Save the Goddess System

Chapter 768 of the Secret of Nine

"Why do you know that we are looking for a nine peace, why are you ?!"

The expression of Bai Snowlora looks a little horror.

I don't know how to know the nine-purpose people. I know that they are looking for a nine chart, and the people who have not elected the association have fewer, only the god members know these things.

How is Li Feng knowing, is there any other Shenzong members encountered Li Feng?

Li Feng said a cold and smiled: "You didn't ask me. Tell me the reason, I can let you go back to the demon, don't say you, I will give you 10 seconds."

When he finished, he did not wait for Booklin to make a countdown.

Bai Xuelian is a number of times, and finally bite the teeth: "You swear to kill me, or I believe you!"

People are a fish meat, and Bai Snow lotus really doesn't have much choice.

Li Feng smiled coldly: "You are not eligible to tell me, there are still 5 seconds, 4, 3 ..."

Just when Li Feng arrived at 1, Bai Xuelian screamed: "Stop, I said!"

Li Feng smiled slightly and stopped the countdown.

"The nine characters are the symbol of the principles. If there is no ninegest order, it is not true, this is the greatest significance of nine characters."

Bai Xuelian sighed, and said something unfortunate.

Li Fengbei picks: "You lie!"

The voice is falling, and Li Feng is bombard.


A loud sound, Bai Xuelian was flying out by Li Feng, and the body was stopped after rolling on the ground.

On the one, Bai Luo is very pale with Qin'an face.

In the invincible Booklin in their hearts like a cloth, let Li Feng put by Li Feng, this result makes two people feel what is desperate.

"How do you know that I am lying, I am telling the truth!"

Bai Xuelian spit out a blood, struggling to climb up.

"The facts? The fact is that the ninegest order is about the secret of the control of the demon!"

Li Feng slowly went to Snow Lotus, he said.

"What, how do you ... ?!" Bai Xuelian quickly grabbed his mouth, and it was ugly: "Are you fraud?"

Li Feng shrugged: "No matter what I am scam, your reaction has explained everything."

Just now Booklin is in making a lie, the cerebelings have flashed the true role of nine characters, under the study, Li Feng naturally learned.

However, how to use the nine ordered to use to control the magic members ... this is just that Li Feng wants to know this.

When Li Feng, Li Feng said out this question.

"I don't know." Bai Xuelian shook his head.

"You are really not afraid of death." Li Feng smiled, now you have to look at Bai Xuelian.

"I really don't know, even if you kill me, I don't know." Bai Xuelian is a little tricky: "This secret is only known to know, we have not got a nine peace, how can we know how to use Nine violations control others? "

Li Feng browned, with the help of reading the heart, let him know that Bai Xuelian did not lie.

Then Li Feng also looked at the eyes of Yuluo and Qin An. The two immediately shake the head into a rigging drum: "Li is less, we don't know, we are just ordinary disciples, and we don't know what you don't know if you have a long life. "

Li Feng is now nodded. It is indeed, and even the things that Bai Xuelian don't know, Bai Luo is naturally impossible to know.

It seems that I will hide a shocking secret!

"Will you know?"

Li Feng's eyes flashed, and there was a delicate look of Xiaipui in his mind.

"She should not know, otherwise she should tell me directly, then let me take a ninegest order to go to a demon."

Li Feng sinks a little bit, and decided to make a call for Xiao Li and ask for a call.

"Unfortunately, you can leave here, but you don't cherish the opportunity."

Li Feng smiled, and he was going to kill the Snow Lotus on the spot.

"Wait!" Bai Xuelian quickly raised his hand: "Mr. Li, I am wrong, I should not conceal the truth to you, I am willing to pay money."

"Do you think I am lacking?" Li Feng smiled, then he turned to look at Bai Luo, and smiled and said: "She doesn't say I forgot, you still have a bet."

Bai Luo's body is immersed, and I have been busy from the arms to take two blue jade fruits plus a red fighter: "Li Shao, just my pig's oil, this is my bet, please Li Shao, I am a dog. Life."

Li Feng did not reach out and said, but said: "These things are not enough, take out your storage equipment, I can spare you, and you will hand it out, if you satisfy, I am Can consider letting you leave. "

Bai Luo wind is now the color of the pain, but it is still the first time I took my own storage ring.

Although the Tianwei Di Bao is good, it can be enjoyed.

Bai Xuelian is struggling to struggle, and after half of it, he bite his own storage ring. Let's talk to Li Peak. "This is mine, the mouth is ..., I have valuable things on my body."

Li Feng did not take the first time after the storage of two people, but to see Qin An: "What about you?"

Qin An wants to cry without tears: "Li is less, I don't have a storage ring ..."

As a general disciple, Bai Luo can have the storage equipment that can have the elders. It is because of the pets of Bai Xuelian. He Qin An is very mad, and it is completely caught with handsome, unless Bai Xuelian wants to change the taste, otherwise it is not Will find him.

In these three people, Qin An is an emergency, there is a very polar, naturally there will be no storage ring.

"You are pitiful." Li Feng said smiled and then viewed the storage ring of the next two.

Bai Snowlora's storage ring is also 10 cubic meters of size, putting things in the things and Wei Bin, and Qiu Wei.

There is only one cubic meter size in the ring of Bai Lufeng, except for several sparse, a few tiabs, the value of the value is unknown than Bai Snowlora.

Li Feng put the storage ring into the system with your backpack, this smiled: "Since you are so interesting, then hurry away, don't be evil again, have you heard it?"

Bai Xuelian three people mouth, look very surprised?

Li Feng really wants to put them? Not a deliberate play?

It is not that Bai Xuelian thinks too much, but it is replaced into this situation. I have asked it. I also take it, it is better to kill the enemy directly, why bother to return to Mountain?

"Why, don't you want to go?" Li Feng smiled.

Bai Xuelian three people quickly shook his head, and sincerely promised, I walked forward to the far away.

Until they left Li Feng's line of sight, Bai Xuelian three talents were tone.

Bai Luo can't help but say: "Nine old years ..."

"Shut up! Go back to Shen Zong again!" Bai Xuelian glanced at him, then dragged the body to the distance.

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