ren Wutuan is happy, laughing: "Big, absolutely big enough, guarantee you satisfied."

After the body, the friends of Ren Xuan did not give him a thumbs up in their hearts, one language double off, Ren Shao Niu Bao!

Ren Xiao Lei's heart was laughed, but he said on the face: "Since it is big enough, then I will go see?"

"Auntie ..." Li Feng sighed, he would stop sercing.

He can imagine what happens to get to the private room, he is not afraid, just feel a little trouble, like now, drink drinking drinking, isn't it better? Why is it necessary to fight and kill!

"The son-in-law, the big bag is oh, don't you want to open your eyes?" Ren Xiao Lei Li Feng blinked and laughed.

Li Feng: "..."

Open the horizon of the wool, I see you is sincerely to give you a trouble!

Ren Xuan glanced, it is like laughing: "Both buddies, as a son-in-law, you still don't sweep your mother's interest."

Ren Xiaole's "open eyes" will let Ren Chong Xuan smash Li Feng, maybe Li Feng is a college student who has just graduated, and the family conditions are very general?

In fact, it doesn't matter, in the mountainous city, there is not a few people who need Chong Xuanju, and those people have known, Li Feng is obviously not one.

"Yes, since Auntie wants to go, then go." Li Feng sighed, it seems that there is a seven points helpless and three points.

"Well, let's not be drunk tonight." Ren Wutuan laughed, turned to lead two people to go to the box.

Li Feng's expression was in the eyes of Xi Xuan, and he became more firm to judge Li Feng. In this way, he can play it later.

Soon, Ren Xuan took a group of people returned to the diamond private room.

This private room is the most luxurious private room of the hot waves. The minimum consumption of one night is 100,000 Huaxia coins. This money is a few small rains in the top of Ren Chongxuan. His money he came to this consumption is the lowest consumption. Double or even dozens of times.

"Wow, this bag is so luxurious."

Ren Xiao Lei exclaimed.

Ren Xuan smiled and smiled: "Okay, my bedroom will be luxurious than this. If the beauty is interested, you can go home and see it."

In this way, his friend laughed.

"Go to your home? Not very good, my son-in-law will be angry ..." Ren Xiaozi smiled, then looked at Li Feng next to the eyes.

Ren Xuan: "???"

other people:"???"

No ... You determine that he is your son-in-law, isn't your little lover? Where is the mother of my mother to go to your freedom, what qualifications are there?

"Square, sitting, this sofa is sitting so comfortable." Ren Xiaora sat in the couch, two legs, beautiful gesture.

Although Li Feng helpless, since Kaizui attacked, he could only accompany the play.

Ren Xi Xuan greedy came over from Yan Lei's legs, then gave the younger brother to make a look: "Take me with the 90-year Roman Ni Kang Emily."

Suddenly, his younger brother will lead, soon she will come back a bottle of packaging beautiful red wine, which is the 90-year Romani Kang Emily.

"The 90-year Roman Ni Connone is the auction of more than a dozen thousand bottles of wine?" Ren Xiao Zi came to interested.

Ren Xuan took the red wine, said: "Yes."

This wine is not in the bar, but he takes a lot from the auction. Once he asked a friend to come to this, bring a box, there is still six bottles.

"A bottle is not enough, take a few bottles." Ren Xiaozui looked at the mouth and laughed.

Ren Xuan: "..."

I rely, this is a hundred thousand bottles of Romani Kang Em, a bottle is enough to have a lot of people, and take a few bottles?

If you don't look at you is a very beautiful woman, I will absolutely wake you up!

"The beauty is talking, bringing the remaining wine."

Ren Chongxuan played, let the younger brother got the remaining five billionic Kang Emperor.

want to drink? His good wine is that it is waiting to be drunk by this lot!

Thinking of this, Ren Chong Xuan opened a bottle of Romani Kang Emperor, poured two glasses of wine, and he handed a bud: "Beauty, I don't know what you call."

"Ren Xiao Lei." Ren Xiao Lei passed the wine glass, and then looked at Li Feng: "Give my son-in-law pour a cup."

Ren Wutuan first, then smiled: "It turned out that we were still a home, this fate ... come, give this gentleman, pour a cup."

Give a small bud wine, he is willing, give this hanging wire, even if you let others do it.

Soon, someone fell a glass of wine and sent Li Feng past.

Li Fenggang has to reach out, Ren Xuan said: "Both the buddy, this wine is quite expensive, you have to taste, don't drink it."

In this case, there is a laughter in the room.

Li Fengbei picks up, it seems that smiles: "I have been drinking, and if you are reluctant, you will say it."

Ren Chongxuan pupil, then acknowledged: "I have a good wine, you have to eat your business!"

"Ren University is really cool."

Ren Xiao Lei's eyes were bright, and then let the wine drunk.

When Little Laizhi's refreshing move, it is a bit quiet when the private room is quiet.

"I have done, I am applauded to the big beauty." At this time, I went back to God and shouted.

The applause sounded, long-lasting.

Ren Xiao Lei looked up in the next pressure, pick up the squat on the table, laughed: "It is not as good as you play, it is better to play the dice."

"Well?" Ren Xuan's eyes: "How to play?"

Ren Xiao Lei thought, smiled: "I will shake the dice, you will talk to my son-in-law, who guess me to drink a cup of wine, how?"

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