Save the Goddess System

Chapter 755, don't call me.

Ren Chong Xuan's mouth, one face!

No ... he just talks, how can I go out, my grandfather must be in deliberately tease him?

Think so, Ren Chong Xuan turned to the head to see Ren Deyuan.

"Dad, don't joke with Chongxuan this time?" Ren Hai also thought that Ren Deyuan was joking with Ren Xuan, can't help but laugh.

Deyuan: "???"

Who is joking, do you see my expression like a joke?

Just now, I feel a strong feeling suddenly surrounded by all directions, and presses his breath to the body!

In this case, he is still in the first time, so he is also unclear.

Is it related to Li Feng, or said ... Is that just an accident?

"Don't ... try again?"

Ren Deyuan deep sucking and released the breath again.

In an instant of this breath, Ren Xuan and others will relieve tones. But how long it will be returned, and Li Feng reached out again.


It is extinguished again ...

Everyone is taking a breath!

Lying in the trough, is the breath of a strong in the Sheng Sheng, is put in the breath? I don't believe it!

Coincident, it must be coincident!

"Damn, I don't believe you have this ability!"

The second Ren Dehu is angry, and the self-discretion is released.

The old three Germany also roared, and the atmosphere of the Sanctuary was released.

The boss served as a special eyebrow, and the courage will release the breath again.

Suddenly, the three violent atmals are exciting in the private room!

Ren Hai, Ren Chongxuan and others were excited again, seeing no, a three into the holy, this is the bottom of tenants!

In the mountain city, everyone is a well-deserved luxury!

Ren Jia Niu ...

"Puff puff"

Three rins of sound, the violent atmosphere in the box disappeared.


At this moment, everyone who is still full of proud is all a stiff sculpture, stupid on the spot.

"Once again, it's not finished. Is there any kind of money in the east? If you think that you are invincible?"

Li Feng snorted, raised his hand to press!


There is an invisible, directly pressing everyone.

Ren Deyuan et al. Not to make a react, I feel that a thousand pounds are pressed against the body, and they press them!

... ...

A series of sultry came, and the famous wooden floor paving will be ground, and the knees of Ren Deyuan et al. Have smashed a crack. They are even smashing!

At this moment, Ren Xuan's federy dog ​​friend is like a big day, and it is stunned. The atmosphere does not dare to breathe!

Ren Wutuan and others are like the five thunders, fear!

At this moment they only know that Li Feng is separated from air pressure back to their breath. It is not an accident, not an illusion!

Li Feng's realm has already exceeded their imagination, at least to respect!

"Before ... the predecessors, misunderstandings are misunderstood, please don't be angry, we have something to say."

Ren Deyuan is pale, and the sound is trembled.

Li Feng's mouth evoked a smilly smuggling: "Misunderstanding? No, you have just let me compensate 10 billion."

"Seniors, I have an eye, I don't know Taishan, I don't know the power of the previous generation, I also ask the seniors to have a lot, and I have been this time."

Ren Deyuan intestines quickly regretted, the problem of 1 billion can be solved, but now it takes 100 billion to solve, and they can still watch Li Feng's mood.


"I want to spend money, but I have to add interest, one hundred million, a total of 11 billion, give you money, you can leave, don't give or less, the consequences you are qi."

Li Feng is holding the Erlang legs, and it is like laughing.

Ren Deyuan's face is changed, and finally bite his teeth: "Seniors, our home is the affiliated family of Xiaojia, and also ask the seniors to see less in the face of Xiaojia."

11 billion They can't get it, but it is to give anything a big blood. I will take out these money, I will hurt.

When I said, Ren Deyuan is still reluctant to be a rich and rich, and there is money, who is willing to go to the poor days.

Of course, the poor here is relative ...

Ren Wutuan didn't wait to say: "Yes, my predecessors, we have always been deeply valued by Xiaojia. If the seniors are insisted to be difficult, afterwards, Xiao Jia learned that this is not happy."

The surface of Ren Wutuan is a good speech, and the fact is a concealed threat.

"Oh?" Li Fengbei picks up, it is like laughing: "Which Xiao Jia?"

Ren Deyuan is proud of the color, rushing to the direction of the direction: "Natural is a Xiaojia in Beijing."

Li Fengbei picks: "It turns out that this is the Xiao family ..."

The eyes of Ren Deyuan flashed a sense of contempt: "It seems that the predecessors have heard the name of the Jingjing family. In this case, are this, is there any discussion?"

At all everyone, Xiao Jia is a top family, but there are people in the Chinese people in the Huaxia to give Xiaojia a few faces.

Although Li Feng is strong, he does not dare to be a tiger!

Li Feng smiled: "Something, since you are very familiar with Xiaojia, the amount of compensation rises to 20 billion."

Deyuan: "???"

Ren Xuan: "???"

other people:"???"

Not ... they didn't listen, they moved the Xiao family, how did the compensation have not reduced?

"Seniors, do you see if there is any misunderstanding, Xiao Jia, is the top ancient Wu Shi ..." Ren Deyuan deeply sucking, and the face was ugly.

"So I will be afraid of them? Even if Xiao Jia Lao Zu Xiao Zhen is here, I also say this, I want to take Xiao Jiaqi, you are very courageous!"

Li Feng took a table, and an invisible gas was rushed to Ren Deyuan.


Ren Deyuan and others only feel that the five internal organs have shock, and I will spit out a blood!

Then, Li Feng smiled: "I called Xiao Jia, telling them that you are giving Li Feng, see how they say!"

Ren Deyuan is stunned, and quickly took out the phone to Xiaoran.

For a few days ago, Xiao Jia was released, saying Xiao Yu closed, and the place of the owner passed to Xiaoran.

The phone rang for a long time, I finally turned on. Ren Deyuan pressed down the voice and said: "Xiao Hao, I still bother you so late, I am really embarrassed ... I have encountered some troubles here, and I am called Li Feng. Senior. "

"Li Feng ?! You determine that he is Li Feng ?!" The voice came from Xiao Ran's horror.

I heard here, Ren Deyuan sinks in my heart: "Yes ... is Li Feng, he looks in the past ..."


"There is also ... After our Xiao Jia is nothing to do with you, don't make a call!"

After that, Xiao Ran hangs up the phone.

Deyuan: "???"

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