
"Task: Save the goddess Xiao Lingya (1)"

"Task Objective: Save the goddess Xiao Luya from the demon member Bai Luo wind, ensure the safety of the goddess Xiao Ya, if the task fails, deduct the host 20 million system points for punishment."

"Task Reward: 2 million experience value, 10 million system points, 20 conquers points."

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... this mission is related to Xiao Lingya? What is the threat to Xiao Lingya is a magic member?

To be true, Li Feng is a little less than wants to save Xiao Lingya. This woman is not like Xiao Ling, Jiang Mengyao a few women, Xiao Lingya is pure and pure, and the fact is a white lotus.

Unless it is completely taken, it is not to be sold by her.

Li Feng is too lazy to waste energy in this woman.

Since the system has released the task, he will lose 200 million system points without doing it ...

"Forget it, you will be in order to earn experience."

Li Feng shook his head, then determined Xiao Lingya's position through the system, got up and went to the bathroom to the bathroom, using space transfer.

Fia resort, running the horses.

"Waiting for an opportunity, he is not in Beijing now."

Sleepy, Xiao Lingya said with a smile.

Bai Luo is a super potential stock, and Li Feng is a super quality shares. These two she wants to hang, it is best to use it for her.

In this case, then you can't let two people meet!

Bai Lufeng flashed, it is like laughing: "Is it? It is a pity."

In fact, he doesn't feel unfortunately, his purpose is really not really to marry Xiao Lingya ...

"Well." Xiao Lingya smiled and said: "Where is Bai?"

"I am Huaxia, but not Huaxia people, my ancestors went to Malay 100 years ago, this time I came to Huaxia just for a holiday." Bai Luo said with a smile.

"Oh?" Xiao Ling's eyebrows, curious, curious: "Mr. Bai is an ancient Wu family? Don't be white, our Xiao Jia is also ancient Wu Shi ..."

Now she finally understand why she has never heard of the white family, then the problem is coming, is the white family? Still that Bai Luo is a martial arts that is learning?

"Really?" Bai Lufeng's eyes, smiled and said: "We are also ancient Wu Shi, my grandfather is still a strong middle-aged strong."

I heard this, Xiao Lingya is bright, and the smile on my face is a bit.

There are half-gods in the family. Only by this white family can be comparable to their Xiaojiao, let alone Xiao Jia just gangs the energetic injury, if it can get the help of the white family ...

Thinking of this, Xiao Lingya won't be firmly residual hanging thoughts.

On the side, Xia Hongzhi et al.: "???"

What is the ancient Wu Shijia? Woolen half-gods? Why don't you understand!

"That ... Ling Ya, what are you talking about." A female classmate finally couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing, you still don't know how you don't know." Xiao Lingya smiled slightly and did not explain too much.

This is really not Xiao Lingya, but it is nothing to do.

They are not a world, sitting in a narrative, and more deeper things can't talk about it, talking about it will cause trouble.

Looking at Xiao Lingya and Bai Luo Happy chat, Xia Hongzhi double boxing, the expression on his face is unwind, and there is a bit of a bit.

Before Xiao Lingya refused him, how much would be gave him a little hope, but the white Luo wind appeared, Xiao Lingya did not laugh again, almost ignored him.

Let Xia Hongzhi feel desperate are his own psychological changes.

In the past, Xiahongzhi's view of Xiao Lingya was a woman who was able to catch up. Knowing that the Phiya Resort is Xiaojia asset, Xia Hongzhi felt a lot of pressure.

Now the martial arts, Gu Wu Shijia said that the noun from Xiao Ling in Jacou, Xia Hongzhi felt that Xiao Lingjac would not access it.

"Mr. Bai, you still don't know? This resort is my home industry. He turns back to let the resort manager give Mr. Bai's supreme VIP card, and later, Mr. White can be all free, but also the most exclusive service."

Xiao Lingya turned with Bai Lufeng.

"Really? That's more thanks to the sister."

Bai Luo also did not resigniate, and smiled and laughed accepted Xiao Lingya's kindness.

I heard this, Xia Hongzhi is more jealous.

By, he is coming so long, Xiao Lingya did not give him a card, and the difference should be obvious? !

Other classmates face each other, and the heart is also lost ...

Xiao Lingya cares about their feelings, when she will continue to say to Bai Lufeng: "I just watched Mr. Yong's riding is very good, it is better to come to a game, how?"

Bai Lufeng is bright: "Yes."

Two people walking and shoulders walking with the running race.

Just when they are about to walk into the racecourse, a young man wearing white sportswear came from the distance, which is Li Feng, which is transferred to the direct space!

"Wow, look at it, the boys are so handsome!"

A female classmate saw Li Feng and couldn't help but survey.

Other female students turned to see that they were attracted by Li Feng's value: "It is really handsome, and it is also very guild. Which big star is he?"

"It should be not a star, the star is traveling alone?" Said a female classmate who made a mensive rice.

Their discussion caused Xiao Lingya's attention, and she stopped the footsteps.

When I saw Li Feng, Xiao Lingya was at the scene!

Bai Luo is observed, the same turns, seeing Li Feng's moment, Bai Lufeng frowned slightly.

I don't know why, he felt a threat from Li Feng, but immediately smiled sharply, and wanted this brief to sweep out his mind.

He is the strong since the Supreme, in addition to the enchanting in the Zongmen, other peers are not worthy of him, let alone he feels the breath fluctuations from the other side.

However, Xiao Lan is a little weird ...

"Ling Ya sister, do you know this person?" Bai Luo asked.

Xiao Lingya is changing several times, and finally said: "He is an object to me at home."

She really didn't think that Li Feng will appear here, whether it is coincidence or other reasons, she has made her original intend to fall.

At this time, the face of Xia Hongzhi and others changed.

I am going, the original is that Xiao Ling family gives her a blind date? It looks very common with Xiao Lingya ...

"Ah, match a wool, Laozi is the most matching man with Lingya!"

Xia Hongzhi snorted, and the fighting spirit was re-ignited.

Bai Luo Fengyi picks up, then laughs: "Is it? Then I can compare with him more excellent."

Xiao Lingya smiled and nodded and didn't talk anymore.

Is it hopped for her? Don't say anything else, at least this feels that she likes!

At this moment, Li Feng also saw Xiao Lingya. He first became an eyebrow, and then quickly went to this.

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