Save the Goddess System

Chapter 751 Test the moment of winning the victory?


Ren Wutuan's federy dog, people couldn't help but took a breath!

The opening is 10 billion, Ren Xiaole is thinking about the money? She knows what is the concept of 10 billion? How much can the rich of more than 1 billion Huaxia coins around the world?

Although the bud is very best, she is not worth 10 billion?

Li Feng also picks up the eyebrows, and the face is surprised.

Ren Xiao Lei is not a hatred between Ren Xuan, this is the rhythm of Chongxuan to the pit!

Ren Xi Xuan's brow kept, he said after half of the face: "Beauty, are you serious?"

Even for him, 10 billion is not a decimal purpose.

"Of course, are you not gambling?" Said that Xiao Lei said with a ridicule.

"I don't dare to gamble?" Ren Waituan smiled, his reason why this requirement is that there is full confidence to win Li Feng.

"Then you gamble." Ren Xiaole said something impatient.

Ren Xiaole's attitude angered Ren Wutuan, when he was a smile: "Gambling, but I will draw first, promise this, ask me, how?"

Ren Xiaozuo Successible Microneous Wrinkle: "You are too much, the playing card is you provided, you will draw, all the benefits make you occupy."

"I dare not promise, even if we play 10 million, he can take the card first." Ren Xiu Xuan shrugged, and he didn't care.

Ren Xiao Lei Xiu's desperate wrinkled and turned to Li Feng.

Her reasoning to bet 10 billion, is a confidence in himself, not to Li Feng confident, but she is confident is also the premise of her first draw.

This is the size, not more than other, the biggest is black peach A. If You Xian Xuan takes the black peach A, what should I do? This name is a prominent, it is not allowed to have a possibility.

Li Feng took Xiao Li and smiled and said: "I will gamble with you 10 billion, or do you want to submit the next item?"

In this way, there is a short silence in the box, then it is a big breath.

Lying in the trough, this brother is really too big, and 10 billion gambling dare to play. When he is afraid to cry, don't know how to cry?

"Haha, you don't have a species!"

Ren Chong Xuan watched Li Feng and went a big hand: "Come on people, letten!"

Soon someone took a paper pen, write down the gambling of the two, then two people signed their names, pressed the handprint.

Of course, this note is no legal effect, but Ren Waixuan is not a legal protection, but a handle.

Have this in hand, you will be able to settle Li Feng and Ren Xiaole after you will win!

"So ... the game now?"

After receiving the nod to Li Feng, he opened the poker card and said to Li Feng.

Li Feng took a poker card and smiled: "There is no problem with the playing card."

When you finish, you have to give the playing card to Ren Xuan.

At this time, Kuo said: "Let me see."

Li Pekui picks up and puts the poker card to the hands of the bud.

Ren Xiao Lei gave a look, the brow was slightly frowned, and she attached to the Li Feng ear, the small voice said: "This is a pair of magic poker, the patterns behind it seems to be, but if you look at it, you will have different patterns. You can take the one you want. "

"Oh." Li Feng nodded, then took a playing card, handed it to Ren Xuan: "Well, let's talk about the specific rules."

Ren Xiaole: "???"

No ... , oh, what I said, have you hear it, the problem is very serious!

Ren Chong Xuan looked at Li Feng, although Xiaolei said on Li Feng ear, but she didn't put a genuine air barrier to serve his strength, or heard what she said.

Ren Xiaothy is a kind of magic playing card, which is already surprised. As a result, the reaction of Li Feng is more surprised.

Obviously, I know that the playing card has a problem with him, and Li Feng is confident or stupid?

"The rules are very simple, the size of the size will be smashed, the color of the color is the black peach, red peach, plum, square film, that is, the biggest black peach A, the square film is the smallest."

"Let's take a card, who is big, who will win, how?"

Ren Wutuan laughed with a playing card and laughed.

Regardless of Li Feng, I dare to gamble with him. He is not afraid, because he will kill the black peach A, the biggest brand in the hand, Li Feng can set off what hairdress?

"Yes, start."

Li Feng shrugged and his face was casual.

Ren Xiao Lei kicked Li Feng and said: "Squiries, do you want to deliberately lose me? I will tell you, you have to lose 10 billion, the old lady will never help you. Repay it. "

Li Feng's mouth smiled and smiled nodded.

Ren Wenxuan is shocked, and this kid can get 1 billion? No way.

In this way, the movement of the Chongxuan wash is not affected, and then he put the card on the desktop and reached out to take a card in his hand.

Then he looked at his eyes in a corner, it was black peach A!

When I went to Xiao Xuan, I took the poker card on the table, and I said that I said: "I am now."

Li Feng went forward and smoked a card in hand.

"What brand is there?"

Ren Xiao is so curiously to explode, and even if you are busy, you have to see what the card in the hand of Li Feng.

Li Feng opened a blind to Ren Xiaozui, suddenly, the heart of Xiaolei was cold: "Square 9 ?!"

Although the buds are extremely low, but the opposite Xuan is still heard.

Suddenly, Ren Xi Xuan was smirked: "You are actually a square 9? This card is big, hahahaha."

Seeing that Lie Xuan's licensed dog proud people know that Ren Chong Xuan won: "Yes, how much is your card, hurry up and give us a look."

"Yes, you have to report the beauty of the beauty tonight, congratulations."

"Haha, it seems that you all guess my card is bigger than him? Yes, it is the moment of witness the victory, because my card is ..."

Ren Chongxuan dragged the length of the tone and wanted to create a suspense atmosphere, and he reached out to open the card.

At this moment, Li Feng was dark and whispered: "Time is still!"

At night, at night, time still skills have been reset.

Everything that is intangible light wave diffuses, all things covered are like being pressed.

Then, Li Feng picked up a square film from the pile of poker cards, changed the black peach A in his hand, and re-put it into the pile of playing cards.

After finishing these, Li Feng returned to the original, and the rest of the time is ending.

After 10 seconds, all restored from the original, Ren Xuan felt the poker card on the table: "Black ... lying in the trough, how is a square film 2 ?!"

When Ren Xuan saw the color of the card with the number, the whole person was in the original place!

Waiting for those who witnessed the victory, they were a big mouth, and the face became very weird!

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