Save the Goddess System

Chapter 763 Tight Horse

"Wow, so fast!"

"The first time I saw the horse racing, I found that the speed of the horse is so fast!"

When I saw two horses, if I was rushing out of the horse, Xiao Luya's classmates couldn't help but screamed.

"The short distance acceleration of pure blood horses is not slower than the car."

On the side, Xia Hongzhi said complex.

Just now, he also wants to play the game, but he can't get the corresponding chips, a child-like formula is enough to buy his father's company, what can he come up with Li Feng, Bai Lufeng gamble?

Since you can't get a bet, you can only feel at this viewer.

"Wow, men who can control this kind of horses are handsome!"

"Mr. Bai is really handsome with Li Mr., I have to be infatuated!"

"It's still lofty, which makes two such excellent men fight for her."

"I don't have this kind of thinking in this life, I can have a content". "

The woman's concern is so strange, it is obvious to see the horse, but the concern is the handsome man.

This Xia Hongzhi said that Mad, when you say other men, have you considered the feelings of Laozi? Laozi is not handsome, is there a lot of money?

Don't think that Laozi doesn't know what you are secretly loved!

Xiao Lingya has a touch of smile and has not given any response.

Do two excellent men fight for her ... she has been used to it ... she has been used to it ...

On the horse race, the two horses have runs around 200 meters, then the two horses originally packed and entering have opened some gaps.

Leading is Li Feng!

On equestrian, Li Feng is better than Bai Lufeng skills, and the horses of the two rides are also pure blood horses, and the speed of the horse is not much different. Li Feng's leading is in the reason.

This makes Xia Hongzhi and others are somewhat surprised. After all, Bai Luo looks more professional, and when you come here, you will see that Bai Lufeng is riding, and it is also a batch of handsome.

Confused Li Feng, although wearing a white sportswear, but the lazy fan on his body is not hiding, he will ride a letter, but he is more powerful than Bai Luo ... There is a few people at the beginning. Letter.

This really should "people do not look" old words.

"He is dead, he is leading?"

It is very uncomfortable that Bai Luo in the backward position is very unhappy. When he tries to drive the horse.

After 500 meters, the distance behind Bai Luo has reached 10 meters, and this gap is already very big. If there is no accident, he is afraid that he is derived.

"Hey, look at him! But it doesn't matter, I can play yin."

While Bai Luo smiled, while driving the horse, he made ahead of ahead.


A true gas of a naked eye is shot from him, and go straight to the right hind leg of the former Fang Jun.

As long as you hit, Li Feng's horse will definitely fall to the ground, and Bai Luo can take the opportunity to get the lead.

When the arrogance is about to hit the horse leg, Li Feng suddenly risen from horses!


The true gas flew down from the horses and disappeared in the distance.

Bai Lufeng suddenly stunned.

I am going, I just hide happened? It is a coincidence!

"Wow, the horse jumped up, so powerful!"

"Because of leading, is it started to show spending?"

"Enough, I like it!"

Xiao Luya's classmates have been talking about this, only Xiao Lingya clearly, that is not Li Feng deliberately playing flowers, but to avoid white sturdy incision.

"It seems that this game is Li Feng won ..."

Xiao Lingya shook his head, and the results of this game have judged in the heart.

Riding is not as good as Li Feng, hard strength is not as good as Li Feng, Bai Luo can still win this game?

It's just that Bai Luo does not think so. He feels that just a coincidence, since he hits, then he will come back more, always knock down the dead horse!

"Go to death!"

Bai Luo snorted and succumbed.


The number of true spirits came out and went straight to the horse leg.

In order to avoid accidents, Bai Lufeng's real gas is fast, even if this time Li Feng is ridiculous, it is impossible to avoid all the true gas!

Just when the first arrival is coming, Li Feng drives the horse again and again!

"Hey, is the sixth sense?" Bai Luo's eyes flashed a taunt.

Bai Lufeng knows that some people are born in the sixth sensational, and it is expected that the danger is coming. Li Feng may be such a person.

"But there is no relationship, the time of the horse is limited, soon will soon land, and the follow-up is to ..."

The dark whispering Bai Luo suddenly had a big mouth, a face.

In his sight, the horses still keep the gesture of the springs, even in the half-air, there is no signs of landing!

I rub? This is a lag, the flying people attach it? Too scientific!

Not only the Bai Lufeng is a bit awkward, and Xia Hongzhi and others are also impressed.

They have seen the flying people and have never seen the horse race. This horse is the descendant of Tianma?

On the occasion of everyone, all the genuine that Bai Luo played from the bottom of the horse, disappeared in the distance.

At this time, the horse finally landed.

In the distance, Xia Hongzhi and others can't help but take the breath. If this horse keeps a two-second lag, they must doubt that they are disorderly.

Bai Lufeng quickly returned to God, ready to play a few freighters, this time he should start attacking from high, medium, low, and then attacking the horse can be vacated and will be hit by him.

Just have not waited for him to make actions, Li Feng has rushed over the final line.

Bai Lufeng: "???"

Lying in the trough! I want to hit the horse leg, Ignore the distance from the horse!


Li Fengke lives the mad horse, and then turned around to the place where Xiao Lingya is located.

Waiting for him is the eyes of Xiao Lingya's female students worship, even Xiao Lingya is also eyebrows to see Li Feng.

"Mr. Li, you have just been very powerful, congratulations."

Xiao Ling was step forward, and he said before Li Peak and said.

Li Feng's mouth hook: "There is nothing satisfied, routine operation."

Xia Hongzhi and other people's mouth smoked, I really want to say that I have been put on 13, but they have not been exhausted.

Winners are eating, saying, this is the law.

At this moment, Bai Luo also rose over, the last face is gloomy stopped in front of everyone.

"You lose, things are brought." Li Feng said.

"Things, what?" Bai Luo windy, cold, said: "You just cheated, this game is not counting."

When the public lost to Li Feng, it is really a very shameful thing, but I want to make him admit that it is impossible. He is the power of the Supreme, it is time to talk to the fist!

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