Save the Goddess System

Chapter 771 Mission

With Feng Dehai, the Audi Q7 quickly drove out of the city's fast road, came to an unmanned place.

Then, Feng Dehai pulled out that Xiao Lei came out from the car, and the next instant spacked.

Chen Yuan, Wang Yue pair, no matter what this Audi Q7, it is equitable, and it is flying in Xishan after Feng Dehai.

At this time, Li Feng is still on the way to the mountain city.

Suddenly, a system reminder sound: "Hey, host, task change, please pay attention to the host."

Li Feng: "???"

What does the task change? How can the task change? This is what he never encountered!


"Task: Save the goddess Xiaole (2)"

"Task Objective: Save the goddess of Kaisu from the magic nest, if the task failed, deduct the host 100 million system points to punish."

"Task Reward: 10 million experience value, 50 million system points, 100 conquer points."

"Note: Because the task conditions suddenly change, the mission objective is also changing with the task reward, and the host will complete this task as soon as possible."

Li Feng's mouth smoked, couldn't help but Tao: "Rely, system, do you want to be so casual, the task is changed?"

Originally, she reschedively rescued Zhang Dehai in his hand. Now it has been rescued the bud from the magic nest, and the reward is directly increased by 5 times!

What does this explain? The task is difficult to increase by five times!

This is not a pothole!

"Because the task conditions suddenly changed." The system wizard repeatedly repeated the task preparation.

Li Feng's mouth picked up: "Does the system have not predicted to change the task conditions?"

"Please ask the host to appear mentality, the system is not universal." System Elves answer.

Li Feng: "..."

I have always given him a feeling of nothing, so I heard the system elves say "The system is not a million". Li Feng has a moment that I can't believe my ear.

However, Li Feng refused to think that if the system is universal, it is terrible, because the system is dead, there is still a system developer above it.

Even the system created is universal. What level of the system developers will be strong?

"Call, the system can not locate the position of the buds in real time."

Li Feng's doubts were doubtful and said.

If you are anywhere, Li Feng gives their mobile phones to position, as long as the mobile phone is on them, Li Feng can keep your position at any time.

Can be a bud! If you want to find Su Ju, Li Feng can only help the system.

"Open real-time tracking function consume 1000 system points, then take 10 points to 10 points, is it right?"

The system wizard replied.

Li Feng did not hesitate, and Li Feng did not hesitate to open the real-time tracking function.

Next moment, he appeared a translucent map in front of his eyes, and a red dot was constantly blinking on the map.

"This is where I have left the mountain city, where are they going? Xishan Province?"

Li Feng looked at the map and quickly concluded.

Looking at the direction of the red dot, it is straight to the Xishan Province.

Now the problem is here, if he is directly in use, he returns to the moment of Xiaucu to meet Feng Dehai, is the task change?

According to Li Feng's current flight speed, there is a half-small æ, he can reach the mountain city Tenglong Hotel, and he received any 10 minutes before.

That is to say, after he flew to Tenglong Hotel, let the time will return more than 40 minutes, almost allowed time to return to Ren Xiao Lei to meet Feng Dehai.

It can be followed by Li Feng, I think of a very serious problem: "Wait ... If Feng Dehai has entered the magic nest, will they be influenced by the time backflow?"

The old nest of the demon is in a different space, and the earth is not the same time and space, and the time will not affect them!

It is because the system judges this, so will it suddenly change the task?

"It seems that I am going to a truth."

Li Feng sinks slightly, change the direction to Xishan Province.

On the way to Xishan Province, Li Feng considers how to act after entering the magic old nest, thinking about it, he feels that he is pretending to be Wei Bin is the best way.

The magic boss is a member of the demon, a stranger will be found in the first time. If he wants to save the Little Lao, it must take the magic old nest.

It's just that there is a six-semi-ordinary elder, with the strength of him, and self-policy may be, but it is difficult to do it through the Magic Nest.

After the decision, Li Feng dials the phone of Shen Ziyan.

"Hey, what is."

In the phone, Shen Ziyan's voice is slightly cold.

However, Li Feng has heard a variety of tone fluctuations, which is enough to see the mood at this moment, not as calm on the surface.

"Can you find Liu Wei, I want to ask her something."

Time is urgent, Li Feng did not follow Shen Ziyan too cold, and said to the theme.

"Do you call me for this matter?" Shen Ziyao's tone is up to two degrees.

"Oh ..." Li Feng didn't know how to pick it up.

To be said, he is afraid to waste a lot of time with Shen Ziyi, you have to say it ... should you let Shen Ziyan have a little cold?

"Forget it, don't say it, wait!" Shen Ziyan hangs a phone call.

Listening to the busy tone in the phone, Li Feng can't help but laugh.

Hey, men are hard to do!

After a few minutes, the ringtone of the mobile phone ringed, Li Feng quickly turned on, and the phone came from Liu Yu, the crisp sound: "Hey, Mr. Li, what are you looking for me?"

From Liu Wei's voice, Li Feng can judge that she is very good now.

Li Feng Shen Sheng said: "Well, I have something to ask you, you must not ly, otherwise the consequence will be very serious!"

"Ask Mr. Li, as long as I know what I know, I must tell." Liu Wei said.

"Okay, I will ask you, what is the name of the nine elders of the demon, their height, long phase, outstanding characteristics?"

"In addition to this nine elders, what are the disciples in the demon?"

"In addition, what are the buildings in the demon, where is Wei Bin's residence?"

Li Feng said calm and said slowly.

The more the crust is, the more you feel, he will be infected with Liu Wei, so that Liu Wei has also been eager, so that she may ignore some key information.

Liu Wei did not expect Li Feng to make so many questions at once, and a little silence at a time.

But soon Liu Wei went back to God, and Shen Sheng replied all questions from Li Feng.

After half an hour, Li Feng determined that he wrote the saying that Liu Hao said and did not miss it, he ended with her call.

At this time, the ancient peak town of Xishan Province is here!

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