Save the Goddess System

Chapter 775 Mingguo Fighting

I am special ... Li Feng is not the enemy of Wei Bin, why do he do so force to zoom Lifeng, this special is very embarrassing? !

However, Luo Tianzheng is reminded that Li Feng is stronger, and Wei Bin, which is repelled by Li Feng, is equivalent to praise Wei Bin himself!

Wei Bin, this arrogant temper is afraid that it will change it for a lifetime ...

"Cough, there is such a beautiful young man in the world, it is really letting us open your eyes!"

Three elders Wan Zidao shook his head and said with emotion.

Luo Tianzheng, Liang Yuxin and others face each other, the expression is very helpless.

"Cough, the past is not mentioned first, let's talk about the third thing. You said that the old eight got the nine peace? This news is not reliable?"

The old old Luo Tian is knocked on the table and pulled back the topic.

At this time, Liang Yuxin, Wanzi Road and others have seen Feng Dehai.

Under the eyes, Feng Dehai is lighter: "Of course, I can't make a joke with the brothers in this matter."

"Where is your message?" Luo Tianzheng is slightly smashed, and I asked.

"This is ... Hey, all the brothers will sell a little." Feng Dehai smiled and said: "I want to ask, Qiu Wei has got the nine peace, but there is no first time. What is the idea of ​​the brothers? "

"Hey, what else can I think, I think he wants to be the landlord." Liang Yin said.

"This is a very obvious thing, I have to get the nine and more than the nine. If Qiu Yu is really got, it is afraid that it has been hidden somewhere at this moment, and the study has been used." I also laughed.

At this moment, Luo Tian was knocked on the table, and she said: "The second, the third, the premise of this conclusion is that Qiu Wei really got the nine peace, but this is just the words of the old four, isn't there? ? "

At this time, Liang Yuxin, Wan Zhi has closed his mouth.

Feng Dehai played a smile: "The old old, we all know that Qiu Wei is yours, Qiu Wei goes out to find the nine chanting is also your finger, but he didn't come back after he got a ninegest order. What?"

Luo Tianzheng pupil, cold channel: "The old four, what do you mean?"

Feng Dehai came to the tea cup and said that this slowly said: "Nothing means, I want to remind you, Qiu Wei has betrayed you, if you still think that he will return to you, then I advise you I died this heart early. "


Luo Tianzheng took a table, and the anger said: "The old four, I am your master, do you talk to the master as a brother?"

Feng Dehai's mouth hook, laughed: "The old elders are because I treat you as a big brother, only to remind you."

Luo Tianzheng is more angry, and the breath of the body is faint!

Liang Yuxin sat in the chair with the Wanzi Dynasty, seeing the eyes of nasal nose, a pair of uncomfortable things, no need to involve Luo Tianzheng and Feng Dehai dispute.

"The big old, the four elders said, Qiu Wei got the nine characters but did not come back, Sima Zhao's heart is well known!"

At this time, the first middle-aged man sitting on the right side said out.

This person is the devil five elders, Huang Wei.

"Yeah, the old age, the four elders are a kind, you don't want to misunderstand."

The six elders of the left hand on Huang Wei said.

On the one side, Li Feng's eyes are slightly smashed.

From the short dialogue just now, Li Feng has read a lot of useful information.

Eight Changli Qiu Wei is a very close to the world to find a nine festival, and Wei Bin is very close to the three elders and old people. The Wei Bin went to the world. ?

Although Wei Bin is going to the world to grab the replenishment, is there a nine chanting?

Look at the five elders, Huang Wei, the six elders, Wang Yuanliang, talking about Feng Dehai, is it said that Huang Wei is with Wang Yuanliang as a Feng Dehai Station?

In the old age of the devil, there is still the two women who have never come back. As the only two women in the nine elders, there is no cooperation between Bai Xuelian and Liang Yuxin?

"Sure like Liu Wei, the relationship between the elders of the devil is really complicated."

Li Feng secretly emotion.

"Hey!" Luo Tianzhi snorted, swept the two people in Huang Wei, and the cold voice said: "Don't think that I don't know what is the relationship with Feng Dehai. Even if I get the ninegest or not, I don't come back, I Can you still be afraid of him ?! "

"Haha, the big elders are not afraid." Feng Dehai shot and laughed very happy.

Wan Zidao shook his head smiles, slightly ridiculed: "The old age, how to put the secrets of Shen Zong members, once you are, even if you are half-god, you must squat Stering for mercy. "

In this way, Luo Tianzheng's face has become a bit ugly: "Hey, the third, you are very small, the wind is rushing, the old eight is the least right, he wants to control us, the first It is you, believe it? "

Wan Zao's face is stiff, then the cold snort is no longer speech.

At this time, Liang Yuxin can't see it: "Well, don't quarrel, now the urgent task is to find Qiu Wei, take back the nine characters, and then ask the nine peace to destroy the nine."

Li Fengbei picks: "Emotionally look for nine characters, is to destroy the nine peace? I will go ... this brain ... is enough!"

"I agreed with the second elderly proposal." Feng Dehai raised his hand, then smiled: "Is there any other to show a position, in the election of a nephew?"

Luo Tian's front color micro-change: "The old four, I said that I found it, who found the nine characters, and when the people of the people, the nine brothers, who is the main owner, do you want to eat?"

"The old age, not what I want to eat, is Qiu Wei ran in the nine order." Feng Dehai knocked on the table, ridicule: "Let's not choose the main owner, unite, how to find Qiu Wei destroyed Jiuwei Order? Do you not be afraid that you are behind the cold arrow? "

"I support the four elders' statements!"

"I also support the four elders!"

Huang Wei is in the hands of Wang Yuanliang.

Wan Zidao glanced at Liang Yuxin, and he nodded: "I also support the proposal of the old four, we should choose the host."

Two words, Li Feng also said: "I also agree."

In this way, there will be six consent in the seven elders to choose the primary, Luo Tianzheng, even if it is a reasons for rejection.

Luo Tian's front color change number, finally biting his teeth said: "Well, since everyone has agreed to choose the main owner now, then we will go to play the battlefield, who is the strongest who is the master!"

When you come out, Liang Yuxin, the two people are hesitant.

In the nine elders, Luo Tian is the most unspeakable. Once this method is selected, the probability of being elected!

At the time of silence between the scene, Feng Dehai laughed: "The old old, you just didn't ask me where Qiu Wei got the nine chanting? It is very simple, because I found the Shengguan Xiaolei, this news is her Tell me the close. "

"Not only that, I also brought the sacred girl here, and the sacred girl is a reason why the Lord's life daughter, the master of the martial arts, the position of the owner, should be inherited by the saints!"

I heard this words, Luo Tianzheng and others have a color!

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