Save the Goddess System

Chapter 765, Nine Elder

Xiao Lingya did not look down on Bai Xuelian. In fact, Bai Xuelian was really strong. The breath of her show is obviously better than Li Feng, probably a half-god.

This kind of power is comparable to their Xiaojia Sanzu Xiao Zhen.

Just ... Weak is comparable, and the three half-level ancestors are almost being exploded by Li Feng. White Knowline is just a person, what is it cheap in Li Feng?

"You are so young, it is a half-level power, it is also a famous door?"

Buffali looked at Li Feng, just like looking at a prey, talking about something could not help but sweet sly.

Li Feng hit a chill, said that he said: "You don't use this kind of eye to see me, I am afraid."

"The little brother is not afraid, my sister, my handsome guy is very gentle." Bai Xue lotus smiled softly, smiled in the first post: "As long as you pay the Osville, I swear, I can spare you."

"Not only that, I can also make you a couple, give you the opportunity to cultivate with me, let's pursue Cheng God, is it unhappy?"

Li Feng's color is better than Bai Lufeng, and the body seems to be more strengthened, and the realm is higher than Bai Lufeng, it is the best partner.

This world is not just a man like a new, and women are the same.

Li Feng first stunned, and then facing the color of disgusting: "I said aunt, are you misunderstood?"

"What are you calling me?" Bai Xuelian couldn't believe his ears.

"Li Feng, you are too irrational, we are nine long, like aunt, she is clearly a neighbor girl!" Bai Lufeng is like a dog that is stepped onto the tail, jumps out of the accusation.

"Rely, you are eye, our nine elders are so beautiful, the big beauty, saying that she is 18 years old, you actually call her aunt? I can't bear it!" Qin Yu took the sleeve and said indignation.

Although the two look angry, they only dared to stand in place to accuse Li Feng.

Li Feng: "???"

What is the neighboring family? Fenghua has a dog egg! You hurry out to turn right to check the eye hospital to check your eyes!

Followed by Bai Lufeng.

"Are you questioning my ability?" Bai Xuelian is cold, and he said.

Bai Luo hit a chill, and he said: "It is not dare."

Bai Xuelian is satisfied with a smile: "Don't worry, Luo Feng is small, even if I accept Li Feng, I will not have less love to you."

Bai Luo is now raised, and I squeeze out a smile: "It will be understood."

Opposite, Xiao Lingya: "???"

Xia Hongzhi et al .: "???"

No ... What do you mean, Bai Lufeng is in the end of Bai Snowlo, listening to such evil?

"So ... Are you a nine elders?" Li Feng's face has become weird.

Ok, the seven elders Wei Bin followed the eight elderly and old Qiu Wei brought two men and a female two disciples. This nine elders were more fierce, directly brought two men's disciples.

Bai Lufeng is her face, this black man is afraid that it can't escape the end of her control?

"Hey, I am sincerely love with the nine elders." Bai Lufeng said proudly.

Bai Xuelian's face is a favorite color to touch the cheeks of white Luo, which also confirms the authenticity of Bai Luo.

Xiao Lingya: "..."

Xia Hongzhi et al.: "..."

... So Bai Luo is really a face of Booklin? This is also too disgusting!

"Bai Lufeng, have you been playing me?" Deeply asked Xiao Ling Yawager who was played.

Bai Luo is ridiculed: "Xiao Lingya, do you think I really love you at first sight? Don't be stupid, I just want to play the strength of Xiaojia!"

"What?" Xiao Lingya was shock: "Why are you, why do you want to explore our Qijia's strength?"

Bai Luo turned to look at Bai Xuelian, and Bai Xuelian smiled and said: "Since the plan fails, don't play, I will ask it directly from her."

Bai Lufeng nodded and smiled: "I am not a mailing, I am a genius disciple of Jiufang!"

"Jiu Han Zong ?!" Xiao Ling is a shock, and the face has changed!

The Devil actually turned ash, but also to explore their strength, what is the purpose of the demon, is it to find four people to revenge?

"No, I have to pass this news home as soon as possible." Xiao Lingya is secretly determined.

"Now you know how much your behavior has just been?"

At this time, Li Feng turned his head and looked at her and mocked.

Xiao Lingya is slightly changed, then a long way: "Mr. Li, I ... I didn't expect him to be the devil ..."

"Okay, you hurry to leave here, so you will not be affected by the treatment." Li Feng put his hand and lazy to listen to Xiao Lingya explained this.

The destructive power of the two half-level strong people is extremely terrible, and a control is not good to completely destroy this runner.

Xiao Lingya continues to stand around him is to die.

"Is there so exaggerated?" Xia Hongzhi shouted, some reluctant to believe.

It is not the battle between hot weapons, is a few people in this fight, can you cause more threats to them?

"If you don't know, please shut your mouth!" Xiao Lingya drunk, then the first one ran to the far.

She also passed the news back home, and she didn't have time to be with Xia Hongzhi.

Xia Hongzhi's face is hysterested, then the small sound said: "I am a man, what is the man who is running?"

At the same time he whispered, his classmates have already ran.

At this time, Xia Hongzhi turned, and Shiran went to the far away, leaving Li Feng an extremely arrogant background.

Looking at the back of this ornie, Li Feng shook his head, and his heart missed: "Silly 13!"

"It's so simple, let them go, are you not putting us in the eyes?" Bai Xuelian smiled: "Luo Feng, Qin An, let them leave me, one don't let go!"

The devil is born is a confidential secret. Since these people know, then stay here!

"Yes, nine old!"

Bai Luo smiled with Qin An, and he had to leave Xiao Lingya and others.

Li Feng couldn't help but laugh: "You said that they left them, didn't you put me in your eyes?"

The voice is falling, and Li Feng has opened the time hourglass.

A invisible optical wave spreads out, the speed of Bai Xuelian, Bai Luo, Qin An et al., Is more than ten times!

Then, Li Feng's left hand explored, a huge dragon claw appeared, with the Thunder, the shallow trend, the two people were pinched in the hands!

In this process, Bai Luo, Qin An is also good, and the white snow lotus in the middle of the gods will not be able to respond!

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