"Auntie, what do you think?"

Li Feng turned his head to see the bud.

He felt enough to play now. If you call Ren Xuan's elders here, everyone is afraid to be annoying.

They are looking for a happy, not coming out ...

"I think it is very good, I have no money to let my family will come, I hope to gamble, let people admire!"

Ren Xiao Lei urged Xi Xuan to extend his thumb and said.

Li Feng: "..."

I am admire, I see you have not played enough!

This really let Li Feng guess, Ren Xiao Lei is not playing enough, playing pigs to eat tiger, this kind of thing has not been done many years, so it is hard to meet the fool of Chongxuan, don't play more for a while ?

What's more ... she can see that Xi Xuan is not really true to let her family will take money, but want her family to give him a support.

Plus, she read her eyes before, she made her very uncomfortable, and she didn't let Ren Chong Xuan pay a more heavy cost. She is not willing!

"Well, it is like this ... then you will call your family, but my patience is limited, I just wait for half an hour, half an hour is not yet, let your family give you the corpse. "

After saying that Li Feng sighed, I was soaring that I was soaked.

This stupid kid is not good, not to provoke Xiao Lei's witch ...

"Thank you for your predecessors!" Ren Chong Xuan arch, thank you, "Let my family gave me the corpse? Hey, arrogant boy, wait for my grandfather to see who I will get the corpse!"

In this way, Ren Chongxuan took out the phone to all-on-the phone: "Feeding Grandpa, I am sinful in the hot waves, I need 10 billion redemption ... What? What to eat at night? Egg ... Fried rice?"

When I was satisfied, I hanged the phone, then he turned to Li Feng smiled: "Grandpa just asked me to go home."

"Oh." Li Feng should have a faint: "Continue to be there."

What I want to eat eggs, you are clearly telling you grandfather, I am a superior force.

Xiete, Xiaoyang Tang Half-level strong, actually being treated as a super-level force, this is to let Xiao Zhen and others know not to laugh up?

On the side, Ren Xiaozheng smiled.

Is this a Water in the brain? If Li Feng is just a super-level power, how can he dare to let his family come over?

Ren Xi Xuan is so young, it is already a strong man in the post, and what is his grandfather? Normal people will take this question. Is it not normal to think that Li Feng is not normal?

In fact, Ren Chong Xuan still has a brain, but he is used to the mountains in the mountain city, and has never been eaten, there is indeed lack of experience.

In addition, Li Feng followed that Xiaole looked too young. The super-level strong has exceeded the imagination of Chongxuan, and the higher level of strong people Ren Xuan did not want to think.

What's more, Xu Xuan's grandfather is in the late post, the second grandfather, the three grandfather is in the middle of the Sheng, and the three into the sacred strong, even if Li Feng followed that Xiao Zai is not afraid!

Ren Xuan's federy dog ​​friend is shrunk on the wall, and the surface is shaking on the surface. It is excited to be excited.

Any grandfather personally won the horse, see how the two will die!

Soon, there is a half-hour, there are three old people walk into the private room.

After these three olders, they also followed the six middle-aged men. They all worn in luxurious, and they were not rich and expensive. When they walked, they were full of tigers.

They have just appeared, and the Ren Xuan, who has been kneeling on the ground, stands up with a wire, flies in the past: "Grandpa, second grandfather, three grandfather, dad, five uncle, you are finally here! I was bullied. It's so miserable! "

Ren Xuan, who said, crying with a tear.

Nima, he was in this hour, I thought about him, when I was suffering from this crime!

On the other hand, Ren Xuan's federy dog ​​friend is like playing a chicken blood, and suddenly excited.

"I went, the Niu booked a boss, and everyone is going out!"

"Three grandfather, five uncle, plus his dad ... nine super strong people dispatched together, my day!"

"This scene is really a rare! Also see them when you have a lot of life?"

Everyone is a legend in the mountain city. These people are the big people who are not seeing the head of Shenlong, and they are as Xuan's licensed dog friends, and there is not much opportunity to see these people.

At this moment, these large people are collectively dispatched, and they have come to enough for them.

"Enough, a big man, crying like what is like!"

Ren Chongxuan's grandfather, that is, the director of Ren Jiajia, Germany, I hate Iron, I said, just in my eyes, I still flash a pity.

After the part generation, Ren Deyuan is really a great love to be a grandchildren, which has also created the nature of the Chongxuan flying.

I was reprimanded by Deyuan. I didn't dare to cry again. The evil spirits point to Li Feng: "Grandpa is that he insulted me, please let me revenge me!"

Ren Deyuan said cold, looked at Li Feng, said: "Little friends, you will type 1 billion, but also let him stay here, are it too much?"

Li Feng smiled: "Old friends, I am not extortion. He is gamble with me. Here is the agreement under our settlement, you can take a look."

The voice falls, Li Feng throws the view to Ren Deyuan.


That note is in a way that violates aerodynamics, and there is a blink of an eye to Ren Deyuan. Ren Deyuan is flashing, reach out!


A sullen, the annotation is stable in his hand, and an invisible shock wave is spreading around, and the hair of Chongxuan et al. Floating.

Ren Wutuan's boufire dog friend is stunned!

I am going, it is a simple one to throw a connection, actually to make such a big movement? The power of the martial arts strong is nothing to think!

"Small friendly means!"

After this hand, Ren Deyuan's strength of Li Feng has a bit judgment, the most extraordinary late, can't produce any threat to them!

"Old friend's means are also good." Li Feng shrugged and smiled: "The year you have seen it, hurry up, I have to go back to rest."

Ren Xiao Lei sneaked Li Feng and said with his ears: "Little guy, what should you do?"

Li Feng's mouth smoked, the small voice said: "No, there is absolutely!"

Heaven, he didn't drive, it was just a way!

Who knows that Xiao Lei is even more dissatisfied: "I am so beautiful, you haven't thought about me, look down on me?"

Li Feng: "???"

No ... aunt, you are Xiao Ling's mother, you can't pick it up!

At the time of Li Feng, Ren Deyuan suddenly smiled: "What is the word? I didn't see it."

The voice falls, and the two hands are gently riding, the anchlor is cultivated to smash and floating with the wind!

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