Save the Goddess System

Chapter 750, betting upgrade

Li Feng's mouth smoked, who guess who is drinking with her? Rely, Ren Xiao Lei wants to do any plane!

Ren Wutuan's boyfriend couldn't afford to believe in his ear. This beauty is very big, enough, and even the blessings!

Ren Xi Xuan is bright: "This idea is good, but ... Guess the difficulty of the point is still quite high, if we have no guesses?"

Other people nodded, even if they shake a dice, the chance to guess is only one-third, two people guess and two-thirds of the chance to guess.

"I didn't guess me to drink with you, how?" Ren Xiao Lei looked down, and the taste said.

Li Fengbei picks up, surprised to be a little bud.

I rely on, I should not look at Xuan Xuan, so I deliberately hook him?

"Well, a word is sure!" Ren Chong Xuan is full of expectations, just like Li Feng's ideas, it also feels that Kaizu is deliberately hook him.

Ren Xuan saw a lot of deliberately close to their own women, the tricks used by women were unable to see, but they were the first time I saw it.

This woman is good!

At this time, Little Lady turned his head and Li Feng's regards, poorly said: "Squirting, do you give me a cup of wine with him?"

Li Feng hit a cold villain, and he said in his mouth: "Auntie, don't play so big?"

"If you dare to lose to him, wait for Ling to come back, I will tell her that you will." Ren Xiaoyu got to Li Feng's ear and said.

Li Feng's mouth is slightly, a face is forced!

Is it that Xiaolei mean to drink a cup with him? I rely, do you want to play so big!

" "

On the occasion of Li Feng, Ren Xiaole has shaken his hands in his hand.

Everyone is expected, Ren Xiaothi put three dice, so that the chance of guessing is smaller.

Seeing, Ren Xuan's mood is more excited.

Soon, Ren Xiao Lei put it on the table, and his hands were removed, laughed: "Okay, you can guess."

Ren Chongxuan wanted for a while, "I guess 7 points."

He is just guess, and 7 is his lucky number.

"It's time." Ren Xiaole looked at Li Feng and said it was full of expectations.

"18 points." Li Feng shrugged and said.


A burst of the sound of the cold air sounded,

According to the rules of Xiao, only Li Feng guess, she won't drink a cup of wine.

And the three dice shake 18 points, this chance is very low, Li Feng is deliberately give up?

"Haha, 18 o'clock? You really dare to guess." Ren Chong Xuan took a smile and said to Ren Xiao Lei: "Miss, open."

Ren Xiao Lei is weird to see Li Feng at a glance, then open the .

In the eyes of the people, the three dice is six o'clock, it is really 18 o'clock, Li Feng consists!

This result allows everyone to take a breath!

I rely on, I am really being in Li Feng, what? !

The face of Ren Xuan's face is very ugly, this is like the cooked duck flying, don't be more difficult.

"Wow, the son-in-law, you are good, really guessed!"

Ren Xiaole said.

Li Feng faced her eyes, playing: "Auntie is so serious, if I don't work hard, isn't it?"

Under the perspective, everything in the is clearly visible, and the guess points are of course normal.

It's just that Li Feng has something to do. Why do you know how he can guess? In case he didn't guess, would you have to drink a cup of wine with Ren Xuan?

It is very strange!

"Not bad, Aunt is now getting more and more satisfied with you."

Ren Xiaozui smiled, and said the wine glasses: "Came?"

Li Feng sighed, and the wine glassed drunk with Ren Xiao Lei.

Both people drink drunk!

Opposite, Ren Wutuan is an angry and jealous, relying on why Li Feng can guess, or now the person who is drinking with a cup of wine now is him!

"Come, continue."

Ren Xiaole's satisfaction, put down the wine glass again, and picked up the.

" "

"Guess it."

Ren Xiaole put down the dice and laughed.

This time, Xi Xuan has taken a long time, and this has said a number: "12."

Ren Xiao Lei turned his head to Li Feng: "What about you, the son-in-law?"

"8." Li Feng said with a number.

Ren Xiao Lei Xiuyi picks up, it is going to open it.

At this moment, Ren Chong Xuan suddenly raised his hand: "Miss, let me come to the mouth."

There is a kind of man is a gambling master. When you open the dice, you can make the points change according to your mind. Ren Chong Xuan suspected that Xiaole is such a master.

Ren Xiao Lei's eyes flashed, two hands: "At will."

Ren Chongxuan called a younger brother to open it, 233, 8 points, Li Feng guess!

"Wow, the son-in-law, you are really good, come to us to drink."

Ren Xiao Lei laughed and smiled, and he took the wine with Li Feng.

Opposite, Ren Xuanbei jumped, and there was a burning burning in the heart.

Mad, guessing it can be said to be Meng, even if you guess it, it is absolutely not even, it is definitely a weird!

"My buddy, didn't see you or a gambling master, I am Xiaoyu you."

Ren Wutuan spit out a turbidity, and the face is ugly.

Li Feng shrugged: "I can't talk about any gamma master, I am lucky."

Ren Xiao Lei's eyes flashed and smiled.

Ren Xiaole's performance is even more angry, this moment he has a shame that is played by two people!

"Since you are so prosperous this evening, then let's change the way, play big."

After the ambition of the heart, Ren Xuan said.

"Oh?" Li Fengbei picks up, and smiles and says: "How to play? How big?"

"Poker, more than size, how?" Ren Xuan, who said, from the table, took out a box of unopened playing cards, and said.

"The son-in-law, gamble with him!" Said the young laugh.

Things are more interesting, she really is coming tonight!

Li Feng's mouth smoked, I want to ask a sentence, "Are you watching the excitement?"?

Rely, I still don't know what to gamble, let Xiaoye will bet with him, Ren Xiaole is too unreliable?

After the secret is spitted for a while, Li Feng asked: "What?"

"10 million!" Ren Wutuan is more than a finger and smiled. "Do you dare?"

Li Fengbei picks: "How do you know that I have 10 million?"

"You don't have a tens of millions, and money bonds can let her call." Ren Chong Xuan pointed to Ren Xiaole and smiled.

He certainly knows that Li Feng is not tens of millions, his purpose is not tens of millions of districts, but ... Suizu!

Ren Xiao Lei Xiu Yimei is picking up, it is like laughing: "Yes, but I want me to pay, are you too looked too much?"

Ren Waituan: "How much do you say?"

He is not afraid that the woman is greedy, he is afraid of a woman who is not wanting!

Ren Xiao Lei extended a finger: "10 billion, you won me with you, I will give me 10 billion yuan, dare not dare?"

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