Save the Goddess System

Chapter 758 letting the girl

"Ling Ya, this resort is really your home? It's so powerful!"

"If this summer, Xia Hongzhi contact us, our classmates, you are a Bai Fumei's thing, I don't know how long it is!"

"Yeah, yeah, I feel that your temperament is very special, I didn't expect your home so much money."

In the suburbs of Xijing, in the Phiya resort, more than a dozen young men are strolling on a forest trail.

Wearing a white sportswear, Xiao Lingya, the first side, around the left and right side of the beautiful woman.

After they, a young man wearing a white suit was a bit gloomy, and there were several young men who were dressed in the left and right.

He is a son of Xia Hongzhi, a son of Jincheng next to the wall, and Xiao Lingya is the classmate classmates at Shangjing University. During the university, Xiao Lingya has been pursued.

After graduation, Xia Hongzhi has been actively contacting Xiao Lingya, and Xiao Lingya did not say that he liked him, but did not break with him.

At any time, Xiao Lingya still seems to have no idea to show some of him, which makes Xia Hongzhi more and deeper.

Finally, the Labor Day has time, Xia Hongzhi organized a classmate party, and the gathering place was selected in Fia Resort.

There are running racefades, golf courses, swimming pools, and Yunxiao Speed, and you can take a rest of the five-star hotel in the resort.

After rest enough, you can steamed a sauna inside, sing K with friends, hungry, and food from all over the world can taste.

Fia Resort is such a place for one-stop experience, of course, the cost of playing once to play is also very good, with a few thousand and even thousands of per capita.

It attracts tourists from all over the country, and the ability to suck the gold is extremely amazing. The boss behind it is very mysterious. It has never been taken out.

But no matter how, it is absolutely unimaginable to build a resort in Beijing, and its energy is absolutely imagined. At least, it is not Xia Hongzhi, and our home can match

Xia Hongzhi Dad is a real estate developer in the land, nearly 10 billion assets.

Xia Hongzhi wants to take this opportunity to show his strength, and take the opportunity to capture Xiao Lingya's heart, and have never thought of Xiao Linghai and others to enter the resort, there is a resort manager to welcome it, respectfully shouted Xiao Ling. Miss!

At that time, Xia Hongzhi and others were shocked!

However, let them feel shocked and behind, Xiao Lingya smiled and said that today they were in this consumption, no upper limit!

During my school, Xiao Lingqi did not show such strength, and everyone only thought that her family is still good, I didn't expect it to come to this extent!

"Well, this resort is my Dad deliberately built it for me. After graduating from our university, it will be placed in my name."

Xiao Lingya smiled and said.

"Oh my God……"


The female classmates loudly.

Xia Hongzhi and others are equited.

Then, Xia Hongzhi has made a female classmate, and the female classmates will say: "You are super Bai Fumei, Xia Hongzhi is a super and full, you are really very good, when will you eat? Wife? "

Xia Hongzhi is so smirk on the side, but the heart is very nervous.

What answer is Xiao Lingya gives you a question, is it not talking, or a few words?

"Liu Jing, don't say so, I am a classmate relationship between Xia Hongzhi, there is no possibility of anything."

Xiao Ling smiled and slowly said.

Xia Hongzhi's heart is shock, the face is passion: "Ling Ya, where isn't I do? You said, I change, I will change it!"

Other students face each other, they know that Xia Hongzhi has a lot of obsesses of Xiao Lingya, and this moment is sorry for Xia Hongzhi.

"Not you are not good, just arranged a blind date to give me a blind date, the father's life is difficult."

Xiao Lingya said with a laugh.

Xia Hongzhi first stunned, then resumed the hope of hope on his face: "Ling Ya, give me a chance, let me see the uncle, I believe I can make my uncle change my idea!"

Xiao Lingya is now in the dark, then sighs: "Forget it, my dad is not so easy to be convinced ..."

"I can, please be sure to believe me!" Xia Hongzhi didn't want to give up.

He can hear her in Xiao Lingya, but she has to have a further development with him because of her family reason.

Can he give up because of this small setback? The wall can't! He must work hard to work hard, for future happiness!

"This ..." Xiao Ling Ya is hesitating, and finally biting his lips: "Let's talk."

There is no clear refusal, nor does it say that it can be, but this sentence let Xia Hongzhi recovers confidence in continuing to pursue!

What white lotus is green tea table, it is weak in front of Xiao Lingya. She is really a point where people have entered.

I have some points with Xia Hongzhi, and I will not let Xia Hongzhi completely lose hope, and the Xia Hongzhi will die!

After short silence, the atmosphere was restored, and everyone started to say that there is a laugh, Xia Hongzhi is even more happy, of course ... mainly for himself.

According to the plan, they first go to the race race, then go to golf, then look at what to play again.

Just when they came to the race, a young man riding a horse saw Xiao Lingya, and suddenly flashed in his eyes.

This person wears a black horse clothing, burly, and generous.

I saw that he laughed and jumped directly from the flying horses, and several arrows rushed to Xiao Ling.

"Beauty, I look at you, be my woman."

During the speech, this person must reach out to catch Xiao Lingya.

Xiao Lingya Xiaoyu is slightly wrinkled, and there is no trace.

Who knows that the other party has already been expected to retreat, and the lightning will take a step in the arms.

This sudden scene allows Xia Hongzhi and others directly to the scene!

Then Xia Hongzhi rushed forward to rescue Xiao Lingya from the other party: "Who are you, don't touch it!"

The man looked at the eyes of Xia Hongzhi, reached a point.


A sudden sound, Xia Hongzhi is like a galloped car hitting it directly to fly out, falling in the distance!

Everyone else can't help it, it is very horrified.

One hundred tens of pounds of people flew by a head? This is a movie!

More frightening is Xiao Lingya, she has stepped into the superfield, but it is so easy to be made by the other party, breaking free, what is the realm of the other party?

Just as everyone's sense of fear, flying a young man from the racecourt.

This person wears a white horse shealwear, and the face is very long, shouting very far: "Betting, let go of the girl!"

In an instant of the voice, this person rushed to everyone!

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