Save the Goddess System

Chapter 770 Ren Xiaole's Crisis

Not ... Xiaoyang just returned from the mountain city, Ren Xiao Lei was looking for the door by the devil.

Rely, engage in hair, Xiaoye is very tired!

Key space delivery with group space delivery is in a cooling state, Xiaoye can't drive to rescue in the first time!

"System, determine the position of the bud." Li Feng said something irritated.

"This behavior will consume 1000 system points, whether to agree?" System Elf.

"Agree, hurry!"

Soon, the system gave a bit of Bud.

"Tenglong Hotel?" Li Fengbei picks up, is this a hotel in which they stay last night?

"Relying on, I can only fly over, I hope that Feng Dehai is not so fast to be a small man."

Li Feng is dark, whispered a few words, and also explains with Wei Yingqing a few women, and then got out of the villa, directly upgraded to the high altitude, adjust the direction to the mountain city.

Looking at the back of Li Feng, Wei Bingqing, Song Yujun and others have some people, they still want to continue to improve their strength ...

At the same time, Wang Yue, Chen Yuan has already raised a small Lei to come to an Audi Q7, and will be aunt in the back row.

Taking two people loosen their moments, Ren Xiao Lei wants to drive the top to escape, but she has not waited for her to have actions, before the stock of the rest of her banned!

"Beauty, you just enter the holy level, or do you still struggle?"

Feng Dehai smiled and sat in the back and said with a smile.

Ren Xiao Lei's face change: "Who are you?"

At this moment, she has guess the identity of Feng Dehai, this is familiar with Zhongshan, the big back, this is familiar big gold chain big gold table ...

Is it also the elder of Jiu Han?

If it is true, Li Feng is not there, where she is the opponent's opponent, this is miserable.

"Similarly, I also want to know what people are you." Feng Dehai smiled, then chapted the eyebrows: "Let me guess, do you not just be a small label?"

He is the same as Feng Hao, and after the information of Xiaoleu in the mountain city, he led Chen Yuan, Wang Yu, rushed here.

At noon, they had went to the hub of King, and found that there was already a flat place, and Feng Dehai knew that he came later.

In the evening, he saw that there was a Shenzong's hand in his hand, and under the contact, Feng Dehai guessed that this woman is likely to be a small bud.

There are three points in this regard, according to the judgment of known conditions, the remaining seven points is intuitive, because there are many things that Feng Dehai still wants to understand.

For example, if this woman is a bud, how she is escaping from Qiu Wei, how this is how to get it.

Ren Xiao Lei first, then doubtful: "Who is the bud, is it very similar to me?"

Feng Dehai stared at her for a long time, and finally laughed: "It's really going to break the iron shoes, I have to come to the whole family, Shen Zong four elders, Feng Dehai, have seen the sacred girl!"

During the speech, Feng Dehai was a small lace.

Ren Xiao Lei has a rumor, and the sound depends: "I am not a small bud, you will definitely recognize the wrong person."

Nima, my old lady I usually throw a lot of appearance, how can I find her?

"Although you are very calm, you will not lie."

Feng Dehai shook his head smiles and shouted: "Driving, leave here first."

Next, the car launched, quickly remitting the rolling traffic.

At this time, Feng Dehai said: "Qiu Wei has been found to be right?"

Ren Xiao Lei is slightly changed, and there is no sound.

"The red fighter is Qiu Wei to give you the initiative?" Feng Dehai asked Gu with.

"Hongli fruit?"

"It is the fruit that you have played in the restaurant." Feng Dehai played a smile, and he had to reach the hand into the stunner.

Ren Xiao Lei quickly came up with his body, and reached out and took the Red Lower: "Do you say this?"

Feng Dehai greedishly stared at Ren Xiaozui and said: "Yes, this is the Hongli fruit, our god specialty, according to what I know, in addition to Shen Zong, there is no place in this world. Promenade. "

A small lady is smoked, and you can't hate this red fightept.

Rely, I said that how Feng Dehai recognizes the old lady, it is because it, it is evil!

But immediately flicked in the minds of Ruo Lei, a bold plan formed in her mind.

"Since I was discovered, then I didn't have anything to conceal. Yes, this red fighter is really Qiu Wei to me."

Ren Xiao Lei played red and sighed.

"Give it to you?" Feng Dehai face color micro-change: "Why do he give it to you? Don't tell me because you are a saint."

The sacred girl is a respectable, the main owner is dead, and there is no deterrence of the saints of the bud.

Give a small lace to ask her a saint, don't give her face?

"You can't guess it?" Ren Xiao Lei watched Feng Dehai.

Feng Dehai first glanced, then he went on his heart: "You ... do you give Jiu Duan to Qiu Wei ?!"

Why did he come to this to find Xiaipu, it is for the sake of nine, if Qiu Wei has already got the nine violation ... The consequences are unimaginable!

No, it will not, the nine characters are treasure, and Ren Xiao Lei can't make the ninegest order for a red fighter!

"Yeah, Qiu Wei is looking for a door to threatening the ninegest order, and he will kill me."

"At first I still wanted to resist, but he directly released the mid-term breath, and put my villa was confident, I didn't resist the idea."

"After the Qiu Wei, he said with the Tianwei Di Tao to exchange the nine peace ... Hey, in fact, I have no feelings about Jiu Yuzong, and the order is not used in the order."

"I waited from the left and right, I handed the nine characters to Qiu Wei, but Qiu Wei still speaking integrity, giving me a lot of things."

During the speech, Xiaipu took out the few days of the same day of Li Feng left to her.

When I saw these things, Feng Dehai believed in the seven points of Xiao Lei, and his face changed several times, and finally, he shouted: "Chen Yuan, return Shen Zong!"

Ren Xiao Lei's color is slightly changed: "If you go back, go back, first put me down, I am a holy level, I can't get up with you."

Rely, she is a beautiful woman, I don't want to think about it again in the old nest of Jiu Hong.

Feng Dehai smiled: "The saint is laughing, you are the woman of the main owner, is the orthodox whose God, how can it be useless?"

Since Qiu Wei has already got the nine violation, the Feng Dehai should return to the Shenzong immediately, and it is necessary to bring a small bud to the Shenzong!

Qiu Wei got the nine violation, I was afraid that I didn't make it clear about the use of the nine characters, and he just used this time, with the help of the buds to unite other elders!

Then he found Qiu Wei to kill it, and took the nine charter after a unified god!

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