Save the Goddess System

Chapter 764 does not live?

In this way, the face of Xia Hongzhi and others becomes weird.

What happened, how did they see it?

Xiao Lingya also picked up, and the face was shocked.

Li Fengbei picks up, it is like laughing: "So you don't want to pay for it?"

"You cheat, why should I check the account, the opposite

The voice falls, Bai Luo learns Li Feng to extend his hand to him.

"You said that I have to take evidence." Li Feng shrugged and said helpless.

"Don't need evidence, I said that you cheat, you are cheating, understand?" Bai Luo's bruises, a slap in the style of Li Feng.

Bai Luo is so overbearing, so Xia Hongzhi and others are shocked.

"Mr. Bai, I think Mr. Li is right. You said that Mr. Li cheating, always take the evidence?"

Xiao Lingya faces slightly, crazy, giving Bai Luo, hint.

A supreme strong person is touched in front of the half-gardener. It is not the case, she suddenly regrets that Li Feng is a half-level strong thing to conceal.

Li Fengbei picks a little bit of Xiao Lingya.

This is a little stiff in Xiao Lingya, but it is a little stiff, but she will laugh again: "Mr. Li, what is wrong?"

"No, you are right." Li Feng smiled, this time I thought about helping Bai Lufeng, Xiao Lingya's small calculator is too good. "

I don't know if Xiao Luya knows that Bai Lufeng is the magic member, will regret it for this moment ...

"Since Ling Ya sister also helps you talk, I can be used as if I haven't happened."

Bai Luo looked at Xiao Lingya and said slightly.

"When did you have happened?" Li Feng brows smiles: "Then?"

"Then let's re-try again, don't make a horse, better than fighting, how?" Bai Luo jumped from immediately, and rushed to Li Feng hook his fingers.

Xiao Lingya: "..."

I am special ... just pulled you from the death line, you have rushed over the cliff, is it?

Is it bad?

Li Feng smiled: "If you lose this time, will you say that I cheat?"

"Of course, it will not be, because I can't lose." White Luo is brightened, then released all his supreme late atmosphere.


A invisible shock wave spread around, and the top of Xia Hongzhi and others will go out to more than ten meters long.

"This ... this is the legendary gas?"

"Is the spiritual pressure in the dead? Too fierce!"

"I rely on, I just feel that there is a wind, I will open me directly, it's hard to confuse!"

"Is this the supreme strong? Strong!"

Xia Hongzhi and others couldn't help but exclaimed.

Xiao Ling Ya's mouth, it is necessary to discourage the white vents before, Li Feng can't kill, don't blink, don't go to the back of Bai Luo, I really stress Li Feng real fire, he is likely to put Bai Luo Kill it!

"Xiao Lingya, don't you think you are a little greedy?" Li Feng turned his head and said deeply.

Xiao Ling Ya Hexin, hesitated, he took his teeth and retired.

In the case of the weakness of Bai Luo, she must stand on the side of Li Feng.

Opposite, Bai Luo's brow microstruck: "Are you also a martial arts?"

Although he did not deliberately use the breath to prevent Li Feng, if Li Feng is an ordinary person, it will go out like Xia Hongzhi's people.

Can Li Feng not only did not go backwards, the expression is still the same as it is, which is not too strong!

It is just that Li Feng is a martial arts, why don't he feel the breath of breath from Li Feng, is the practice of Li Feng's cultivation?

"Yeah, did Xiao Lingya told you?" Li Feng asked.

Bai Luofeng wrinkled and turned to Xiao Lana.

Xiao Ling Ya's mouth is slightly, and finally smiled: "I am afraid that Mr. Bai is not believed, because Mr. Li is actually a half-level strong."

Bai Luo: "How can it be possible!"

Li Feng is a half-level strong? Don't make trouble, how much he is, how can it be a half-level strong!

Seeing, Xiao Lingya sighed, look, Bai Luo wind really does not believe, although she is not because this reason conceals Li Feng's strength ...

On the occasion of Bai Luo, Li Feng has a breath of destroying the earth.

At the same time, there is a giant shadow behind Li Feng, which is the symbol of the half-level - the god!

When I saw the moment of the god, Bai Lufeng shakes in both legs and almost bowed to the ground.

Lying in the trough, Li Feng is really a half-level strong? ! Kick it!

"Now you still want to fight with me, or directly, take your bet all?"

Li Feng put away the god, and he smiled and laughed.

Bai Luo winds change several times, and finally deep sucking airway: "Since Mr. Li is a half-level strong, I will gamble."

During the speech, Bai Luo stretched into his arms and made something going out.

At this time, an extremely violent atmosphere appeared from the distance, then rushed to this side with Thunder.

Feeling this breath, Bai Lufeng shouted in the face of the fading, and the fettered also shouted: "Nine long live salvage!"

Xiao Lingya faces micro-change: "Nine old?"

White family has a half-level elders? If so, the strength of the white family is terrible!

"The nine long lives of the demon are here? Things become more and more interesting." Li Feng said a flash, secretly.

Li Feng is now seriously suspected that Bai Luo deliberately close to Xiao Lingya has a deeper deeper purpose.

After a few seconds, a beautiful woman wearing a white dress hairdry rushed to the Bai Luo Head.

The woman looks forty years old, the face is gorgeous, the body is top, the temperament on the body is described in the name of the famous lines of the man in the "temptation". It can be described as appropriate.

Therefore, she will let Xia Hongzhi wait for boys in their eyes.

She first looked at Bai Luo, and determined that he was relieved after she was hindering: "Luo Feng Xiaoyu, fortunately, you have nothing to do, otherwise I will be sad."

Xiao Lingya: "???"

What is it? What is the relationship between this person with Bai Luo?

At the time of Xiao Ling Ya, another figure rushed here. This person wearing a black horse shealcard. After coming here, I respect the white woman who stood in the white woman.

The moment of this person has changed, and the face of Xiao Lingya and others changed.

I am going, isn't this a black man who is being taken away by Bailuo, is he talking to Bai Luo? !

At this moment, Xiao Lingya finally realized that it was wrong.

At this time, Bai Lufeng took the arms of the white woman, and said: "Nine old, this person is Osweil's boss Li Feng, he is a half-level strong, the nine elders will take him, And get Osweil's ownership, that is a big job in our gods! "

Bai Xuelian is bright after listening to it!

At this moment, Xiao Lingya was in my heart.

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