Save the Goddess System

Chapter 754 Wonderful Requirements

In the case of a shredded moment in Ren Deyuan, a short silence is caught in the private room.

Then, Ren Xuan smiled and laughed: "Hahaha, kid, now there is no sign, what else do you say!"

Ren Wutuan's buddy dog ​​friend also was also in Deyuan whose thumb was erected: "The old man is domineering!"

"What is a dog, it is a waste paper!"

"No an agreement, what evidence you have to prove that there is a bet with you?"

"Is it 1 billion of blackmail? If you want to want to be crazy!"

Li Fengbei picks up, it seems that smiles: "So you are going to not accomplish the account?"

After the two hands of Ren Deyuan, I smiled and said: "I recognize what accounts? What kind of account? I will learn others to extort others, I am really shameful!"

"Kid, our hill city is not what A cat, dog can be spoke, and I will apologize for me. Otherwise, I am a punch to explode you!" Ren Wutuan's Dad said.

Li Feng looked at Ren Hai and shake his head and smiled: "It is no wonder that Xian Xuan is so no brain, it turns out inherited, long-term knowledge."

On the side, Ren Xiaozheng smiled and smiled: "Sun is no brain, his father has no brain, because Grandpa has no brain, this is the legendary upper beam is not getting angry?"

"Hey ... Is it lie in the beam?" Li Feng is a bit awkward.

"Otherwise?" Ren Xiao Lei snorted, spoiled: "Don't say it!"

Li Feng touched his nose and silent.

Although Xiaole is not young, the age is still a little girl ...

Deyuan: "???"

Ren Shi: "???"

Ren Xuan: "???"

No ... Do you want to be like this, no one is in love, this is really good?

"It's arrogant, too arrogant!"

"Big brother, this child is not a good bird with this woman, let's talk to them so much nonsense, directly destroyed them!"

"In the mountain city, I dare to make anything right, and I am greater!"

Everyone else, you speak, and the Muh is wiped.

Ren Deyuan hooks: "Hey, don't be so violent, now it is a new era, we can't do things again, you have to learn how to learn."

"That big brother, you said how do we tell him about it?"

"Still talking about yarn, this kid is a fraud, we have 10 billion, I have never seen such a arrogant boy in this life!"

Everyone, everyone, I said, it looks like the killing of Li Feng.

"Don't be so anxious, I see this little friend is not a person who is nothing, as long as we say, you can definitely tell him the truth."

Ren Deyuan smiled slightly, Cheng Zhu said in the grip.

Although everyone is doubts, but Ren Du is a home, he said that, others can no longer issue different opinions.

"Little friends, you are fraudulent, 1 billion things, actually very good, do you want to listen."

The old god of Ren De Yuan said.

Ren Xiao Lei Xiuyi picks up, it is like laughing: "This old man is so interesting, it is better to listen to what he said?"

Li Feng sighed: "Listen."

Ren Xiao Lei was obviously not enough to play, so I resolved this kind of German et al., I was afraid that I would let Ren Xiaole disappointed.

And he is also very uncomfortable to serve Deyuan just now, although he also thinks this note is not used ...

"It is very simple, you have lost 100 billion yuan, I will not have happened this matter."

"Of course, 100 billion is not a small number, you can sign the deal, from this to our customers, 20 years later, I will return free, how?"

Ren Deyuan said with a smile.

"Big Brother, you are too kind, if I do it, I will kill them."

"I can earn 100 billion for our family for 20 years. Where is this good buy or store?"

"Although some cheaper them, we have always used morality, and the big brother is also in line with the tradition of our family."

"You don't hurry up to thank you."

Everyone has lived, and a pair of inexpensive Li Feng followed served as Xiao Lei.

Ren Xiao Lei Xiu Yimei is picking up, saying that the sleeves say: "Hey, I am stasify!"

Although she knew that Ren Dian's mouth did not vomit ivory, but did not expect that he would make such shameless conditions.

"Auntie is not happy." Li Feng quickly pressed her, and then looked at Ren Deyuan: "Old friends, I also have a solution, do you want to listen?"

"Oh?" Ren Deyuan's eyes flashed: "You said."

"You have a total of 10 people, everyone's money is 10 billion, and I will give you no one."

"Of course, 100 billion is not a small number, if you have no money ... I will not let you sell me, because you have become the qualifications under my hand, so ... less than 10 billion deaths You can choose to let who die, is it fair? "

After that, Li Feng's wine glass was tasted.

Opposite, Ren Deyuan et al. In a sluggish state.

Lying ... they didn't listen to it, this kid actually wants to blame them 100 billion? I ate my bear's heart leopard.

After half of the half, Ren Xuan pointed at Li Feng's nose.

Ren Hai is also angry: "Hey, you dare to blame us 100 billion, have you eaten Xiongxin leopard?"

"Big brother, don't talk nonsense with him, kill him directly, and take the woman home."

"Yeah, big brother, this kid is incompetent, you have a good hard work, he does not understand, there is still something to abolish, directly destroyed him!"

Everyone said indignant, just like Li Feng made them suffer from the big boy.

Ren Deyuan deep sucking, smiling: "Kid, I have given you a chance, but you don't have a good cherish, if you are so, then you will go to hell to repent!"

The voice falls, and a violent atmosphere in the back of him broke out on him.

This breath has appeared, and Ren Xuan's federy dogs screamed, excited.

Ren Wutuan is more double boxing, excited: "I didn't see it, my grandfather is a strong in the back of the Sheng, you said anything in the night, you give me a look!"

Just now Li Feng caught his breath into the body, let Ren Chong Xuan have been hit, and this time to catch the opportunity naturally ridicule Li Feng.

Li Fengbei picks up, and the face is weird: "Although your requirements are very wonderful, it is seen in your wish." I will satisfy you. "

The voice is falling, and Li Feng reached out.


Just like the candlelight in the night is blown out by the wind, the breath of Ren Deyuan disappears.

Deyuan: "???"

Ren Xuan: "???"

other people:"???"

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