Save the Goddess System

Chapter 772 arrived in Devil

"Gu Feng Town Gu Fengshan is in the south direction ... arrived, it is here."

Li Feng landed from the high altitude, and saw the stone monument engraved with the two characters of the ancient peaks at a glance.

Before 10 minutes, the red dot on the map was disappeared here.

Contact before, the space channel leading to the magic nest is here!

Feng Dehai really brought Xiaolheng to the magic nest!

"You can do it."

Li Feng thought about it, took out a set of silver-gray Zhongshan replace from the system backpack, and then took Wei Bin's big gold chain big gold table, and the storage ring took out.

After finishing these, Li Feng took the hundred-go mask and changing the appearance of Wei Bin.

Just is not enough, Wei Bin's body is short, the voice is also very characterized, Li Feng must change the body shape and make the sound like Wei Bin.

"It seems to learn two new skills."

Li Feng thought about it, directly said: "The system, the skill that can be changed to change the sound can be screened."

In less than two seconds, the system elves said: "The corresponding skills have been selected for the host."


Li Feng's eyes flash, there have been six skills books in the system mall interface.

Simplely viewed, Li Feng selected two - "body type change" and "god level propagand".

"Body-type change": This skill is the system developer based on "", it can be freely changing the superior skills. After learning this skill, the host can change his body according to your mind. "

"Note 1: After using this skill, the maximum amplitude cannot exceed 100% of the actual body, and the maximum amplitude that cannot exceed 50% of the actual body."

"Note 2: This skill is priced at 5000 system points."

"God-level propagander": The system developers learned this skill based on the super skills developed by the various portraits of the world, and the host can simulate the sound of the sound that once heard. "

"Note: This skill is priced at 5000 system points."

Li Feng directly consumes 10000 system points to buy it, click on learning.

Two white light flashed, Li Feng learned these two skills, then he used "body type change" to make his body shape with Wei Bin.

After that, Li Feng tried to simulate Wei Bin's voice: "Cough, I am ... I am a magical seven elders Wei Bin!"

Sure enough, the voice of Wei Bin is exactly the same!

The system will be a boutique!

In this way, as long as Li Feng does not show the breath, the demon will not see that he is a fake Wei Bin.

"Qiu Wei said that it is necessary to let the space channels are in order to crush a slice ..."

In this way, Li Feng took a spline from the system's backpack, followed by a pinch.

The spar is broken, and a violent energy diffuses.

Under the stimulation of this energy, a rotating vortex portal appeared above the stone monument.

"This should be the passage leading to the magic nest ..."

Li Feng stared at this vortex door and looked at him.

At this moment, Li Feng suddenly stopped, and then took out Shenwu Jian, and went a few mouthfuls in the clothes, and bought a pack of people in the system mall, apply it on the face, clothes.

In this way, Li Feng looked like a battle with people, suffering from serious injury.

After doing these, Li Feng looked into the vortex portal.

Next moment, Li Feng flew out from the vortex portal, and it was another heaven and earth.

The earth is still late at night, but here is the sun is empty.

It is already the third part of Li Feng entered, there is a sun in the two different spaces. The night will hang a round of rounds after the night, even the stars on the sky are also seen on the earth. almost.

So Li Feng has been very curious, will the difference between the space will be on parallel?

At the foot of Li Feng, the two sides are two steep peaks. The trail has been moving forward. Li Feng walks forward along the trail, turning over a few bends and south, and a valley appears in front of him.

This valley is very large, almost dozens of football field size, there is a red brick building in the valley, the most in the middle is a hall.

According to Liu Hao, this hall is the place where nine old ages and offers.

There are nine highs in the front of the main hall, which requires several people who have a stone column, and the pillars can engrave the dragon, and it seems to be spectacular.

It's a place in a flour, there are some futons in the square, and there are cold weapons racks. There are some young men who are wearing a variety of clothing to cultivate, struggle.

On both sides of the main hall, there are a row of low bungalows, which rises in the bungalows, and they must be a place to cook.

There is a small stream around the valley, and there are some flowers, trees, and worm bird fish beasts in the youngest side.

Looking far away, it is like a foreign lane, the environment is extremely beautiful.

As for what is in the rear of the main hall, Li Feng still can't see it, but according to Liu Han said, the main hall is the nine elder residences, where ordinary disciples are not summoned.

When Li Feng observed the environment here, he went to the big temple in his face.

In the future, I have come to the square of the temple. I have discovered his arrival. When these disciples stopped the movement, respectful rushing: "Congratulations to the seven elders return!"

"Well." Li Feng faintly, he didn't look at these disciples, and continued to go.

According to Liu Wei's description, Wei Bin is very cold in front of ordinary disciples. In the face of ordinary disciples, Wei Bin usually uses nasal sound "um".

When Li Feng, these disciples were speaking: "How did the seven elders are hurt? Is it in the world?"

"Liu Wei and Ma Chao, are they not with the seven elders? Why didn't you come back?"

"The seven elders have hurt this, indicating that the enemy is very powerful, Liu Wei is superior to the horse."

Just when they talked about it, Li Feng suddenly stopped to come to them.

It is this eye, so that these disciples have gone a chill, all closed their mouths.

When Li Feng walked away, these disciples secretly sneaked cold sweat, but they didn't say more, continue to cultivate.

Through the main hall, Li Feng saw the nine four-in-nephed the rear of the rear, and the nine four-in-courts were separated by nearly 100 meters, the buildings built.

This is the residence of the elders of the devil, and the seventh seat of the left is a residence of the seven elders Wei Bin!

Li Feng is just a little observation, so I quickly stepped on the residence of Wei Bin. I just entered the door of the Siheyuan. I had a woman who dressed up fashion, and the long-distance gorgeous woman greeted: "Seven old, you finally come back."

Li Feng only felt that the fragrant wind, and did not wait for him to talk. This woman got up.

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