Save the Goddess System

Chapter 757, Xiao Lei,

The next morning.

Ren Xiaozu, who took a dress, walked to the sofa, kicking Li Feng, who was sleeping on the sofa: "Wake up, the sun is sunned."

Li Feng fell to sleep, and he said: "Ah? Is it so late?"

"Yeah, I have 10 o'clock in the morning, you can really sleep." Ren Xiaozuyeded a yawn, and he said.

Li Feng helplessly smiled, he got up: "It is a little late last night."

"Cut ..." Ren Xiao Lei said, and said nothing: "There is no outsider, or you don't know what to think about others."

Li Feng touched the nose and did not work.

Last night, she was a small rushing door. Li Feng took the door to open the door, after all, her mother, she wants to use this shower. If Li Feng does not open the door, it seems to prevent her.

Just the development direction of the next thing exceeds Li Feng's expectations ... After the small laug took a shower, he did not leave here!

It is too tired to say what to wash it, it will directly occupy his bed ...

I said that Li Feng said very speechless, and then I wanted to sleep next to the door card of Xiaipu. Who knowing that Xiao Lei said that she was afraid of her, not let Li Feng left.

Li Feng is "???".

I am going, please, you are in the sacred peak, even if you come in half night, you don't have to be afraid, you have no technical content, there is no SEi!

Finally, Li Feng, but she ran to the sofa and slept, of course, the door between the bedroom and the living room has been driving ...

When he is lying on the sofa, he has been three in the morning, so Li Feng said that there is no problem in tossing to a short night.

"The old mother is not a little attractive to you?"

Just then, Ren Xiao asked uncomfortable.

"Ah?" Li Feng's mouth is slightly, and it is said: "No, why does it have this idea?"

"Rely, the old lady does not have the bedroom door in one night, but you are not attractive to you on the sofa, isn't it attractive to you?"

Ren Xiaozi's right foot stepped on the sofa, one hand, the body touched slightly, the cold face said.

Li Feng took behind his body and smiled: "Auntie, you must be joking with me? You are Ling Hao's aunt ..."

Ren Xiao Lei's tip, staring at Li Feng for a long time, finally taking Li Feng shoulders, satisfying smile: "It is my son-in-law, you have successfully completed my test."

Li Feng: "???"

What is it? Feelings you before the speed of the car is to test me? No!

"Why, you don't believe?" Ren Xiao Lei Xiu Xiaowu, the face of uncomfortable.

"Nothing, absolutely no." Li Feng hooks his hand, and then he used to read the heart in Bud: "Auntie, is this really test?"

In the eyes of Xiaothi, I flash a panic color, then pick the chin, asked "" Otherwise? "

What she didn't know is that the real idea in her heart has been known by Li Feng.

"It's not the test, but true, I am going ... isn't it?"

Li Feng is mad, and some don't know what it is.

At this time, Ren Xiaole has come straight and turned back to the bedroom.

I don't know why, Li Feng is a bit awkward in my heart ...

Tangled, Li Feng really is very entangled, is it a little bit of charm? No, the charm of Xiaole is not smaller than Wei Bingqing, Xiao Lingzhen.

It can be so special, which makes Li Feng not dare to produce any ideas for her, even if it has happened, but also kill it when it has not affected himself!

Just sometimes I don't want to think about what it is, the more I will think, even if Li Feng is a half-level strong, I can't help.

Just when Li Feng thoughtfully, he returned to the living room. At this time, her expression has recovered calm: "Hurry and pack it, then go eat breakfast."

Li Feng silently nodded, so quickly wash it.

Tangled, it is tangled. Anyway, he will return to the pearl today. It is estimated that there will be no chance to get along with Ren Xiao Lei, let these emotions in the cradle ...

"Auntie, these things you look at it, I will take it."

Li Feng will take it out in addition to gold, crystal, Wei Bin, Qiu Wei storage ring, put it on the ground: "I still have some gold and sputum, what you like, etc., I will follow me. Send it to you. "

Gold is very heavy, two piles are close to 40 tons, all taken directly to put the floor on the floor. It is also very possible.

As for the crystal ... Li Feng, the weight is similar to the same volume of diamonds, and the two piles also add up to 7, 8 tons.

In order to avoid trouble, Li Feng did not take it.

Ren Xiao Lei's eyes flash, whispered: "You are really got to let me pick."

Originally, she thought that Li Feng said that she said a scene, and now Li Feng is serious.

"A family, I am you, you are mine." Li Feng shrugged and laughed.

Ren Xiao Lei officed: "Is you mine?"

Li Feng's mouth is tense: "I ..."

Who knows that Xiao Lei does not wait for him to talk, then transfer the topic: "These jewels are good, I want, these Tianmou Dibao ... I don't know the effect, let you go, let you figure out their effect, introduce Give me, let me choose, how? "

Li Feng sighed and laughed and agreed.

After the jewelry, she was collected, she said: "Li Feng, if there is a chance, I want you to help me do things."

Li Fengbei picks: "What?"

"Help me, I will lead them to the road." Ren Xiao Lei sneaked a little, said.

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... Where have you been confident that I have the ability to be a Jiuyuan, the nine-Qong Guangshui sectors have nine, although they have been killed by him, can you still have seven?

Besides, even if he has the ability to defeat the remaining seven elders, there is no way to lead them to justice.

There is a saying that Jiangshan is easy to change, it is not enough to change the nature of those people!

Just when Li Feng considered how the smart refused to be a bud, a system prompt sound suddenly sounded.

"Hey, host, you have new tasks, is it right to see?"

Li Feng brows microstruck: "View!"

"Task: The wish of the goddess is the wish."

"Task Objective: Help the goddess of Xiao Lei, the Jiu Yi Zong, and lead Jiu Yi Zong to go to the right path, become a teacher who maintains world peace, if the task fails, deduct the host 100 million system points to punish."

"Task Reward: 10 million experience value, 50 million system points, 100 conquer points."

After reading the task, Li Feng caught the status.

I am going, even the system gives the publishing task, and the punishment of failure is still so serious ... It seems that he is not promised.

Li Feng sighed and quit the system: "Okay, I promise you."

Ren Xiaozheng jumped from the original place: "Ye, I know that the son-in-law will not let me down, wood, wood, wood, wood, wood ~"

Li Feng: "..."

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