Save the Goddess System

Chapter 769, Devil

"The people of the demon are simply the treasures of walking. If I really complete the task, I am a magic, then I am the world's richest?"

Getting Bai Xuelian and others leaving the line of sight, Li Feng touched the chin belonging to the voice.

Wei Bin, Qiu Wei, Bai Xuelian, in the three-person storage ring, the light gold added to 60 tons, the value of 20 billion Huaxia coin.

And the value of the Lingshi is afraid that it is worth money than gold, it is even more difficult to measure the natural gemmount that is difficult to use money.

Plus the three weapons of the three people, the nine glasses, nine glasses, any one takes out the auction, I can shoot the high price, of course, the premise is that the auction will be the martial arts.

"I should not use these weapons, it is better to sell it for four people or dragon souls?"

Li Feng touched the chin, considering the possibility of two traffickers.

At this moment, a system prompt sound suddenly sounded: "Hey, congratulate the host, save the goddess Xiao Luya (1) task is completed, task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 2 million experience, 10 million system points, 20 conquer points reward."

Host: Li Feng

Level: Half God

Experience value: 13.82 million yuan

System score: 82 million

Conquer point: 947

Skills: "Shen Wei", "God", "Talking Seven Steps", "Treasure Sword Law", "Void", "Fang", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", " "" Exploration "...

Waiting for the task: the wish of the goddess

"More than 600 million can be upgraded ..."

After reading the personal properties, Li Feng is a bit helpless.

How long is he stepped into a semi-god? It didn't even improve the level, it really failed.

If you are known by others, you must have a heart, your sister, you are 23 years old, it is already a half-level strong, let others live not to live?

"Forget it, the upgrade is not a good thing, I can't come back, go back to Pearl."

Li Feng shook his head, too lazy to go to the airport, directly using the mass space to transfer back to the pearl.

In the evening, the mountain city, a Chinese restaurant.

Ren Xiaozu, who was replaced with a new dress, sat in front of the table, playing with a red dragonfly, recalling all kinds of pictures with Li Feng in the mind, secretly of God.

At this moment, a middle-aged man led a male and one young man walked into the restaurant.

If Li Feng is here, it will find this middle-aged man to dress with Qiu Wei, Wei Bin is almost a mold.

Because Su Ku is sitting in the window, the value is high, so it will soon attract their attention.

The middle-aged man is first slightly greedy, and then his eyes moved, and he saw the red fruit in Xiao Bei's hand, and suddenly the pupil is shrinking: "That is ... Red fighter fruit ?!"

"Four elders, Hongli fruit is our Shenzong specialty, how can she still?"

After the middle-aged man, the young man was confused.

"I heard that the eight elders have arrived in the mountain city a few days ago, she should not be in the eighthorse, then sent a red fake fruit by eight long?"

Young woman thought after thinking.

"Hey, although Qiu Wei is stupid, but he is not stupid to send the red fruit's point!"

The four elders Feng Dehai said with a cold.

The red lunar fruit has little daily, even if he is four elders, the red fighter in the year is only three, if it is not a major manner, he will not be able to reward the Red Liguo.

Ren Xiao Lei is beautiful, Qiu Wei is impossible to send the red fighter, unless he is stupid!

"Then how did she get the red fighter? It is hard to kill the eight elders, and steal the eight elderly storage rings?"

The female disciples smiled and smiled.

"Although the eight long old is stupid, it is not yet killed by a holy strong force."

The male disciple said Chen Yuanmu said.

"Oh, Chen Yuan's brother, people are not easy to make a joke, you will go through people, you are so bad ~"

Wang Yue said shy.

Chen Yuan is silent, and there is no sound.

At this moment, Feng Dehai said gloomy: "She may have no ability to kill Qiu Wei, can be four people in the four people? The four major homes are also strong."

When you come out, Chen Yuan and Wang Yue have a slight change.

"Don't shoot the snake first, wait for her to finish the meal, let's follow the discretion."

Feng Dehai is unable to take a lot of space, sitting down and starting to order.

One hour later, the little buds ended and got up and left the restaurant.

Feng Dehai gave two disciples, got up and followed it.

At the moment, it is a night, it is a peak of get off work, Ren Xiao Lei walks on the street crowded street, left to see the right, like a girl in the shopping.

"Rely, I have been shopping for so long, is she not tired? I always feel that she is a favorite juggling!"

Chen Yuan couldn't help it.

"Love the street is a woman's nature, there must be patience, just don't know where her destination is, people can not be easy to do."

Wang Yue's brow said slightly.

"Hey, she always needs to rest, as long as she falls, let's do it."

Chen Yuan is helpless.

Even if the four elders don't shoot, he can control her with the ability to respond to Qiu Lei to make a reaction.

After ten minutes, Ren Xiao Lei ended the idle mode and came to a five-star hotel entrance.

Feng Dehai's eyes flash: "Hand!"

Chen Yuan, Wang Yue paired the eye and hurriedly walked to Bud.

Ren Xiaoti took someone approaching, and then looked back at the moment, just saw Chen Yuan, who is laughing.

Suddenly, Xiao Zai is not perfect, I want to take a violent return.

As at this time, a breath suddenly surrounded her four squares, pressed her to stand in place.

At the same time, Chen Yuan and the king of the king, she raised the arm of King, while Wang Yue said: "Oh, I have already told you less to drink less, you don't listen, are you drunk now?" "

"Who are you, I don't know you." Ren Xiaothi broke away, but it could not break from the bondage of two to respect the strong people. For a time, he served as a rush.

"You really drink too much." Wang Yue smiled, and took a genuine barrier around the body.

Then, the two worked in a small bud to go far away.

The movement here naturally causes passers-by, but the words of the king of the king have canceled these people's doubts, so that no one appears to ask.

"Wang Yue is really deeply awkward."

Feng Dehai felt a sentence and then chased it quickly.

At the same time, Li Feng, who has returned to the Pearl Ringhui Community, received a new system tip: "Hey, host, you have a new task, is it right to see?"

Li Feng is in the heart, and it is busy and said: "View!"

"Task: Save the goddess Xiaole (2)"

"Task Objective: Saving the goddess of Kaisi from the devil four elders, Feng Dehai, ensuring that Kui is safe, if the task fails, deduct the host 20 million system points for punishment."

"Task Reward: 2 million experience value, 10 million system points, 30 conquest points."

Li Feng: "???"

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