Save the Goddess System

Chapter 761 is also seen in jasper fruit

"So smart, you are here."

Li Feng came to Xiao Lingya and smiled.

"Ling Ya met Mr. Li." Xiao Ling Ya Chong Li Feng slightly blessings, then puzzled: "Is Mr. Li came over?"

"Well, I heard that I heard that Fia resort is good, just have time these two days, come and see."

Li Feng smiled, then he swept from Bai Lufeng, Xia Hongzhi and others, and his brow was slightly covered: "Who they are?"

During the breath, this young man wearing a white horse-weadron should be the magic member of the mission introduction, but the identity of others is really no judgment.

"This is Mr. Bai Luo Feng, is the mailing of Malay, this is Xia Hongzhi ..."

After introducing Bai Lufei and others to Li Feng, Xiao Lingya introduced Li Feng: "This is Li Feng, Mr. Li, the famous Osville is his company."

She deliberately concealed that Li Feng is a half-level powerful thing. Otherwise, Bai Luo, I don't dare to fight with Li Feng?

Bai Luo is flashing, and the eyes are surprised. After surprising, his face will show a bit of greed.

If you can use Osweil to have yourself, you can provide a constant financial support for the demon, and he is a big job!

It seems that he must be serious!

Xia Hongzhi and others are even more shocking. It looks very shocked.

Who don't know Osville, producing Tongshui? No wonder Xiao Lingya's family will marry her Li Feng, which is simply married to a golden egg!

"Li Feng is, I listen to Ling Ya Si, saying that her family wants to make her, can there be?"

Bai Lufeng two-handed bag, asked without expression.

Li Fengbei picks up, it seems that smiles: "Is it."

Although Xiao Lingya he chooses himself, this is indeed Xiao Zhen.

"Oh, from today, this agreement is invalid." Bai Luo shrugged and said lightly.

"Why?" Li Feng's face was unchanged and asked in a laughing expression.

"Because I am in private life with Lingya sister, this answer is you satisfied?" Bai Luo smiled, then he went to the hand of Xiaoyan, and would like to declare the main.

Xia Hongzhi's heart is tight, once again, the double box is gripped, and the bear is sprayed out of the eyes.

Who knows that Xiao Lingya does not have traces to hide, say if it is shy: "Mr. Bai, what do you say? Mr. Li, Mr. Bai loves to kid, I just know the first day, but Mr. Bai I just saved me, I really whispered. "

After saying that she rushed to the wind, I apologized, and the expression looks very complicated, and there is only a bit of fear.

In short, Xiao Lingya gave Bai Lufeng a kind of illusion ...

But she gave Li Feng's feeling because she was just saved by Bailuo, so I was embarrassed to face the white vetor.

As for Xia Hongzhi ... it is a lot of breath.

But immediately Xia Hongzhi feels weird, Xiao Lingya does not seem to deny her relationship with Bai Luo?

Although there is no denying, she does not recognize what is related to Bai Luo.

So what does Xiao Lingya want to express?

It's so confused!

"Okay, I am a bit anxious." Bai Lufeng smiled and said: "Li Feng, lady gentleman is good, is not as good as we are trying, who is better, who will welcome Ling Ya sister, how?"

Li Feng smiled: "I don't think there is this necessary, Xiao Lingya is my chosen woman, I can, but others can't grab, you said yes, Xiao Luya?"

Xiao Lingya just a question is obviously on the side of the side, maybe Xia Hongzhi can't hear it with Bai Luo, you can know how Xiao Lingya is a white lotus, how can Li Feng can't hear?

Xiao Ling's elegant foot stepped on two boats, and he also got to see that Li Feng replied!

"This ... Mr. Li said, the marriage between the little girl and Mr. Li is a matter of agreement inside the family."

While talking, Xiao Lingya went down and couldn't see her expression.

This gives everyone a big imagination!

Xia Hongzhi couldn't see it, jumped out: "Hey, what is a woman thinking about a woman? There are two more than one more than one, and who is better!"

After saying Xia Hongzhi himself, I went, where did he come to the courage to compare with Osweil's boss? If you are more than, he is afraid to be abused!

But no matter what to say, he is not used to Li Feng to eat Xiao Lingya!

Human Xiao Lingya is also a good show, and even the right to pursue your own happiness? In order to Xiao Lingya's love freedom, he is willing to fight all the best!

Li Fengbei picks up, the color of surprises: "Do you like Xiao La?"

"Yes, I have a four-year window with Lingya, I like her for a long time." Xia Hongzhi said slightly.

There is no way to follow Li Feng with Li Feng, but he is a great advantage in the time known to Xiao Lingya.

"Oh." Li Feng watched Xia Hongzhi, sighing: "Forget it, you still don't have this idea, or I will abuse you."

"You!" Although Xia Hongzhi is ashamed, but the reasons for the refuting are found, they can only stand alone.

"Haha, then you can look with me." Bai Luo haha ​​smiled, his chest said.

"Not more than, not interested, there is no need to be more necessary." Li Feng turned over white eyes and said without goodness.

Relying on, what is the special person, when he will compare him, what is the obligation to compare with these people?

Bai Luo's brow is slightly wrinkled, then a smile: "I see you is not interested, I don't dare to be!"

"What do you think." Li Feng shook his head, and then went to Xiao Lingya: "Do you get familiar with this resort? Take me forward."

Li Feng's reaction beyond Xiao La's expectations, which made her a moment I didn't know how to answer.

Thinking of Li Feng for her to fight with Bai Luo? Why didn't he have a point in response, this special is not scientific!

At this moment, Bai Luo stopped in front of Xiao Ling, and said: "What men have been escaped? Yalai sister, your family is somewhat, I have chosen such a man to do your husband."

Li Feng said a cold and smiled: "If you talk about it, don't believe me, kill you?"

"Oh?" Bai Luo Fengyi picks up, disdain: "If you are still province, I am afraid that you have not killed you, I will die, how much?"

"So, I really have a love for Ling Ya, for her happiness, I am willing to take out a fairy fruit that can be extended, as a bet, winning this fairy fruit is yours, lose you, leave Xiao Lingya, how is it?"

During the speech, Bai Lufeng took out a fruit of the jasper.

When I saw this fruit, Li Feng stunned, this is a blue jade fruit he has eaten with Shen Ziyan? !

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