No ... Qiu Wei is not killed by Xiaoye, how can Feng Dehai receive a message from Qiu Wei?

Is it a little bud?

By, this woman can, the water is east, and it is a dead person!

A little thoughts, Li Feng guess the key, and the heart is not admired by the bud.

"We are also surprised when we hear this news."

Chen Yuan said with a laugh.

Li Feng spit out a touch, frowned and wrinkled: "Is other elders received a message?"

"In addition to the nine elders who haven't come back, the other elders have received the news." Chen Yuan said.

"Okay, take the way." Li Feng nodded, he would go to the old man.

But immediately stopped, turned to Ma Bai Wei: "You Liu Yu's sister and Ma Chao have fallen, then you are my most trusted people, do you understand?"

Ma Baiyu is a shock, deep suction airway: "The disciple understands!"

On the side, Chen Yuan is shock, and the face is revealed.

Liu Wei and Ma Chao have died? I rely on, no wonder disciples say Wei Bin is back, it looks still very miserable, it seems that he is in the outside.

Is it four top-level ancient people?

In the doubts, Chen Yuan followed the courtyard after Wei Bin.

When I went to the main hall, Li Feng suddenly stopped, and she said: "Your Chen Yuan, the four elders invites me, don't you know the front of the head?"

Chen Yuan's color is hysterested, and Wei Bin's ancestors of Wei Bin have been greedy.

Rely, Laozi is a special respect you, so it is like a class like you with the class, and if you are walking in front of you, you will say that Laozi is rude to you?

You are just a seven elders, but the old man is old, you have a species in front of the four elders, you can't die!

But no matter how it is in my heart, Chen Yuan is still speaking: "It is a disciple negligent, please an old anger!"

The voice falls, Chen Yuan actively went to the front line.

"Hey!" Wei Bin snorted, and his back was back.

A few minutes later, the two walked through the long step, came to the door of the Chamber of Commend, this is a high of about five meters, a width of about four meters, and there is a golden metal door. The plaque, written in the three words of Jiu Hanzong.

Slightly estimated, Li Feng can't help but brow, 9 meters wide, five meters high, implied in nine- The great ambition!

Entering the door, Li Feng stepping on a long gold carpet, this carpet is 50 meters long, the end is a high platform with a nine-story ladder.

A huge gold chair is placed on the high platform, and there is no one in the chair.

It is also implied in nine five!

Li Feng looked up and saw the dome. Under the visual inspection, there was a three-storey building higher than the distance between the dome.

"Rely, isn't it nine meters five?"

Li Feng's mouth smoked, secretly guess.

Look at both sides of the rug nine meters away, each has a row of high gold columns to connect the ground and the dome, each row, the golden column, the dragon painting, is very gorgeous.

A luxurious seat is placed between each column, four left, five on the right side, is the exclusive seat of the devil nine elders.

This nine chairs are red, plus golden cushions, back, and placed red coffee next to the chair, and the coffee table is placed on the coffee table, and there is a tea set.

At this moment, the four chairs on the left side and the two chairs on the right side have already sat. Li Feng didn't want too much to gain them. After you picked them, the next stop is taken to the right of the third chair.

According to Liu Wei's story, the nine chairs in the Chamber of Deputies are not just sitting, and each elders have a exclusive seat.

According to the one to nine, the four elders of the first four elders sit on the left side of the four chairs, follow the five elders of the old sequence on the right side of the right side.

Wei Bin, is the third one on the right!

"Old seven, I heard that you are injured outside, what is the situation?"

When Li Feng sat down, the first one wearing a brown Tang in the left side asked.

This person is the demon, and Luo Tianzheng!

Li Feng faces a slight change, and it is busy denial: "It is impossible, I don't have, you have heard it wrong!"

Luo Tian is laughing with other elders, so many disciples have seen things, Wei Bin actually denied that he is afraid that he is afraid that he is not able to change.

"But only the realm of half the god, isn't it?"

Luo Tian is playing smile, and the tea cup is laughing.

Li Feng faces a slight change, and then he smiled: "This ... I met the little child when I practiced ..."

Why should he apply a plasma to him before you come here? That is to give people a way to be hurt!

In this way, the atmosphere of his half-gods has explained that Wei Bin can be a strong middle-aged strong!

"Yes?" Luo Tianzheng dranked with a tea, and smiled and put down the tea cup without talking.

At this time, the middle-aged woman sitting on the left head second chair smiled: "How do you explain Liu Wei and Ma Chao not follow you?"

This middle-aged woman is the devil two elders, Liang Yuxin.

Li Feng's color change number, finally, said: "Oh, yes, I did have a strong enemy outside, but I finally ran away, although Liu Wei, Ma Chao was unfortunate, and people who won't win. ! "

"Outside things we didn't see, who knew that you won or fled." Liang Yuxin was launched.

Li Feng faces, just to refute a few words, the old people sitting on the left of the first chair have been robbed: "We are all the brothers of the same door, the second elders, you ridicule the old seven, is it too much ?! "

This person is the devil three elders, Wan Zhi.

Liang Yuxin is slightly changed, and the cold snort is not open.

Li Fengbei picks up, rushed to the Wan Zi Dao.

According to Liu Wei's story, the relationship between the devil's nine elders is more complicated. She only knows that Wei Bin is very close to the three elders. Therefore, the Wanzi is expected to speak in Li Feng at this moment. in.

Wan Zi Tao smiled slightly, then said: "Old seven, talk about your experience outside."

Li Feng nodded, and the face did not say: "Half a month ago, I led Liu Wei, Ma Chao went to the future shopping mall warehouse to rush, encountered a young man ..."

When he was in the moment, he told Wei Bin to Li Feng, of course, of course, the result of the battle became a retreat of Li Feng.

"After that, I took a dozen days and grab a small warehouse, and then I came back."

The voice falls, Li Feng will take the replenishment before the system backpack.

These replenishment is Li Pefei to suffer from a long-lasting battle, and in advance, buy it in the mall, just this.

"Li Feng? There are no surnames in the four houses. What is he sacred?" Liang Yuxin and others were confused.

"I don't know." Li Feng shook his head, said that the face did not jump: "Although I don't want to admit, this young man is the most fascinating in the martial arts that I have encountered, and his appearance is also Feng God Junlang, it is a human dragon and phoenix, can repeat him, and I also account for a lot of luck. "

Liang Yu Xin et al.: "???"

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