Save the Goddess System

Chapter 752 This is not scientific!

Ren Wutuan's boufire dog friends are going crazy.

God, your card is more than his big, witnessed the time of the victory!

What you get is the smallest card, the smallest card!

What is luck to make you get the smallest card? !

Ren Wutuan is also crazy, lying in the trough, lying in the trough, he gets clearly black peach A, how to become a square film 2?

If he didn't see the card, he would think that he was wrong, but he just clearly came to see it, it is black peach A!

After watching the card, he pressed the dead on the table. He didn't move in this process. There is no possibility of being changed, how can it become a square film from black peach A? This is unscientific!

Because I don't understand this problem, I worship Xuan feels that my own brain is blown away!

"Oh my God……"

Ren Xiaozui took his mouth, and his face did not dare to confuse.

Why did she dare to set down such demanding conditions? Because she is a gambling master.

She spent too long boring years, in order to send time, she once had a strong interest in gambling. After practicing, she swept around the world's major casinos, became the world's top gambling master.

She can shake out the number of points you want, even if Li Feng guess is wrong, she can also change the number of dice in an instant that I open the dice.

The second time she agreed that Xian Xuan made someone else, because she knew that Li Feng guess it, so no matter who came to the elite, it will not change this result.

Because she is not just a gambling master, she still has a holy peak strong, she has many ways to prevent others from going out in front of her.

Because she is in the gamma, she sees that the Poker of Xi Xuan is a magic poker. In that short time, she remembers the corresponding pattern behind each card.

When I got black peach A, I knew that Li Feng was derived. Who knows that the card will become a square film after the opening of Xu Xuan.

Li Sum will change the card?

My sky is so amazing!

"Square 2 ..." Li Feng's mouth smoked, open the squares in his hand, mocked: "My bigger than you, you lose."

One language double! Also replaced a small bud!

"Hey, you cheat!"

Ren Chongxuan took a table and stood up and screamed.


Ren Xuan's fox dog, who came over, directly put Li Feng, Ren Xiao Lei, a water, everyone exposed a fierce color, as if Li Feng's answer does not let them be satisfied, they will look at Li Feng.

Li Feng's expression is very calm, and even a little ridicule: "Poker card is available, the card is also you first smoked, you said that I cheated? Some funny."

Ren Chong Xuan rooted: "Hey, I just smoked it is a black peach A. I turn it into a square film after it is opened. What can you still?"

"So you think it is that I have changed the black peach A in the case of you. Do you believe?" Li Feng looked at Ren Chongxuan's boyfriend.

When everyone consciously shook his head, after he was helped, they said Qi Qi: "We believe, you must believe!"

"Gaming God, gambling, gambling ... There are such a shot in those movies, maybe you will special features, can you change the card?"

"The world is very unfortunate, even if you will specific functions, it is not impossible, but no matter what to say, you have a thousand, this is what we all."

"Made, dare to cheat in front of any few, are you very integrated?"

"Hurry and take 10 billion, don't take us to kill you, don't believe it!"

While guilty, these people were close to Li Feng, and some buddies almost made faces in front of Li Feng.

If it is replaced with others, it may be scared by their fierce.

Li Feng smiled: "Is the truth not to use force to use force?"

"Hey, don't you listen to it? I special ..."

A young man who has recently been recently leaving Li Feng will sway on the face of Li Feng.


Li Feng raised his hand and pinned the man's fist and pushed it softly.


That man hits the truck in the driving, directly flying out, put his people behind him a large piece!

"Lying! This person has two kings!"

The people who are close to the bud can't help but exclaim, and then, I will first control the buds first, and I will come to Li Feng.

Ren Xiao Lei's mouth evoked a tauntful curvature, and raised his hand and gently took a palm.

Wind blows!


Those people on her side flew out directly under the palm of this palm, and smashed the walls of the wall, and the bad voice continued.

Opposite, Ren Chongxuan pupil: "Do you also a martial arts?"

"You are also?" Ren Xiao Lei looked up the Erlang legs and said.

"Hey!" Ren Wutuan swept from Ren Xiaole's legs and smiled: "Yes, I am also a martial arts, and it is a super-military road!"

Li Feng's mouth is pushing: "Super Wudao strong? How many super?"

"Soon you will know!" Ren Chongxuan quickly released his own breath.


One of the stakes in the late post - outbreak!

After the show, Ren Xuan waited Li Feng, Ren Xiao Lei shouted out, but the two were like a general, still the old gods were sitting on the sofa.

Instead, it is very exciting like Xi Xuan's fry dog ​​friends. "Ren Shawu!"

"Mr. Ren Shaojia!"

"Ren Shao, explode them, revenge for the brothers!"

At this time, Kui took Li Feng's arm and leaned his head on the shoulders of Li Feng: "The son-in-law, is this the legendary super strong?"

Li Feng nodded: "Yeah, it is like the candlelight in the night, you can go out gently."

Ren Xuan: "???"

The candlelight in the night, you can extinguish a dog egg gently, you kill a look!

Just on the occasion of Lie Xuan, Li Feng suddenly fiftested that Zhang Youchou him gently.


Just like the candlelight in the night, I was pulled out with my finger, and the atmosphere of Ren Xuan was pressed back!

"Lying in the trough?" Ren Xuan was shocked at the time!

Why is his breath will be pressed back, this kind of thing has never encountered, this is unscientific!

At the time of Ren Xuan, Li Feng raised his hand to press down.


A horrible breath appears, and it will be directly to the ground!

"Damn, what is your people ?!" Ren Chongxuan finally understood the power of Li Feng.

It is possible to press the breath, and the person who presses him is at least a super-level power!

If Li Feng knows the idea of ​​Chongxuan, will certainly "???"

The younger brother who was excited before, closed his mouth, bedroom, this time, this time, it is played to the super big iron plate!

"Who is it not important? The important thing is that you owe me 10 billion. You can leave if you give money, don't give it ... then take it." Li Feng is like laughing.

Ren Xi Xuan's face change, and finally bite his teeth: "Give money, but I haven't so much money on my card, I want to make a call to my house."

As soon as I heard this, the younger brother of Ren Xuan came to the spirit.

Ren Chongxuan's elders are the real super power, as long as they arrive, Li Feng will die!

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