Save the Goddess System

Chapter 767, Devil's Plan

"Good ... good!"

"The nine elders are so easy to defeat? My day ... I must be dreaming!"

Bai Lufeng has some eyes that do not believe in their eyes with Qin Qin.

They followed Bai Xuelian for many years, Bai Xuelian has always been invincible in their hearts, but after playing with Li Feng, Bai Xuelian has not supported it in 10 seconds.

Lying in the trough, is Bai Xuelian too weak or Li Feng too strong?

Xiao Lingya, who escaped, also saw this scene, stopped at a time, standing in the same place.

Nima, this is the end? Too sudden!

Xiao Lingya has long known that Li Feng is very strong, but he did not expect Li Suma to be strong!

"Your neighbor's sister is very good."

Li Feng scattered the gods and the taste said.

He can solve Bai Xuelian so so quickly, one is that Bai Xuelian's combat power and Qiu Wei, Wei Bin compared to a little gap compared to him, and the second is that he has had a little understanding of the fighting way of the magic member.

In addition, he used to use time hourglass, the end card like the invincible, and won the reason in a short time.

Bai Luo is ugly with Qin An face, there is no sound.

"Mr. Li, you are so good, really good ~"

At this time, Xiao Lingya quickly walked to Li Peak and said.

Li Fengbei picks up, it is like laughing: "I am very great, do you know early?"

Xiao Lingya nodded: "Yes, that night, Mr. Li's mighty image has been deeply in my heart."

At this time, Xia Hongzhi and others have come back and heard this sentence and suddenly stunned on the spot.

That evening? Mighty image?

No ... What happened between two of them?

"Since my mighty image has been engraved in your heart, why do you love to love other men?" Li Feng was killed.

Xiao Ling is big, and there is innocent: "Mr. Li, what do you say, I am just the first time with Bai, even ordinary friends can't."

Bai Lufeng: "???"

No ... Can you say this before? Although you didn't say that I had an idea for Laozi, but seeing your little expression is completely a rhythm of Laozi!

Now Laozi's downlord, you denied it? MMP!

"What about him?" Li Feng pointed to Xia Hongzhi.

Xia Hongzhi first glance, then the look is looking forward to Xiao Lingya.

Xiao Lingya looked at Xia Hongzhi, and then laughed: "He is my classmate, only this."

Xia Hongzhi's body, as if he heard his heartbeat.

"Get, just how do you say it." Li Feng shook his head, too lazy to remove Xiao Lingya, directly warned: "You just need to remember a little, you are a woman I choose, if you dare to three, the consequences, the consequence yourself amount. "

Xiao Ling is a shock, and the completion of the face: "Mr. Li, do you not believe me? Is it necessary to be with you, you will not doubt me? If you really, then so I……"

"What?" Li Fengbei picks and plays with the face.

"Just ..." Xiao Lingya is red, bit his lips, and if the fine mosquito: "Xiaomei said."

"Just go to the hotel with me?" Li Feng smiled.

This woman is directly enough, want to use this means to control him?

Xia Hongzhi heard the urgency: "Don't be ah!"

At this moment, Xia Hongzhi only hates that he has no absolute force, and he can't save the hero.

"Xia Hongzhi classmates, my things really don't need you." Xiao Lingya has no expression, and then looks to Li Feng, "If Mr. Li must make my heart through this way, I am willing Go do. "

Li Feng stared at Xiao Lingya for a while, and smiled and said: "Forget it, I am not interested in the woman who is fake, you still get here again."

Xiao Lingya is in the heart, but the face is not asked: "What?"

"I just made such a big movement, I am afraid that it has already attracted many people, your Xiao family is in the Beijing people, is it a way to control?"

Li Feng said helplessly.

It's not so sighful when you hook a man on the man. How is it?

"Ah, ok, I will contact the home now."

Xiao Ling Ya suddenly realized, and quickly took out the mobile phone ventilation.

"Okay, I took away these three people, and I would like again."

Li Feng, Xiao Lingya waved, put the nine whip into the system backpack, grabbing Bai Xuelian, and disappeared from the sky in the distance.

Xia Hongzhi et al. Mouth is Zhangcheng O-type!

Lying in the trough, what did they see, rush? At this moment, the worldview of Xia Hongzhi et al. Completely collapsed!

10 minutes later, Li Feng took the three people in Bai Xuelian to the foot of a mountain near Fia Resort.

There is no smoke here, and there are few tourists.

After placing Bai Xuelian on the ground, Li Feng also kneaded the cloud.

"" ""

Bai Lufeng, Qin An only felt that the top of the six internal organs was extruded, and the blood was spit out of the blood.

Don't look at Li Feng just gently knead, his strength is just right, neither letting Bai Lufeng, Qin An lost his life, and let Bai Luo, Qin An is seriously injured, and there is no war.

After that, Li Feng scatched the exploration of the cloud, and then he took the cheeks before the white snow, took her cheeks.

Bai Xuelian confused his eyes, and immediately screamed immediately after Li Feng in front of him, and raised his hand and stopped.

It's just that she was hurt in the sky, and he was seriously injured. This moved under this movement, the injury was injured. The next hit did not cause any danger to Li Feng, but in turn was pinched by Li Feng.

"I advise you not to act rashly, I will leave your life, I think you are also useful, if you angered me, don't blame me to destroy the flower!"

Li Feng smiled coldly.

Bai Xuelian's face change several times, and finally said: "What do you want to do for me?"

"Auntie, I don't want to do anything to you." Li Feng took the mouth, then asked: "Why do you want to explore the strength of Xiaojia, do you want to touch Xiao Jia's end?"

While talking, he used the heart to read the heart.

"Hey! Yes!" Bai Xuelian is too lazy to conceal: "50 years ago, Xiao, Zheng, Lei, Wang Sun, these four United Kingdoms, other families, other families of the ancient martial arts, we will kill our Shenzong, now recovering the Yuanqi, nature, to find them to revenge "

If there is reading, Li Feng does not believe that Bai Snowlo will tell the truth so hurt.

"That is to say ... There are other people to get close to the other three children?" Li Fengbei picks up and continue to ask.

"I will not be clear about this." Bai Xuelian rushed.

Reading Heart telling Li Feng Bai Xuelian did not lie, it seems that Booklin really doesn't know.

Li Feng sinks slightly, then asked: "There is another question, the nine characters are just a symbolic meaning, there is still a special usage, why do you have to get a nine chanting to become a magic?"

Bai Xuelian face!

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