Save the Goddess System

Chapter 756 is preferably next door

Ren Deyuan can feel Xiaoran's fear of Li Feng in the phone!

Lying in the trough, Li Feng did something madness for Xiao Ran, Xiao Ran will scare this!

But no matter what, Xiao Ran's attitude has proved that Lian Jia's facts did not dare to provoke Li Feng.

At this moment, Ren Deyuan wants to cry!

"Grandpa, what do you say?"

Ren Chongxuan asked in the expectation.

He is now eager to hear Xiaojia agreed to help them deal with Li Feng. It is best to send people immediately to come here, force Li Feng to come to him!

"How to say?"

Ren Deyuan looked at Xi Xuan, and then he said: "How do you say what to say, I am a special kill you!"

The voice falls, and Ren Deyuan will mention the top of the palm to Ren Wahuan.

"" "" "" ......

Ren Deyuan is a real fire, every slap is a solid pumping on the face, or if he is a sense of reason, there is no use of true gas, Ren Wutuan's head is not allowed to make him smash!

Despite this, Ren Xuan is still hitting a pig, even if he is coming, he can't recognize him.

Under the surprise of Deyuan, even if Ren Hai, the people of Ren Dezi did not dare to discourage it before, and he only glanced at Ren Xuan's ear.

I finally waited until Ren Deyuan was finished, and Ren Xuan was crying and asked: "Grandpa, why do you play me?"

"Why, because you can't get Li Shao!"

Ren Deyuan said, and then rushed to Li Feng to ask for help: "Li is less, this matter is not right, we are willing to compensate Li less loss."

"Oh? How much are you going to compensate?" Li Feng asked with great pleasure.

"In accordance with Li Shao, you just said 20 billion, but we don't have so many cash. Currently, I can only take up to 10 billion, but Li Sharian, I will sell home production in the shortest time, put the remaining 10 billion Give Li Lee, please also give us a little time. "

Ren Deyuan said the heaters.

I heard this words, I will know that Li Feng didn't blow it, he is really not afraid of Xiao Jia.

Although Ren Jia is rich, it will pay 2 billion and almost joined everyone's home. If Xiao Jia can compress Li Feng, Ren Deyuan will compensate Li Feng 20 billion?

At this moment, Ren Chongxuan regretted. If he did not provoke Li Feng, didn't you have these things?

They all blame Han, or if he is not a child, he will not provoke Li Feng. When he turned back, he did Han Yu to give Han Yu!

Just when Ren Xuan and others regret it, Li Feng smiled: "You have made a most correct decision tonight, this is my card number, remember to give me money, if you play me ... The consequences will be very serious. "

After that Li Feng wrote the card number on a piece of paper, put it on the table, then he stood up: "Auntie, let's go?"

Ren Xiao Lei's elegant reach out: "Pull me up."

Li Feng's performance is very satisfied, and the heart is soft, and it is very spicy to shock the enemy.

Li Feng smiled, holding Ren Xiaole's hand pulled her from the sofa, and then went outside the eyes of everyone.

Just after she was located, she suddenly kicked him out of his belly, and kicked him out.

Then, Ren Xiaole will reveal the breath of the peak of the peak, cold channel: "Do you dare to see a woman who is not interested in you, the old lady digs down your eyes!"

In this sentence, Ren Xiaole took the arm of Li Feng outwards, leaving the whole petrochemical.

In the trough, I thought that Li Feng was terrible. I didn't expect this woman to be a strong master than them. Today, I really kicked the super big iron board!

Out of the bar, Ren Xiaole stretched a big lazy waist, and he said: "Today is very happy, I haven't been so happy for a long time, it is really happy."

Three consecutive sentences are "very happy", so enough to see how Xiao Lei is so happy.

Li Feng, smiled: "The most important thing to live is, happy, happy is also a day, not happy is also a day, of course, I have to be happy."

Ren Xiao Lei said with him, said complex tone: "It is simple, but it is very difficult to grow up. If you want to be happy ..."

Li Feng silently.

There is a saying that is good, life is easy, it is easy, life is not easy.

Sometimes, happy to follow the status, money is not too big, it is related to what people who are with you.

"Don't say these, time is early, let's go where we have played?" Ren Xiaole re-exposed smile and said.

Li Feng: "???"

What is the time is early, now it is much better in the morning!

Seeing Li Feng did not speak, Ren Xiaole's face showed a shy color: "You shouldn't think ..."

Li Feng's mouth picked up: "... Auntie, don't do this, I am afraid."

Ren Xiao Lei's eyebrows, and smiled: "What are you afraid of, I can still eat you?"

Li Feng nodded, and then shook his head: "No, I am afraid that you will not have a lot of rest, you can get beautiful early."

"I will talk." Ren Xiaole laughed, then sighed: "Time is indeed too early, you said, let's go."

This time, Li Feng didn't feel that Ren Xiaole was driving, seriously thinking: "Just find one near this."

This is quite bustling, the star hotel should have a lot.

Ren Xiao Lei nodded and took Li Feng arm to the distance.

Soon, the two found a five-star hotel to open a room at the front desk.

"Welcome ... visit, do you want to open a few rooms?" The front desk sister was shocked by Li Feng with the color of Ren Xiaolei.

"Hey, should your line should be only one room?" Ren Xiaole looked blinking his sister.

Front desk: "???"

Li Feng: "???"

No ... , you want to express a meant!

"Cough, active atmosphere, why do you use this kind of eye to see me." Ren Xiao Lei laughed.

"Ms., you are really ... Humor." The front desk sister's mouth smoked, squeezing a smile.

"Two suites, it is not the next door." At this time, Li Feng said.

He is really afraid of Ren Xiaole, then suddenly take the car to 120, he is afraid that he is mistaken!

Now he only wants to open a good room earlier, and then next day, I will go back to the pearl.

"Isn't it next door ?!" Ren Xiaole turned to Li Feng smiled, and then reached out to the meat on his waist, and slammed.

"Hey!" Li Feng couldn't help but took a breath, and quickly said to the former girl: "It is best to be next door!"

The front desk sisters have a face, and the two people have opened two adjacent rooms.

When they gave them, the front desk sister was self-proclaimed: "These two people ... so strange relationship ..."

When I came to the room, after turning the door, Li Feng relied on the door.

Hey, this time with Ren Xiaole is just a torment!

Next, Li Feng cleaned it, just prepared to rest, but at this time, the knockout suddenly sounded: "Li Feng, the shower spray in my room is broken, borrowing your room."

Li Feng: "???"

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