Save the Goddess System

Chapter 773, I want to be quiet

Li Feng: "???"

This woman is Liu Hao called a woman called Ma Baolu?

Wei Bin has two more pet disciples, one is Liu Wei, two is Ma Baiku.

This time Wei Bin travels to him, and Ma Baolu is responsible for the family.

The woman who is able to be favored by Wei Bin, the appearance of Ma Baolu naturally said that the body is quite awesome, the long-term phase is also very beautiful, and between Liu Wei is between Jiefang.

Let's talk about the name of Ma Baolu, and a batch of cattle ...

"Laozi is now not mood, give me a bath water, go."

Waiting for it to be inexpensive enough by Ma Baoli, Li Feng pushed Horse, and said it was uncomfortable.

Ma Baolu's face is slightly changed, and this asked: "Ah, seven years old, have you hurt? Take off the clothes quickly, I will help you up my medicine."

It is necessary to go to the front to help Li Feng.

Li Feng quickly pushed her, not angro: "Hey, a little skin trauma, I have already healed. I will prepare for bathing water, give me a set of shojo, fast!"

Ma Baolu has changed again. When Wei Bin returned to the far door, I saw she was anxious. This time Wei Bin actually pushed her twice.

Rely, is Wei Bin floating or a grandmother?

However, when Ma Bai is discovered, Liu Wei, Ma Chao did not follow Wei Bin, and then contacted Wei Bin's misery model. Ma Baizhen guessed that Wei Bin should have encountered the enemy outside, and Liu Wei and Ma Chao have already fallen.

In this case, Wei Bin can also understand it without a mood.

"The seven years old are angry, people will give you a bath water."

Ma Baichen smashed a petite, turned and walked in the arrival, and the footsteps were very cheerful.

League, Liu Wei, who has been competing with her, is it dead? What can I have a proud of Wei Bin En?

Li Feng snorted, standing around the door.

When I entered the door, I built a wooden laverse around the courtyard. It was an arched gate to go to the head and entered this door. It should be the place where Wei Bin lives.

The ground in the middle of the courtyard is paved by blue bricks. It is very fascinating that some Li Feng have never seen in the place where Li Feng has never seen, and it is very fascinating.

"The people of the demon are understanding."

Li Feng shook his head and laughed and then looked up.

A few minutes later, Li Feng walked over the arched gate and a courtyard. This courtyard relative to the front courtyard is half, and the surroundings also plant some unknown flowers and fruits.

At the end of the courtyard, it is a row of red brick green tiles, the door, the window is wood, very like the picture of the costume drama.

Just when Li Feng got this row, from the Dongxiang's voice came from Dongxiang House: "Seven old, bathing water is ready, you come in."

"Well, immediately."

Li Feng snorted, and looked up and walked.

In the East Chest, Li Feng smelled a faint fragrance, and a large round wooden barrel was placed on the floor, and a new dress was put on the stool.

There is already hot water in the wooden barrel, some rose petals float in the water ...? !

"I wipe? Rose petals? What is this ghost ?!"

Li Feng is somewhat.

What is the rose petal, what is the lady?

At the time of Li Feng, Ma Baiqi suddenly walked to Li Peak, and raised his hand to help Li Peak clothes.

Li Feng is stiff, and I am busy: "I will come."

Ma Bai said, the previous thing is that she is doing with Liu Wei, what is the seven elders today, so abnormally!

Li Feng also knows that his behavior looks some abnormalities in Ma Bai, but he is a woman who can't stand a unkreated woman.

"Yes, seven years old."

After a short observance, Ma Baolu retired one step, then give it to yourself.

"Wait a minute!" Li Feng quickly stopped him: "You go out, I will come."

Nima, it is very obvious that Wei Bin is taking a bath, or Liu Wei is either Ma Bai, or it is two.

Why? Because the big round wooden bucket is too big, even the three people sit in and do not appear!

Rely, Wei Bin is really shameless!

"Seven old, you ..."

Ma Baolu is even more surprised, what happened to the seven elders, how is it a big breath?

"Nothing, I want to be quiet." Li Feng said with his hand and said.

"Who is quiet?" Ma Baijun first glance, then he said: "Seven old, you have found new joy, right?"

Li Feng: "???"

What is the new love? For a yarn! Laozi said to be quiet, quiet!

"Almost, in short ... I want a person to wait for a while, can you go out?"

Li Feng spit out a touch, and the cold voice said.

"Yes, seven years old."

Ma Bai Wei gently blessed, then turned to the mouth and went away, and he could hear her sobbies.

"Rely, hurt!"

Li Feng shook his head, jumped into the big wooden barrel, and the beauty of the beautiful bubble.

Li Feng knows that he is wasting time, and according to Liu Hao, Wei Bin is a very faceful person, whether in the magic old nest or go to the world, you have to clean up.

Under the public, he returned to here, he didn't pure it first.

After half an hour, Li Feng was complete, wearing a new clothes ready to go to the horse, looking at Ma Baolu: "Is the four elders back?"

"I came back, some people saw that he brought a strange woman back." Ma Baiqi helped Li Feng to pinch the shoulder, whispered.

Li Fengbei picks: "Oh ... Who is the woman, his good?"

"This is not very clear." Ma Bai shake his head, she is Wei Bin's person, it is impossible to run the news of Feng Dehai, which will be angry.

In the case of Wei Bin, Feng Dehai killed her anger, she wanted to cry without tears.

"Well." Li Feng nodded, and in his heart calculated what reason why I used to find Feng Dehai.

At this moment, some people shouted outside the gate: "The disciple of the four elders, Chen Yuan, seeing the seven elders!"

Li Fengbei picks: "Come in!"

Soon, Chen Yuan came to Li Peak, he first gave a hand, this: "Seven elders, four long, please go to the APA."

After the two hands of Li Feng, the chin was picked up, and the cold voice said: "What is it?"

Chen Yuanxin dismissed, but the surface was respectful.

Li Feng face color drama: "What? There is this thing ?!"

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